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Efficient Merging and Filtering Algorithms for Approximate String Searches Chen Li, Jiaheng Lu and Yiming Lu Univ. of California, Irvine, USA ICDE ’08.

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Presentation on theme: "Efficient Merging and Filtering Algorithms for Approximate String Searches Chen Li, Jiaheng Lu and Yiming Lu Univ. of California, Irvine, USA ICDE ’08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Efficient Merging and Filtering Algorithms for Approximate String Searches Chen Li, Jiaheng Lu and Yiming Lu Univ. of California, Irvine, USA ICDE ’08 30 Mar 2011 Taewhi Lee

2 Outline  Motivation  Preliminaries  Merging Algorithms – Previous Two Algorithms – Proposed Three Algorithms  Experiments  Conclusion 2

3 Motivation: Data Cleaning and Integration 3 NamePhoneAddr Brad Pitt…… Samuel L. Jackson…… Keanu Reeves…… Angelina Jolie…… Arnold Schwarzenegger…… BirthAgeName ……Brad Pitt ……Arnold Schwarzeneger ……Keanu Reeves ……Angelina Jolie ……Samuel Jackson No exact match!  Real-world data is dirty – Inconsistent representations – Typos

4 Motivation: Query Relaxation 4 StarTitleYearGenre Keanu ReevesThe Matrix1999Sci-Fi Samuel JacksonIron man2008Sci-Fi Arnold SchwarzeneggerThe Terminator1984Sci-Fi Samuel JacksonThe man2005Crime Find movies starred Schwarrzenger  Allowing errors in queries or data

5 Approximation String Searches 5 Query q: Schwarrzenger Collection of strings s Search Output: strings s that satisfy Sim(q,s) ≤ δ Sim functions: edit distance, Jaccard coefficient,cosine similarity, … Star Keanu Reeves Samuel Jackson Arnold Schwarzenegger …

6 Outline  Motivation  Preliminaries  Merging Algorithms – Previous Two Algorithms – Proposed Three Algorithms  Experiments  Conclusion 6

7 Approximate Query Answering 7  Main idea: use q-grams as signatures for a string stick 2-grams = {st, ti, ic, ck}  Intuition: similar strings share a certain number of grams  Inverted index on grams supports finding all data strings sharing enough grams with a query

8 Gram Inverted Index 8  Convert strings to gram inverted lists id strings 0123401234 rich stick stich stuck static 4 23 0 1 4 2-grams at ch ck ic ri st ta ti tu uc 2 0 13 0124 4 124 3 3

9 Approximate Query Example 9 Query ed(s,q) ≤ 1 stick  {st,ti,ic,ck} Merge count >=2 Candidates id strings 0123401234 rich stick stich stuck static 4 23 0 1 4 Grams at ch ck ic ri st ta ti tu uc 2 0 13 0124 4 124 3 3

10 T-Occurrence Problem 10 Find elements whose occurrences ≥ T among inverted lists Ascending order Merge

11 T-Occurrence Problem Example 11 Result: {13} 1 3 5 10 13 10 13 15 5 7 13 15 T=4

12 Outline  Motivation  Preliminaries  Merging Algorithms – Previous Two Algorithms – Proposed Three Algorithms  Experiments  Conclusion 12

13 Five Merge Algorithms 13 HeapMerger [Sarawagi,SIGMOD ’04] MergeOpt [Sarawagi,SIGMOD ‘04] Previous New ScanCount MergeSkipDivideSkip

14 Heap-Based Algorithm (HeapMerger) 14  Count # of the occurrences of each element by a heap Min-heap Push to heap …… Maintain frontiers of the lists as a heap

15 Heap-Based Algorithm Example 15 1 3 5 10 13 10 13 15 5 7 13 15 T=4 10 1 5 1315 10 5 13 15 10 3 5 1513

16 Heap-Based Algorithm Example 16 1 3 5 10 13 10 13 15 5 7 13 15 T=4 10 3 5 1513 10 5 13 15 10 5 5 1513

17 Heap-Based Algorithm Example 17 1 3 5 10 13 10 13 15 5 7 13 15 T=4 10 5 5 1513 10 5 13 15 10 13 15 7 10 1310

18 MergeOpt Algorithm 18 Long Lists: T-1 Short Lists Binary search

19 MergeOpt Algorithm Example 19 Long Lists: 3 Short Lists: 2 1 3 5 10 13 10 13 15 5 7 13 15 T=4

20 Five Merge Algorithms 20 Previous New ScanCount MergeSkipDivideSkip HeapMergerMergeOpt

21 ScanCount Algorithm 21 123…123… 1 3 5 10 13 10 13 15 5 7 13 15 0 0 0 4 1 Increment by 1 1 String ID 13 14 15 0 2 0 0 Result! T=4

22 MergeSkip Algorithm 22 Min-heap …… T-1 Jump Greater or equals Pop T-1 elements

23 MergeSkip Algorithm Example 23 1 3 5 10 15 5757 1315 Min-heap 10 1315 1 5 Jump 15 13 17 T=4

24 DivideSkip Algorithm 24  MergeOpt + MergeSkip Long Lists: T-LShort Lists MergeSkip Binary search

25 Outline  Motivation  Preliminaries  Merging Algorithms – Previous Two Algorithms – Proposed Three Algorithms  Experiments  Conclusion 25

26 Experiment Settings  3-gram, edit distance  Ubuntu OS, GNU C++  2.13GHz dual core CPU, 2GB RAM Dataset# of records avg. size of gram list # of unique grams DBLP (paper titles) 274,788 (17.8MB) 6759,940 IMDB (actor names) 1,199,299 (22MB) 1934,737 WEB Corpus (English words) 2,000,000 (48.3MB) 2681,620 26

27 Experiment Results: Query Time (DBLP) 27 DivideSkip is the best

28 Experiment Results: # of Visited Strings (DBLP) 28 DivideSkip is the best

29 Experiment Results: Tradeoff in DivideSkip 29 Short Lists Long Lists Lookup Merge

30 Outline  Motivation  Preliminaries  Merging Algorithms – Previous Two Algorithms – Proposed Three Algorithms  Experiments  Conclusion 30

31 Conclusion  Three new algorithms  We run faster 31 ScanCount MergeSkipDivideSkip

32 Thank You! Any questions or comments?

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