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Welcome to More Than Words
A Hanen Certification Workshop Welcome the participants to the workshop. Explain that this is an entry-level workshop and after they complete this workshop, they will be Hanen members. Introduce yourself and give your experience/history with Hanen. Do the housekeeping – breaks, washroom locations, lunch logistics etc.
Experience with autism & using Hanen programs?
Who is here? Add names of participants and where they’re from. Experience with autism & using Hanen programs?
Who is here? “Hi, I’m ____________________ and I work at _______________ I have run (any Hanen programs) _____________________________.
Resources More Than Words – The Parent Guidebook
More Than Words Intro: Intro to 3 programs Making Hanen Happen –Leader’s Guide for SLPs Companion DVD Set of 5 Mini Posters to buy
The Leader’s Guide Part 1 About the Hanen Centre p.
Part 2 Working with Adult Learners p 4P Teaching-Learning Cycle Engaging Learners in Sessions Video Feedback Part 3 More Than Words Program-Related Information All sessions and parent handouts Part 4 Workshop Handouts Day 1 Pages in Day 2 Pages in Day 3 Pages in Have the participants refer to their binders as you explain the MHH Leaders’ Guide contents to them. Yellow Pink Blue
More Than Words is a parent-implemented intervention.
What is a parent-implemented approach? Introduce information on what parent-implemented approach. You could say: We describe all Hanen parent programs, including More Than Words as parent-implemented approachAsk the participants what they think a parent-implemented approach is. Take feedback on flip chart and then use the next slide to summarize.
More Than Words: Parent-Implemented Intervention
Active parent involvement Parent is the primary agent of change Naturalistic: Learning occurs within the family’s real-life activities
Your Role: Coach the parent to autonomy
You could use this quote to explain this slide: “All intervention with the child takes place between specialists’ visits” (McWilliam, 2010)
Before [sample] Explain the icons in the binder.
MHH p 1 Objective To help you help parents become partners in their child’s early intervention, using the content and adult education components of the More Than Words program Refer the participants to the objectives in their yellow Day 1 handouts p. After going over the objectives, click to reveal the main objective of the workshop.
Let’s Look at the Agenda
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 8:30 -10:30 Introduction to More Than Words® Introduction to Hanen philosophy and principles 8:30 -10:00 Program Content/What Parents Learn Session 2: Follow Your Child’s Lead Using the 4I Way 8: :15 Session 5: Use Viusal Helpers Guidelines for Planning a 4P Teaching-Learning Cycle Plan simulation of a 4P 10:30 -10:45 Break BREAK will occur sometime during the morning BREAK 10:45 12:15 Incoporating Adult Education Principles into More Than Words Porgrams 10:15 -12:15 Using Video Feedback Practice Providing Video Feedback 10:30 -12:00 1215– 1: LUNCH 12: LUNCH 12: LUNCH 1:15 – 2:30 Program Overview Orientation Session for Parents 1:15 – 2:00 Session 3: Make the Connection with People Games (R.O.C.K.) 1: VIDEO FEEDBACK PRACTICE Session 8: Let’s Make Friends 2:30 -2:45 QUESTIONS ABOUT PROVIDING MORE THAN WORDS PROGRAMS 4: Wrap-up 4: Wrap-up 4:30 Closing NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: Video Feedback takes place after Session 2
DSM IV Social Interaction Communication
Restricted, repetitive interests/play 9:10 – 9:45 ICEBREAKER: “ As you know there is a new DSM now.” Diagnosis used to be made based on challenges in these three domains. B: Delays in one of : (1) social interaction (2)social language, or (3) symbolic play prior to 3yrs
Three domains become two
Revisions to DSM IV DSM-5: Three domains become two Persistent difficulties in social communication/interaction across multiple contexts, either currently or by history, as manifested by deficits in ALL of the following: Social/emotional reciprocity Non-verbal communicative behaviours used for social interaction Developing, maintaining and understanding relationships Seque: You could say: The first workshop objective was for you to become familiar with the research. This knowledge puts you in a better position to answer parents’ questions. “ To introduce the icebreacker you could say: As you know, there were revisions to the DSM IV in May and the previous domains of social interaction have now been collapsed into one domain , which is reflected on this slide. But often when we see the children ,they come to us for??? (let the group tell you “language”)
DSM 5 B. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities in at least 2 of the areas below, either currently or by history a. Stereotyped motor movements, use of objects or speech b. Insistence on sameness. Inflexible adherence to routines or ritualized patterns of verbal & nonverbal behaviour c. Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity d. Hyper or hypo reactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory environment The second challenges that must be present to get an ASD is in the domain of restricted, repetitive behaviours.
DSM 5: Severity levels based on support
Level 1: Requiring support Level 2: Requiring substantial support Level 3: Requiring very substantial support Levels not intended to determine eligibility for or provision of services The new DSM 5 talks about the kinds of support that the children need.
