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David Rea, Research Nurse University of the West of England Children’s Burns Research Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "David Rea, Research Nurse University of the West of England Children’s Burns Research Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Rea, Research Nurse University of the West of England Children’s Burns Research Centre

2 Our Research Themes Clinical management Psychosocial healing and rehabilitation Prevention Led by: Professor Alison Kemp (Cardiff) & Associate Professor Julie Mytton (UWE)  Primary prevention  Secondary prevention Children’s Burns Research Centre


4 A Challenge Burns and scalds are common – Approximately 50,000 – 60,000 children/year attending Emergency Departments in the UK (CAPT 2013) Approximately 5,000 get admitted to a specialist burns service each year. (IBID) Children’s Burns Research Centre

5 BURN INJURY PYRAMID BURN INJURY PYRAMID Deaths Disabled Admitted to specialist burns service Admitted to hospital in England and Wales Medically attended (A and E) in England and Wales Burned or scalded in the community iBID HES BASAT

6  Standardised approach to clinical assessment (Burns and Scalds Assessment Template)  Establish a surveillance system for children’s burns and scalds in Emergency Departments  Better understand the epidemiology of burns and scalds  Development of a clinical prediction tool (BuRN Tool),for identification of children who attend ED with burns or scalds with a potential safeguarding risk. Children’s Burns Research Centre Purpose of the BaSAT


8 Advantages of the electronic version Children’s Burns Research Centre

9 Advantages of the Electronic Version It can be developed within different NHS systems Quick and easy to complete, some fields can be auto populated from the NHS system being used Eliminates manual data entry for research staff Children’s Burns Research Centre

10 Involved in development of E-BaSAT Local Information Management & IT team Bristol Children’s Hospital ED staff, all grades Local information analyst Research team Children’s Burns Research Centre

11 Implemented June 2015 Facilitators Ongoing communication Rolling education programme Making BaSAT standard care in ED Barriers ED is a very busy environment Clinicians changing every 3 months ED assessment vs. Epi data collection Children’s Burns Research Centre

12 Acknowledgements

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