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Surveillance System and The Threat Environment By: OLALEKAN ALABI.

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Presentation on theme: "Surveillance System and The Threat Environment By: OLALEKAN ALABI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surveillance System and The Threat Environment By: OLALEKAN ALABI

2 Outline  Introduction  Why a Surveillance System  Types of Surveillance System  Areas they can be install  Employee as threats in corporate firms  Roles of Surveillance System  Summary  Sources  Question?

3 Introduction What is a Surveillance System? A Surveillance System is a closed-circuit television system used to maintain close observation of a person or group In corporate firms: Corporate surveillance is a term that is used to describe any type of discreet monitoring of activities within a business

4 Introduction cont. The Threat Environment The threat environment consists of the types of attacker and attacks that companies face. The type of attackers that companies might face can be the company employees, and other internal attackers includes contract workers

5 Why a surveillance camera To protect the interests of the company  Policies and procedures are followed  If Employees are conducting themselves in the right manner  Usage of company properties in an ethical and legal way To protect the interests of the employee  Finding out information when something goes wrong such as unlawful entry after the business closes  Feel save

6 Types of Surveillance cameras  IP Surveillance Cameras(Network cameras)  Ability to transmit images via internet by compressing bandwidth to reduce strain.  Easier to install  Wired or wireless

7  HD Surveillance Cameras  Most preferable(clarity image zooming)  Higher resolution or high definition  Ability to provide more details and wider coverage  Analog Surveillance Cameras  The most commonly use(cheap)  The oldest surveillance cameras  Some needs expert installation

8 IP surveillance camera HD surveillance camera Analog surveillance camera

9 Areas they can be install  Restricted areas in the office  Mostly transaction points  Cash registers, teller station, Cash drawers  Targeted areas  Safes, filling cabinets, hall ways  IT and Data Centers Surveillance(monitoring)

10 Employee as threats in corporate firms How?  The usually have extensive knowledge of the system  The often have the credentials needed to access sensitive parts of systems  The know corporate control mechanism and so often know how to avoid detection  Theft of money/company properties

11  Employee can cause sabotage and violence (destruction of hardware, software or data)  Employee hacking (within corporate office)  Data loss (laptops and storage media)  Sexual or racial Harassment of other employees

12 Roles that surveillance cameras play on employee threats  It alters employee behavior(abuse of office supplies and equipment)  Makes employees to feel save(harassment)  Reduction of illegal activities in the office  Sources of reliable evidence in Legal Aspect/cases

13  IT and Data Centers Surveillance (monitoring)  Improved employee performance  Protects the company  Protects the employee(abuse or harassment)  To monitor productivity

14 Summary Reason for installing surveillance cameras Types of surveillance cameras Where they can be installed Employees as threats in corporate firms Roles of surveillance cameras in corporate firms

15 Sources surveillance.html /works/monitoring1a.htm surveillance-workplace-11657.html


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