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Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures for Research and Education Data Sharing Grant.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures for Research and Education Data Sharing Grant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures for Research and Education Data Sharing Grant Agreement n. 306819 Interoperation and coordination of eInfrastructures Kostas Koumantaros, GRNET Madrid / Sep 2013

2 Overall vision of WP3  Support Grids, but also extend to clouds & HPC  Put more stress on operations and actual technical things  Aspire to be leading the intercontinental technical collaboration, not just defining frameworks; through establishing best practices, policies, participation in leading groups

3 Objectives  Support the stability of existing and emerging Regional Operation Centres (ROCs) so as to ensure interoperability of DCIs, with focus on Grids.  Maintain a set of guidelines for standard grid interfacing, customised for the type of region.  Investigate the emerging cloud solutions and propose the relevant interoperation approaches.  Analyse the existing HPC interoperation approaches and propose potential solutions.

4 Tasks: 3.1 plan Ongoing support: ROC support: Once implementation plan (D3.1) is defined, support will be provided to ROCs for implementing the plan. This will be done through advice and some online hands-on support, but main effort needs to come from regions. Site support: This will be done by ROCs/regions themselves. Some limited advice and support can be provided, especially for the “emerging regions such as Africa and Arab Countries.” CHAIN representation in specific policy groups related to operations: example, GRNET in “The Security for Collaborating Infrastructures (SCI) group”.

5 Tasks: 3.2 description and plan  Task 3.2 Promoting & fostering adoption of standards in R&E eInfrastructures;  Promote concrete actions towards Middleware interoperability using the existing liaison with middleware providers in the different regions of the world addressed by the project (i.e. EMI in Europe, Garuda in India, CNGrid in China, OurGrid in Latin America, etc.)  Taking active participation in the international fora such as OGF.  The task will also explore solutions based on the use of standards for the interface of applications (e.g. SAGA).  The activity will include regular meetings with the middleware developers in order to define agreed steps toward the adoption of commonly accepted standards.

6 Tasks: 3.3 description and plan  Task 3.3 Clouds for R&E Cloud as an emerging paradigm will be considered in this task through information exchange and coordination of effort between Europe and other world regions. The European solutions will be explored/compared, in coordination with other regions of the world and specifically with developments in Latin America, India and China. A specific cloud technical survey will be carried out, which will summarise technical cloud solutions available in Europe and the world, specifically focusing on federated clouds for Research and Education. A set of recommendations regarding compatibility will be produced and a group of experts from the emerging scenario selected and invited to participate to Technical tables in the CHAIN-REDS area of interest. The goal of these Technical tables will be to actively promote guidance towards interoperation and “federability” between clouds initiatives outside Europe and the European actors.

7 Tasks: 3.4 description and plan  Task 3.4 HPC landscaping;  “This task will involve the data exchange and studies on HPC state of the art around the world, in terms of resource sharing and common operations within regions. Based on this, a set of best practices and examples for HPC interoperations and sharing guidelines will be produced. The HPC centres operation across the CHAIN-REDS regions will be surveyed, and comparative studies will be made.“  Envisaged timeline: after year 1 of project.  “The task will investigate also the growing uptake of GPU (Graphics Processing Units) based HPC as intermediate and/or complementary resources with better performance/price and performance/power ratios. The task will show how and if these can be merged in a single stop shopping infrastructure for scientific users. “

8 EGI Relationships … 8 EGI TF / Madrid / 18 Sep 2013

9 Action Points for Integrated Resource Infrastructure Providers  AP-ROC-1: Designate a person that will have the role of the ROC Manager AP-ROC-2: Designate a person that will have the role of the Security Officer  AP-ROC-3: Sign MoU with as an Integrated Resource Infrastructure Provider  AP-ROC-4: Provide IGTF Accredited Certificate Services that will cover the whole ROC  AP-ROC-5: Create a new Regional Operations Centre in the GOCDB and register production Sites  AP-ROC-6: Setup and Operate a Grid Monitoring Service  AP-ROC-7: Publish accounting records to the Accounting System from all certified Resource Centres  AP-ROC-8: Adopt and employ Operational Policies and Procedures  AP-ROC-9: Set up & Operate dedicated Support Unit in GGUS

10 Action Points for Integrated Peer Infrastructure Providers  Peer-AP-1: Designate a person that will have the role of the ROC Manager  Peer-AP-2: Designate a person that will have the role of the Security Officer  Peer-AP-3: Investigate the compatibility with the EGI policies  Peer-AP-4: Register with as a Peer Resource Infrastructure Provider  Peer-AP-5: Create dedicated Support Unit in GGUS and Integrate Request Tracker with GGUS  Peer-AP-6: Use a central Science Gateway in Catania through which European users can run jobs on their infrastructure and Users can run jobs on the EGI infrastructure  Peer-AP-7: Investigate integration with the EGI Accounting System  Peer-AP-8: Investigate the publishing of Service Information using Glue 1.3 or Glue 2.0  Peer-AP-9: Investigate integration with the EGI Monitoring Framework

11 Africa & Arabia ROC  ROC Manager: Bruce Becker  Area: Africa & Arabia  Middleware: EMI-2 and EMI-3  Web-site:  Active Sites: 12 Registered: 6 (NGI_ZA)  Current Status:  MoU with will be signed by Meraka Institute  All sites to be registered with GOCDB  SAM/Nagios service operational for AAROC  Installing Regional Accounting Server and Portal.

12 Asia & Pacific ROC  ROC Manager: Eric Yen  Area: Asia & Pacific  Middleware: EMI-2  Web-site: http://aproc.twgrid.org  Active Sites: 65 Registered 65  Current Status:  Fully Operational (long time ago)

13 Latin America ROC  ROC Manager: Renato Santana  Area: Latin America  Middleware: EMI-2  Web-site:  Active Sites: 6 Registered 17  Current Status:  Migrating to new Operations Centre shared among the partners  Preparing to certify their rest of the sites

14 China ROC  ROC Manager: Yan Xiaofei  Area: WLCG/EMI Based sites in China  Middleware: EMI-2  Web-site: http://www.china-roc.cn  Active Sites: 1 Registered under ROC CANADA  Current Status:  Preparing to negotiate an MoU with  Preparing to migrate their sites from ROC Canada to ROC China

15 CNGrid ROC (Peer RP)  ROC Manager: Dr. Haili Xiao  Area: Non UMD/EMI/WLCG Sites in China  Middleware: GOS  Web-site:  Active Sites: 14 (not UMD/EMI Compatible middleware)  Current Status: Investigating the compatibility of their policies with the EGI policies About to register with as a Peer Resource Infrastructure Provider About to Setup a specific Support Unit in the CHINA ROC Helpdesk

16 Garuda ROC (Peer RP)  ROC Manager: M. Divya  Area: India  Middleware: GARUDA  Web-site:  Active Sites: 8 Registered: 0 (not UMD/EMI Compatible middleware)  Current Status: Investigating the compatibility of their policies with the EGI policies About to register with as a Peer Resource Infrastructure Provider About to integrate GARUDA Request Tracker with a GGUS SU.

17 Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures for Research and Education Data Sharing Grant Agreement n. 306819 Thank you ! roc-managers -at-

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