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INVOLVING WORK PLACES and WORKFORCES Who has been involved: Catalonia: human resources, workers representatives, trade unions through the human resources.

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Presentation on theme: "INVOLVING WORK PLACES and WORKFORCES Who has been involved: Catalonia: human resources, workers representatives, trade unions through the human resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 INVOLVING WORK PLACES and WORKFORCES Who has been involved: Catalonia: human resources, workers representatives, trade unions through the human resources department. Poland: local commanding officers in quality of authorizing managers and psychologists in quality of persons responsible for the implementation of the action Italy: human resources who committed to contact the stakeholders such as trade unions

2 ACTIONS TAKEN SETTING UP: Preliminary actions; Catalonia: working in four big companies. ( 2 of the companies already have an alcohol program and are willing to improve it, the other 2 do not have any program). Three work places running already, 2 others will begin soon, and probably 2 more. Poland: contacts with the top management and the psychologists of each Fire Department Branch. 5 – 6 work places involved Italy: contacted human resources department of four medium size companies

3 HOW WERE WORKPLACES INVOLVED Catalonia: Based on previous existing contacts, no dissemination or publicity was made Poland: the same as Catalonia Italy: new contacts using the formal power of the local occupational and safety services (public body)

4 HOW ARE THEY PARTICIPATING assessment of workplaces and key worker involvement Catalonia: the leadership and enthusiasm of key persons has been very important. Trade unions involved from the beginning and were able to involve the workers : this, together with important involvement of management has provided a sense of ownership of the project. Poland: the psychologists as key contact people interested in doing extra work in addition to their routine work. Commanding officers were involved in training sessions and this gave them sense of ownership and understanding of the project added value. Italy: human resources service has taken the leadership and coordinating and planning the activities and has involved the occupational health service.

5 BASELINE Method adopted Catalonia: occupational health services did coordinate the process. Paper based questionnaires have already been administered to 300 workers in 3 work places before training sessions, aiming at 7 work places. –data entry done on SPSS Poland: psychologists coordinated the process. Paper based questionnaires administered to 70 commanding officers that participated in the training sessions. Aiming at 750 firemen. Data entry hasn’t started yet. Italy: the process was coordinated by the human resources service and the partner. Paper version questionnaires were administered to 140. Data entry was done on excel. Aiming to 50% (random sample) of the workers participating in the pilot. None of the partners has done the analysis so far.

6 BASELINE Organisational audit Catalonia: Had to do the audit after the interventions had already started. Questionnaire was sent to two companies and has not been returned yet Poland: Audit done for all the branches before the pilot interventions started. Psychologists were trained on the questionnaire (10 people). The questionnaire was filled out by the psychologists Italy: Audit made for two companies. The questionnaire was filled in during interview sessions with the company manager.

7 DIFFICULTIES/ PROBLEMS Interpretation of terms such as the word “policy”: in some of the companies the difference wit rules and procedures, disciplinary procedures…had to be explained PROPOSAL from the subgroup: Reduce our goals related to policy improvement: instead of aiming at improving the policy in all the pilots, try to do that only in those cases when the partners retain it as feasible. A more feasible goal could be: review and make recommendations to improve policy. Encourage those companies without a policy to develop one, showing the importance of it.

8 MATERIALS and RESOURCES Catalonia: most materials had been prepared before EWA started: some of them by the companies and some others by the Catalan government. Power point presentations and training materials were delivered to key contact persons. New materials: a leaflet to be used by all the companies in the future. An on-line alcohol workplace calculator is being developed. Poland: New materials - a brochure on health harm, audit tests, a wheel calculator, power point presentation for the training sessions. Materials based on needs assessment done during special sessions with the psychologists Italy: New materials - power point presentation for the training sessions with video clips incorporated, updated leaflet

9 PROJECT PROMOTION Catalonia: one of the companies organized a workshop on alcohol issues, the webpage of the department of health of Catalan government, participation to workshops organized by the university. Presentation made during the INEBRIA conference. Translated and printed the EWA leaflet Poland: developed a project website dedicated to the project, link to EWA website, Polish version of the leaflet. Italy: translated and printed the EWA leaflet to be distributed to all the project, link to be established on the partners website, presentation of the project at various events, mouth to mouth communication

10 WORKPLACE BASED INTERVENTIONS Catalonia: Internal provision of comprehensive interventions in two companies involving 5 workplaces: in one the occupational service (FCC) is training all the employees, organizing awareness raising campaign with posters, info sessions, leaflets and alcohol testing and brief interventions. In the other the occupational service is training the line managers on the policy and company alcohol program (TOT approach), awareness raising: leaflet on general info, leaflet on services and measures/rules. Poland: Internal provision of intermediate intervention targeting the commanding officers and general staff. Training for the key people-. Psychologists (3 three day sessions), training for managers (3 sessions so far), Italy: External provision of basic interventions. 5 information sessions so far for employees

11 NEXT STEPS Catalonia: start working with 2 work places in the ongoing pilot companies in December/January. Possibly to 2 more pilot basic interventions, engaged but not necessarily as part of EWA. Poland: 2 more training sessions for the commanding officers, the work plan for the information sessions for the staff is being defined. Aim to finish end of March. Italy: First pilot will be basic. Awareness info sessions finished in one company, policy work is at the initial stage y Second pilot will be intermediate. Interventions for line managers and employees will finish in December. Brief interventions when necessary. Aim to reach 500 employees. The third company has been engaged and need to plan the intervention. Need to engage the last pilot. Aim to end at the end of March

12 WHAT WORKED WELL Catalonia: involvement of key people and sense of ownership, both companies and employees are committed to the interventions because they understand the benefit. Poland: positive feed back from the chief commanding officers : published the info on the website. Active participation in the interventions. Good participation of the officers, positive feedback on the materials Italy: the engagement process has been quite smooth. Interactive approach in information sessions has had positive feedback

13 WHAT HAS WORKED LESS WELL Planning process has been difficult: writing down the work plans Timing : we are behind in relation to the initial project work plan Engaging small and medium size enterprises has been difficult in Spain The economic crisis has had a big impact on the companies and resistance to participate in the project Convincing companies to work on policy, especially those that do not have any in place. Staffing problems within the partner organizations due to the limited budget and economic crisis dynamics

14 Early indications of achieving goals Catalonia: reports cases of employees contributing to the dissemination as testimonies of the positive experience. Poland and Italy: very early to say anything Unexpected impact: other companies interested in the project, and in engaging in alcohol at the workplace interventions.

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