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Hope Rehab Thailand. Treatment director: Simon Mott Head counselor: Henk Nagel Mindfullnes expert: Paul Garrigan Translation by: Alon Kumsawad.

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Presentation on theme: "Hope Rehab Thailand. Treatment director: Simon Mott Head counselor: Henk Nagel Mindfullnes expert: Paul Garrigan Translation by: Alon Kumsawad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hope Rehab Thailand

2 Treatment director: Simon Mott Head counselor: Henk Nagel Mindfullnes expert: Paul Garrigan Translation by: Alon Kumsawad

3 By Simon Mott Aftercare Program

4 Treatment Program Our Rehab program concentrates on 5 core areas; 1.Twelve step Treatment 2.CBT 3.Mindfulness practice 4.Fitness program 5.Relapse prevention So we include the same in Aftercare plan

5 Addiction Addiction is a Neurological disorder - It is a brain disease manifesting in 1.Thinking 2.Feelings 3.Behaviour This leads to dysfunction and death

6 The term recovery means: A return to a healthy state of, mind, body and soul. In NA we believe an addict cannot recover the ability to drink or use drugs safely

7 This presentation will include Recovery planning -Recovery map -Daily rituals -Goalsetting Relapse prevention - Triggers - Cravings - CBT NA & AA meetings Motivation

8 Recovery planning For a sustainable recovery every client must make a recovery plan Mapping helps you visualize and memorize you plan

9 Recovery Map

10 Relapse prevention - Triggers What are Triggers? Anything that causes thoughts of using drink/drugs…..leading to Cravings Relapse Prevention is learning how to identify, avoid and manage triggers

11 Relapse prevention - Triggers Lack of routine and structure. Keeping alcohol, drugs and paraphernalia around the house. Hanging around old people and places. Hiding and isolation. Ignoring relapse warning sings and triggers Setting unrealistic goals, high expectations.

12 Relapse prevention - Triggers At Hope Rehab our clients identify their triggers in the following areas: People Places Self

13 Relapse prevention – People

14 Relapse prevention – Places

15 Relapse prevention – Self

16 Relapse prevention - Cravings Learning how to resist a craving is very important.

17 Relapse prevention - Cravings What is a Craving? A Craving is physical and emotional It is a powerful urge to take Drugs or Alcohol Addicts risk there lives to feed the Addiction

18 Relabs prevention - Cravings We use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to diffuse cravings The CBT presentation will be later today

19 Cravings We also use mindfulness techniques to manage cravings

20 Recovery planning – Goal setting Goalsetting instills hope and direction: Work Education Health Family

21 Recovery planning - Daily rituals Our clients include the following activities and rituals in their daily plan Fitness and exercise Spirituality (personal) Mindfulness (awareness) Service to others

22 NA & AA meetings Our program is based on the 12 step program of NA and AA Aftercare is attending NA and AA meetings The clients at Hope Rehab who attend NA and AA are more successful than those who don’t

23 NA & AA meetings Statisticely people who attend NA & AA meetings are more likely to stay in recovery.

24 Attending Meetings Accountability Checking in Socializing Keep busy New friends Sense of belonging Learning to cope

25 Motivating client’s Most people relapse because the do not follow an aftercare plan or do not engage in aftercare activities

26 At Hope Rehab we have an aftercare co- ordinator

27 Motivating Tips Explain the disease modal Agree abstinence Client designs recovery plan Sign and date recovery plan Accountability – checks in Follow up with client Rewards of recovery

28 Weekly Planner

29 Weekly planner helps with completing goals; 1.Structure 2.Negative thinking 3.Training Education 4.Time with family 5.Boredom 6.Confidence

30 The End Thank you

31 Hope Rehab Thailand Presentation 2

32 Gratitude Therapy by Simon Mott 13:00 – 14:45 pm

33 Recovery Tools - 1 Gratitude Therapy is a Recovery Tool

34 Gratitude therapy Gratitude is a positve emotion. Research shows gratitude therapy is the most direct route to restoring happiness

35 Gratitude therapy The practise of gratitude helps with feelings of not having enough or not being enough Addicts often experience this

36 What is gratitude therapy? It is a daily ritual It is quick and simple Turning negative into positive Magnifying the positive Glass halve full – not half empty Mood altering

37 Gratitude group At Hope Rehab our clients get together in a group every morning to share their gratitude lists with each other. Sharing your gratitude makes it even more powerful.

38 Experience the power of gratitude! NOW

39 Gratitude therapy Exercise: List 10 things you are greatfull for.

40 Who felt the power of gratitude? WOW

41 Gratitude therapy We suggest taking 5 minutes every day to write a self-guided Gratitude journal

42 Gratitude therapy - Benefits Happiness More friendly Less social anxiety Patience Reduce depression Reduces envy/jealousy Physical health

43 Gratitude therapy Keep an attitude of Gratitude

44 Recovery Tools - 2 Daily Reflection is a Recovery Tool

45 Daily Reflection Clients take time to reflect on the day It is a daily journal We do this for peace of mind and change

46 Daily Reflection Did you have a trigger or craving today? Did you make any mistakes today? Did you wrong anyone today? Did you have any Fear, Anger or Self- centeredness today?

47 Daily Reflection Write down any corrective action you can take Do you owe anyone an apology? What have you learned? What will you change?

48 Daily Reflection Exercise: take a few minutes to try the daily reflection tool, ask yourself; 1.Did you have any difficulties today? 2.Did you have any negative thoughts? 3.Any negative feelings? 4.What would you change?

49 Daily Reflection Plan to allow time for reflection each day?

50 Recovery Tools - 3 HALT is a Recovery Tool

51 H.A.L.T H ungry A ngry L onely T ired

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