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Utilizing Yoga as a Holistic Approach in Addiction Recovery Phyllis Moses, RYT-500, BA, C.Ht., CHBE

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Presentation on theme: "Utilizing Yoga as a Holistic Approach in Addiction Recovery Phyllis Moses, RYT-500, BA, C.Ht., CHBE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilizing Yoga as a Holistic Approach in Addiction Recovery Phyllis Moses, RYT-500, BA, C.Ht., CHBE

2  Based on C.G. Jung’s work - Shadow vs. Self Concept - Shadow vs. Self Concept - Addict Concept vs. Wise Woman - Addict Concept vs. Wise Woman  Abstinence based  Treatment Methods –Cognitive Behavioral Therapy –12 Step Facilitation –Motivational Interviewing –Movement Therapy

3 Objective of Yoga Program  Integration of cognitive learning with kinesthetic learning  Echoes the broader program by cultivating emotional and mental health with spirituality  Provides learned tools for relapse prevention

4 Annamaya and Pranamaya Kosha  Connecting breath with movement in asanas  Understanding link between nutrition and well-being  Creates stability by focusing on the breath

5 Manomaya & Vijnanamaya Kosha  Loving kindness meditation  Watching thoughts, feeling sensations

6 Anandamaya Kosha Experiencing a felt sense connection with one’s True Self

7 Class Outline  Breath awareness  Loving kindness meditation  Supine asanas, kneeling, prone, seated, standing, balance, seated, supine  Sequencing using f.b., b.b.,extension, twisting, lateral movements  Deep relaxation

8 Results  Developed trust of themselves and love for their body  Cultivates intrapersonal compassion  Learned to set clear boundaries  Developed physical and emotional resilience  Learned better patterns of healthful living  Increased joy and creativity  Promotes self-esteem, so you effortlessly want to do it more

9 Residence XII Outcomes In 2008:  Over 96% sober  Over 80% did not relapse since leaving treatment The overwhelming success (abstinence) of the women completing treatment at Residence XII is in part due the integrative approach of the program, focusing on the mind, the body and the spirit of the individual woman. The yoga program is an integral part of this integrative approach.

10 References Presentation References   There are many books and websites about the Viniyoga tradition   digital reference library         12 step information:   Residence XII   Information about the interface between science and contemplative traditions Chemical Dependency   NIAAA 2008:   NIDA: InfoFacts,   Grupp, K. (2006). Women One Year Following Gender-Specific Treatment for Alcohol and/or other Drug Dependency, Journal of Addictions Nursing, 17:5-11.

11 Phyllis Moses, RYT-500,BA, C.Ht.,CHBE

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