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Published byDaniella Jacobs Modified over 8 years ago
P OINT -E VIDENCE -A NALYSIS The Point-Evidence-Analysis Paragraph is a simple paragraph structure that can be used for any type of writing. It consists of three parts:
A P OINT Your “point” should be an argument, something that needs to be supported or illustrated with specific evidence or details. Your point should be directly related to your document’s overall thesis statement or purpose.
S OME E VIDENCE Following the point, there should be immediate evidence to illustrate or defend the point you just stated. In this case, evidence is quoted or paraphrased material from your sources
T HE A NALYSIS Following your evidence, you need to provide some sort of insight or further discussion of your ideas and how they support your thesis statement. direct connection You need to establish a direct connection between your paragraph and your thesis statement.
POINT Today, Americans are too self-centered. Even our families don’t matter as much anymore as they once did Today, Americans are too self-centered. Even our families don’t matter as much anymore as they once did. Other people and activities take precedence, as James Gleick says in his book Faster, “We are consumers on the run…the very notion of the family meal as a sit down occasion is vanishing. Adults and children alike eat…on the way to their next activity” (148). Sit down meals are a time to share and connect with others; however’ that connections has become less valued, as families begin to prize individual activities over shared time, promoting self- centeredness over group identity.
EVIDENCE Other people and activities take precedence, as James Gleick says in his book Faster: “We are consumers on the run…the very notion of the family meal as a sit down occasion is vanishing. Adults and children alike eat…on the way to their next activity” (148). Today, Americans are too self-centered. Even our families don’t matter as much anymore as they once did. Other people and activities take precedence, as James Gleick says in his book Faster: “We are consumers on the run…the very notion of the family meal as a sit down occasion is vanishing. Adults and children alike eat…on the way to their next activity” (148). Sit down meals are a time to share and connect with others; however’ that connections has become less valued, as families begin to prize individual activities over shared time, promoting self- centeredness over group identity.
ANALYSIS Sit down meals are a time to share and connect with others; however, that connection has become less valued, as families begin to prize individual activities over shared time, promoting self- centeredness over group identity. Today, Americans are too self-centered. Even our families don’t matter as much anymore as they once did. Other people and activities take precedence, as James Gleick says in his book Faster, “We are consumers on the run…the very notion of the family meal as a sit down occasion is vanishing. Adults and children alike eat…on the way to their next activity” (148). Sit down meals are a time to share and connect with others; however, that connection has become less valued, as families begin to prize individual activities over shared time, promoting self- centeredness over group identity.
P OINT Environmentalists have over exaggerated global warming. With the drastic number of fires, floods, tornado, and droughts, they are quick to blame the rising temperatures on pollution. Environmentalists have over exaggerated global warming. With the drastic number of fires, floods, tornado, and droughts, they are quick to blame the rising temperatures on pollution. However, scientists have found that the earth has warmed only one degree over the past century (Caruba). A century ago there were not the automobiles and factories there are today, so perhaps pollution is not the cause. So if pollution is not contributing to global warming, then what is? Scientists have known about hole in the protective ozone layer for decades. Environmentalists blame the hole on pollution. The hole then admits harmful UV rays. This then causes global warming. Scientists argue that these holes may be a natural occurrence (Caruba). They are supposed to happen, just like leaves falling off the trees in autumn. In fact, pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer seem to have little effect on our air. The EPA reports that since 1970, air quality has steadily improved (“The Environment”). Obviously, the environmentalists are not looking at scientific fact when it comes to global warming.
E VIDENCE However, scientists have found that the earth has warmed only one degree over the past century (Caruba). Scientists argue that these holes may be a natural occurrence (Caruba). The EPA reports that since 1970, air quality has steadily improved (”The Environment”). Environmentalists have over exaggerated global warming. With the drastic number of fires, floods, tornado, and droughts, they are quick to blame the rising temperatures on pollution. However, scientists have found that the earth has warmed only one degree over the past century (Caruba). A century ago there were not the automobiles and factories there are today, so perhaps pollution is not the cause. So if pollution is not contributing to global warming, then what is? Scientists have known about hole in the protective ozone layer for decades. Environmentalists blame the hole on pollution. The hole then admits harmful UV rays. This then causes global warming. Scientists argue that these holes may be a natural occurrence (Caruba). They are supposed to happen, just like leaves falling off the trees in autumn. In fact, pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer seem to have little effect on our air. The EPA reports that since 1970, air quality has steadily improved (”The Environment”). Obviously, the environmentalists are not looking at scientific fact when it comes to global warming.
