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Jörg “George” Sperling ALPINA PARTNERS AT A GLANCE Alpina Partners („Alpina“) is a London- and Munich-based technology investment.

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Presentation on theme: "Jörg “George” Sperling ALPINA PARTNERS AT A GLANCE Alpina Partners („Alpina“) is a London- and Munich-based technology investment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jörg “George” Sperling

2 ALPINA PARTNERS AT A GLANCE Alpina Partners („Alpina“) is a London- and Munich-based technology investment firm.  Alpina is independent and owner-managed.  Alpina has over € 300 million in assets under management.  The investment team is a substantial investor in the funds alongside well-respected long- term institutions and family offices.  Our team has proven experience in the technology sector, strong international work experience and a global network. 2

3 3 Since 2008: Partner at Alpina Partners (previously WHEB Partners); Managing Partner since 2016. Previously: 14 years of private equity experience  Two years as venture partner of Target Partners (Munich)  Six years as Silicon Valley investor with Ridgewood Capital and Siemens. Among other sales positions, head of sales at ZMD in Dresden (Germany), responsible for substantial sales ramp-up in Japan, India and China. Education: MSc in electrical engineering, RWTH Aachen; research projects at AT&T Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, USA and at Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) in Tel Aviv. Jörg „George“ Sperling Managing Partner Munich

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13 CONTACT 13 Jörg “George” Sperling

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