In your group, appoint a note taker
For your celebrity, think of one aspect of his personality that gets you thinking ASD 2. Why do you think that the child you observed received a diagnosis of ASD (Discuss all 2 areas and language, but take notes only on 1. Discuss level of support) You could say: The first part of the review of the PWA-B is focused on the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria and that’s where you are going to start to talk to about autism. You are going to have a chance to discuss the diagnosis in a small group. Divide into the More Than Words groups by having all the participants say one of the words of More Than Words. Have the parents take their PWA-B to their “word” location. When participants are at their flip chart locations, explain what the flip charts mean. One of the domains has been identified at the top of the page where you are. Bill Gates/Sheldon – social -sits in a different movie theatre than wife (reported by someone whose husband works for him) -wears same suit -hyper focused, limited interests Proxmics off- stands too close, spits when he talks Stares at floor when he talks Won’’t ask you if you want anything when he gets something for himself Moved a tree 1” when building new house Einstein – communication Late talker, hair uncombed Hated wearing socks, as a child liked to count & examine numbers Enjoyed looking at shape of leaf for hours, played with blocks even as an older child Disliked long sleeves & would cut them off Liked to chase chickens & tried to make friends with them Bert – restricted interests Has collections – paper clips & bottle caps (likes things in order) Flat affect Prosody differences Wears the same outfit(Jim Sinclair, adult with A. wears saddle shoes in honour of Bert) Inappropriate topic changes Others: For UK Daniel O’Donnel, Roy (from Coronation Street) – social or restricted interests- he’s obsessed with the historical society & first aid. He doesn’t listen when others talk and not aware when they’re talking Mr. Bean, John Lithgow on 3rd rock form the sun 3. Think of one aspect of your personality that gets you thinking ASD
A getting-to-know you activity
Parent Questions Refer to your PWA summary sheet if needed to answer the parent’s questions. Review of PWA-B - : Introduce the next part by telling the participants they are going to get a chance to apply the information they got from the PWA on the autism research in real life (or something that resembles real life). You could say: I hope that you found the information on the research interesting. For some of you, it was probably a review. The PWA presented a lot of ways to answer some questions that parents might have about ASD. Now, you have an opportunity to discuss what you would actually say to a parent in a real-life situation.
What causes autism? Is it something I did?
When parents ask you about the causes of autism, they are often looking for you to alleviate their guilt. So make sure that you try to address this concern in your answer.
I also have a 1- year old. What are the earliest symptoms of autism and when would I notice them?
Can you tell me how your treatment is different from others
Can you tell me how your treatment is different from others? For example, someone told me that there is a therapy that…
Dynamic learner Imaginative learner What if…? Why…? Analytic learner
Learning styles: Parents Dynamic learner What if…? Common Sense learner How…? Imaginative learner Why…? Analytic learner What…? What’s your style? Refer back to the PWA Part a. Remind participants that there were 4 styles identified. Ask them if they had an idea from the PWA Part a what their learning style is. Take feedback from the ones who know their learning style by asking them what and why they think their style is. Relate back to the questions that the learner asks. For example, if someone says they are an imaginative learner, ask then what question they are frequently seek the answer to. (They should end up saying something like, “they want to know why they should do something.” Joe Sylvia Jess Matt
Your Learning Style Preference
You could say: Let’s do something now that will help you decide or confirm what you already think about your learning style. Create an imaginary scenario for the participants: Imagine you are doing some research on parent/child interactions with a university and the university has given you a camera to record the interactions – one that you are completely unfamiliar with. How many of you would ask someone why you have to use this camera? Is it really better than using your ipad? (Get a show of hands) You are the imaginative learners. How many of you would read the manual? (Analytic learner) How many of you would read a few pages and then push buttons? (Common-sense learner) How many of you would just start pushing buttons? (Dynamic learner)
Present Personalize Practice
4P Teaching-Learning Cycle MHH p 2-10 – 2-26 4P Teaching-Learning Cycle Teach to ALL learning styles! Prepare . Present Personalize You could say: We like to learn and teach in our preferred learning style. But to really learn something that will stay with us, we have to learn in other ways too. To help you teach to parents who have a variety of learning styles , Hanen has developed the 4P Teaching Learning Style. Have the participants take out their yellow 4 P circle from their binders. You will review the 4 P’s in a large group. Then the participants will review the features of each “P” with the person beside them. The first thing we need to do is help the imaginative learners who are asking why the information is important.Which “P” will help . Practice
Information Only Dynamic learner Imaginative learner Analytic learner
Personalize Prepare Dynamic learner Imaginative learner Common sense learner Analytic learner Remember that when we’re not expecting a change in behaviour, we only need to prepare and present to the learner. (Click to make practice and personalize disappear) Practice Present
Information Strategy (4P Teaching Cycle)
MHH wkshp HO p 3 Stages of Communication Interpret Imitate Highlight with the 4 “S”s Parent Roles Refer participants to the list on the right hand corner of the workshop handout. Tell them that some of the topics have already been mentioned in the PWA a (Interpret and highlight). As SLPs they might be already familiar with “imitate” and know what we are talking about when we use the terms stages of communication (i.e., the child’s skill level). For entry-level participants, “parent roles” might be an unfamiliar term. Briefly explain that these reflect the parent’s interaction style. Have the participants group the strategies under information (2P) or strategy (4P).
Characteristics of the P’s
MHH wkshp HO p 3 Characteristics of the P’s Hook you in Give information and be interactive Include Planning Time during the sessions Include feedback and debriefing Have a clear link to the Present Involve mental/physical Practice Include a written plan Clearly relates back to the Present Follows directly from and could be introduced in the Practice Gives information on how and when to use strategy
Characteristics of the P’s
Hook Planning time Clear link to present Follow from/intro in Practice WHAT IF WHY PERSONALIZE PREPARE Written plan WHAT HOW Information & Interactive Relate back to the present PRACTICE PRESENT Have the participants work with a partner to place all the characteristics in their places. Demo ideal Mental/physical Info on how & when Feedback & debriefing
True or False? Prepares for strategies and information should always be the same length and complexity? FALSE
True or False? In the PRESENT, you should demonstrate the ideal strategy use for stages regardless of the stages of the children in your group? FALSE
True or False? When a parent needs to use multiple strategies in books and playing with toys, you need a 4P cycle for combining strategies? TRUE
True or False? Filling out the ACTION PLAN/TO-D0-AT HOME sheet counts as a PRACTICE? FALSE
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