A NALYSIS A century ago there were not the automobiles and factories there are today, so perhaps pollution is not the cause. They are supposed to happen, just like leaves falling off the trees in autumn. Obviously, the environmentalists are not looking at scientific fact when it comes to global warming. Environmentalists have over exaggerated global warming. With the drastic number of fires, floods, tornado, and droughts, they are quick to blame the rising temperatures on pollution. However, scientists have found that the earth has warmed only one degree over the past century (Caruba). A century ago there were not the automobiles and factories there are today, so perhaps pollution is not the cause. So if pollution is not contributing to global warming, then what is? Scientists have known about hole in the protective ozone layer for decades. Environmentalists blame the hole on pollution. The hole then admits harmful UV rays. This then causes global warming. Scientists argue that these holes may be a natural occurrence (Caruba). They are supposed to happen, just like leaves falling off the trees in autumn. In fact, pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer seem to have little effect on our air. The EPA reports that since 1970, air quality has steadily improved (”The Environment”). Obviously, the environmentalists are not looking at scientific fact when it comes to global warming.
P RACTICE On your own paper, copy the question, underline any key words and circle the amount of examples you need to give. Reminder: Is Pender High School a good school to attend? Give at least two examples to prove your point.
L IST WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS “ PARAGRAPH ”: It is a great school to go to. There are alot of different classes. The classes can be fun, but they can be boring. I like my German class, but not gym.
G ENERAL O VERVIEW Point Situation Evidence Little Analysis Situation Evidence Little Analysis Big Analysis
P OINT Topic sentence/ Main idea What are you trying to prove? Gives a brief overview of the paragraph CSIQ (Complete Sentence Including Question)
Q UESTION : I S P ENDER H IGH S CHOOL A GOOD SCHOOL TO ATTEND ? G IVE AT LEAST TWO EXAMPLES TO PROVE YOUR POINT. Point: Pender High School is a good school to attend because they offer cool classes and they have many different clubs. - Clear point - CSIQ - Overview of paragraph - The correct number of examples or support.
P RACTICE What do you think? Is Pender High School a good school to attend? Give at least two examples to prove your point. Write your point statement for your own paper. Think of the two main reasons that support your claim You may not use my examples (clubs, electives) For now, you may use this model: Pender High School is a _______ school to attend because ___________ and ____________.
G ENERAL O VERVIEW Point Situation Evidence Little Analysis Situation Evidence Little Analysis Big Analysis
E VIDENCE Although the situation comes next in your actual paragraph, the evidence is next in planning your paragraph. Your evidence can be a quote from a third person source (book, article, interview), a fact, a statistic, or a personal story Always ask yourself “Does this quote/fact/story help to prove my point statement?”
Q UESTION : I S P ENDER H IGH S CHOOL A GOOD SCHOOL TO ATTEND ? Point: Pender High School is a good school to attend because they offer cool classes and they have many different clubs. Situation: Skip for now Evidence: There are 46 elective classes in total at Pender High School for students to choose from. - Fact - Proves my point
P RACTICE Write your first evidence for your own paragraph. Think of a fact, story, or quote (you can make them up for now)
G ENERAL O VERVIEW Point Situation Evidence Little Analysis Situation Evidence Little Analysis Big Analysis
S ITUATION Give any necessary or interesting background information for your first piece of evidence (mention some of the cool courses at PHS) Prepare your reader for any quotes by stating the title and author or speaker Give the source of your fact or statistic (Principal Baker)
Q UESTION : I S P ENDER H IGH S CHOOL A GOOD SCHOOL TO ATTEND ? Point: Pender High School is a good school to attend because they offer cool classes and they have many different clubs. Situation: Principal Baker explained the various elective classes offered at Freshmen Orientation, including band, foreign language, computer graphics, and ceramics. - Source - Interesting Background information Evidence: There are 46 elective classes in total at Pender High School for students to choose from.
