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MELTING LIES ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING Liz Coppella. Thesis  The media distorts information about global greenhouses.  Climate scientists try to create panic.

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Presentation on theme: "MELTING LIES ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING Liz Coppella. Thesis  The media distorts information about global greenhouses.  Climate scientists try to create panic."— Presentation transcript:


2 Thesis  The media distorts information about global greenhouses.  Climate scientists try to create panic by making faulty claims.  Global warming alarmists use scare tactics and threats.  All is done in order to gain funding when there is no real threat.

3 1,500 year cycle  Theory that through at least the last one million years, a 15,00 warm-cold cycle has occurred.  During this time there are ice ages, and then interglacial periods where the glaciers melt.  We are in an interglacial period.

4 What is it?  A change in climate, which is directly or indirectly attributed to human activity that alters the compositions of the global atmosphere.

5 Court Cases: California vs. General Motors  GM’s cars emitted over 289 mill metric tons of CO2 causing Global warming.  Court ruled against the Global warming claim saying that there were too many other factors to consider.  Almost no coverage in the media.

6 Court Cases: Vermont vs. Bush Admin  President Bush did not want to take action when he was being pressured to do something about pollution and global warming.  Was told to “stop burying his head in the sand”.  He created the Global Warming Reduction Act.  Outcomes of this case were blasted all over the news and included the New York Times paper.

7 Counter Argument: Humans are Contributing.  Contribute by either the burning of fossil fuels.  To a lesser extent, clear cutting forests.

8 Humans burning fossil fuels  Today’s CO2 levels are 40% higher than the highest natural levels over the last 800,000 years.  With every gallon of gasoline burnt, 19lbs of Co2 is being put into the atmosphere.

9 Citations  Horner, C. C. (2008). Red hot lies: How global warming alarmists use threats, fraud, and deception to keep you misinformed. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Pub.  LaNore, S. (2011, June 09). Global warming. EHow. Retrieved February 27, 2014, from statement-ideas.html  Mann, M. E. (2014, December 25). Global warming: Earth science. In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved February 26, 2014, from  Motavalli, J. (2009, October 12). Update: Global Warming. Retrieved February 24, 20`14, from http:// al+warming  Singer, S. F., & Avery, D. T. (2007). Unstoppable global warming: Every 1,500 years. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

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