P RACTICE Write a situation concerning your first evidence for your own paragraph. Give background or interesting information. Tell who the speaker is
G ENERAL O VERVIEW Point Situation Evidence Little Analysis Situation Evidence Little Analysis Big Analysis
L ITTLE A NALYSIS Explain how and/or why your evidence proves your point. Try to use some key words from your point statement. How does this evidence demonstrate your argument? Ask yourself “so what?” So what that there are 46 different elective classes offered at PHS? Why does this prove your point? Why does this make the school a good school?
Q UESTION : I S P ENDER H IGH S CHOOL A GOOD SCHOOL TO ATTEND ? Point: Pender High School is a good school to attend because they offer cool classes and they have many different clubs. Situation: Principal Baker explained the various elective classes offered at Freshmen Orientation, including band, foreign language, computer graphics, and ceramics. Evidence: There are 46 elective classes in total at Pender High School for students to choose from. Analysis: Elective classes allow students to pursue their interests and explore their creativity. This creates a better learning environment for everyone at Pender High School. - Answer “So What” - Connects to point - Uses key words
P RACTICE Write a little analysis concerning your first evidence for your own. Answer the “So What!”
O NE MORE TIME ! Now you need to add a second situation, evidence, and little analysis. Point: Pender High School is a good school to attend because they offer cool classes and they have many different clubs.
G ENERAL O VERVIEW Point Situation Evidence Little Analysis Situation Evidence Little Analysis Big Analysis
S ECOND E VIDENCE Although the situation comes next in your actual paragraph, the evidence is next in planning your paragraph. Your evidence can be a quote from a third source, a fact, a statistic, or a personal story Always ask yourself “Does this quote/fact/story help to prove my point statement?”
Q UESTION : I S P ENDER H IGH S CHOOL A GOOD SCHOOL TO ATTEND ? Point: Pender High School is a good school to attend because they offer cool classes and they have many different clubs. Situation: Principal Baker explained the various elective classes offered at Freshmen Orientation, including band, foreign language, computer graphics, and ceramics. Evidence: There are 46 elective classes in total at Pender High School for students to choose from. Analysis: Elective classes allow students to pursue their interests and explore their creativity. This creates a better learning environment for everyone at Pender High School. Situation: Skip Evidence: My experience with forensics and debate is amazing. I love the other students in the club and we are very close friends. - Personal Story - Proves my point
P RACTICE Write your second evidence for your own paragraph. Don’t forget to refer to your main point Think of a fact, story, or quote (you can make them up for now)
G ENERAL O VERVIEW Point Situation Evidence Little Analysis Situation Evidence Little Analysis Big Analysis
S ECOND S ITUATION Give any necessary background information for your second piece of evidence (mention some of the various clubs- basic overview) Prepare your reader for any quotes by stating the title and author or speaker (Personal story so not needed) Give the source of your fact or statistic
Q UESTION : I S P ENDER H IGH S CHOOL A GOOD SCHOOL TO ATTEND ? Point: Pender High School is a good school to attend because they offer cool classes and they have many different clubs. Situation: Principal Baker explained the various elective classes offered at Freshmen Orientation, including band, foreign language, computer graphics, and ceramics. Evidence: There are 46 elective classes in total at Pender High School for students to choose from. Analysis: Elective classes allow students to pursue their interests and explore their creativity. This creates a better learning environment for everyone at Pender High School. Situation: The clubs are numerous and exciting. Some clubs at Pender High School include student council, gay/straight alliance, yearbook, and mock trail. - Presents the topic of my story (clubs) - Gives some interesting information Evidence: My experience with forensics and debate is amazing. I love the other students in the club and we are very close friends.
P RACTICE Write a situation concerning your second evidence for your own paragraph. Give background or interesting information. Tell who the speaker is
G ENERAL O VERVIEW Point Situation Evidence Little Analysis Situation Evidence Little Analysis Big Analysis
S ECOND L ITTLE A NALYSIS Explain how and/or why your second evidence proves your point. Try to use some key words from your point statement. How does this demonstrate your argument? Ask yourself “so what?” So what that you have fun with your forensic and debate friends? Why does this prove your point? Why does this make PHS a good school?
Q UESTION : I S P ENDER H IGH S CHOOL A GOOD SCHOOL TO ATTEND ? Point: Pender High School is a good school to attend because they offer cool classes and they have many different clubs. Situation: Principal Baker explained the various elective classes offered at Freshmen Orientation, including band, foreign language, computer graphics, and ceramics. Evidence: There are 46 elective classes in total at Pender High School for students to choose from. Analysis: Elective classes allow students to pursue their interests and explore their creativity. This creates a better learning environment for everyone at Pender High School. Situation: The clubs are numerous and exciting. Some clubs at Pender High School include student council, gay/straight alliance, yearbook, and mock trail. Evidence: My experience with forensics and debate is amazing. I love the other students in the club and we are very close friends. Analysis: The close bonds formed in clubs and activities are very important to the high school experience. The many different clubs offered at Pender High School allow for a lot of students with diverse interests to get involved. This makes the school a great place to be. - Answers “So What”
P RACTICE Write a little analysis concerning your second evidence for your own paragraph. Answer the “So What!”
G ENERAL O VERVIEW Point Situation Evidence Little Analysis Situation Evidence Little Analysis Big Analysis
B IG A NALYSIS / C ONCLUSION Ties the paragraph together Connect to a “big idea” Uses key words from your point
Q UESTION : I S P ENDER H IGH S CHOOL A GOOD SCHOOL TO ATTEND ? Point: Pender High School is a good school to attend because they offer cool classes and they have many different clubs. Situation #1: Principal Baker explained the various elective classes offered at Freshmen Orientation, including band, foreign language, computer graphics, and ceramics. Evidence #1: There are 46 elective classes in total at Pender High School for students to choose from. Little Analysis #1: Elective classes allow students to pursue their interests and explore their creativity. This creates a better learning environment for everyone at Pender High School. Situation #2: The clubs are numerous and exciting. Some clubs at Pender High School include student council, gay/straight alliance, yearbook, and mock trail. Evidence #2: My experience with forensics and debate is amazing. I love the other students in the club and we are very close friends. Little Analysis #2: The close bonds formed in clubs and activities are very important to the high school experience. The many different clubs offered at Pender High School allow for a lot of students with diverse interests to get involved. This makes the school a great place to be. Big Analysis: Students need individual choice and personal relationships to feel connected to a school. Through elective classes and clubs, Pender High School offers these types of opportunities to students. This makes for a very good high school. - Connects to big idea - Uses key words from point - Ties the paragraph together
P RACTICE Write a big analysis concerning for your own paragraph. Tie in all together Connect your argument to the bigger picture
W ORKING TOWARD A FINAL DRAFT : D OES IT FLOW ? A DDING TRANSITIONS Pender High School is a good school to attend because they offer cool classes and they have many different clubs. To begin, Principal Baker explained the various elective classes offered at Freshmen Orientation, including band, foreign language, computer graphics, and ceramics. He said that there are 46 elective classes in total at Pender High School for students to choose from. Elective classes allow students to pursue their interests and explore their creativity. This creates a better learning environment for everyone at Pender High School. Additionally, the clubs are numerous and exciting. Some clubs at Pender High School include student council, gay/straight alliance, yearbook, and mock trail. My experience with forensics and debate is amazing. I love the other students in the club and we are very close friends. The close bonds formed in clubs and activities are very important to the high school experience. The many different clubs offered at Pender High School allow for a lot of students with diverse interests to get involved. This makes the school a great place to be. Clearly, students need individual choice and personal relationships to feel connected to a school. Through elective classes and clubs, Pender High School offers these types of opportunities to students. This makes for a very good high school.
C REATE YOUR FINAL One solid paragraph Indent at the beginning Always stay aware of the flow.
Student Sample Arvada High School is a good school to attend because they offer cool classes and they have many different clubs. To begin, Principal Norton explained the various elective classes offered at Freshmen Orientation, including band, foreign language, computer graphics, and ceramics. She said that there are 46 elective classes in total at Arvada High School for students to choose from. Elective classes allow students to pursue their interests and explore their creativity. This creates a better learning environment for everyone at Arvada High School. Additionally, the clubs are numerous and exciting. Some clubs at Arvada High School include student council, gay/straight alliance, yearbook, and mock trail. My experience with forensics and debate is amazing. I love the other students in the club and we are very close friends. The close bonds formed in clubs and activities are very important to the high school experience. The many different clubs offered at Arvada High School allow for a lot of students with diverse interests to get involved. This makes the school a great place to be. Clearly, students need individual choice and personal relationships to feel connected to a school. Through elective classes and clubs, Arvada High School offers these types of opportunities
A LOOK AHEAD … Word choice Adding figurative language Making your analysis deeper Finding good evidence Documenting sources
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