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Chapter 10-1 Imperialism and America. Use next slide for ch. 10 intro.

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1 Chapter 10-1 Imperialism and America

2 Use next slide for ch. 10 intro



5 What does this cartoon tell us about Imperialism? How will the US control these countries?





10 Focus Q: Nov. 17 See graph p. 344—What were the 2 most dramatic changes in Hawaiian population btwn 1853 and 1920? Decrease in Native Hawaiians Increase in other (mostly Asians)

11 Focus Q: Nov. 5 What does the word Empire mean? – How does a country build an empire? – What kind of reputation could an Empire have? – What are the pro’s and con’s of having an empire? – Name some countries that built an empire.

12 Focus Q: Nov. 9 List 3 skills you will need as an adult. Why are they important?

13 FQ: What’s your “currency?” What skills and abilities are required for you to be successful? There are many. Think of the skills needed in a career, in society, in your family, in a relationship… Mine include: patience, knowledge, mental toughness, fitness, high energy, sense of humor, etc.

14 Vocab Imperialism 1Alfred Mahan 1 Valeriano Weyler 2yellow journalism 2 USS Maine 2Rough Riders 2 San Juan Hill 2Platt Amendment 3 Open Door Notes 3Boxer Rebellion 3

15 Focus Q Read “Interact w/ History” on page 341. Does the US have a duty to fight for freedom of neighboring countries? Why or why not?

16 Focus Activity Should the US use it’s military to expand trade w/other countries? Why or why not? /--------------------------/--------------------------/ Use Military Don’t use Military

17 What do you see?

18 OBJECTIVE 1.Because of industrialization, the US becomes a military power. 2.The US begins to exert its will on many parts of the world. 3.The economic, military and cultural factors that fueled US imperialism. 4.We believe trade is necessary for our survival.

19 Graphic Organizer: pages 342-43 Global Competition Military competition Thirst for New markets Cultural Superiority 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

20 Imperialism ***strong countries control weaker countries militarily—politically— economically*** 1.***want colonies for raw materials (to make stuff) and markets (to sell stuff)***

21 What continents were becoming colonized? 1.Belgium—France—England—Germany— Portugal—Italy—Spain—Japan had been colonizing for a long time. 2.Africa was a prime target—only Ethiopia and Liberia are free Asia China is the target



24 Colonization of China

25 Global Competition 1.Other countries took colonies for raw materials and markets. 2.Many in the US believe in: Manifest Destiny: it was the destiny of the US to spread across North America and extend its pol, mil, and econ influence.

26 John Gast 1872

27 US Takes Colonies b/c….. ***3 factors fueled US imperialism:*** 1.desire for military strength 2.Economic competition w/ other countries—want markets sell stuff 3. belief in our cultural superiority

28 Describe Alfred Mahan’s (4) desires for U.S. See “Key Player” p. 343. (Military Strength) other countries built up their military—so do we 1.***Build modern naval fleet to protect business interests 2.Naval bases in Caribbean 3.Panama Canal 4.Get Hawaii and other Pacific Islands***

29 Alfred T. Mahan  The Influence of Sea Power on History: 1660-1783 Coaling Stations

30 Why was the Panama Canal needed?

31 Why did we need “new markets?” 1.late 1800s, US farms and factories are producing more than we can use. Surpluses!! So what? 2.the US needs raw materials for factories to make stuff and markets to sell our farm and manufactured goods.

32 U. S. Foreign Investments: 1869-1908 What’s the main point?

33 What problems was trade the solution to? Trade is the solution to 1.overproduction and the related problems of 2.unemployment and 3.recession/depression (1893)

34 The US felt it had the responsibility to do 2 things. What were they? (Cultural superiority) US had responsibility to 1.spread Christianity and “civilize” inferior people Very ethnocentric—belief that our culture is best

35 Social Darwinist Thinking Cultural Superiority Social Darwinist Thinking Cultural Superiority The White Man’s Burden The Hierarchy of Race

36 Closing the American Frontier The US is settled, so growth will be outside of the US.

37 Why did buying Alaska turn out to be a good use of $7.2 million? 1.William Seward (Sec. of State)—1867— buys it from Russia for $7.2 million—2 cents an acre 2.some called it “Seward’s folly”—we got the last laugh 1959—state—rich in oil, timber, gold

38 See graph p. 344—What were the 2 most dramatic changes in Hawaiian population btwn 1853 and 1920? Decrease in Native Hawaiians Increase in other (mostly Asians)

39 Why did American planters want the US to annex (take) Hawaii? 1875 US agrees to import Hawaiian sugar tax free 1890 McKinley Tariff (tax) taxed Hawaiian sugar – sugar growers want Hawaii annexed (added) so they wouldn’t have to pay the tax  Pearl Harbor—built in 1887—naval base—refueling station

40 Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani Hawaii for the Hawaiians!

41 How did the US get Hawaii? w/ the help of the US Marines, rebels (funded by sugar comps.) overthrow the Queen set up a govt. headed by Sanford Dole (pineapple) President Cleveland wouldn’t annex Hawaii unless a majority of Hawaiians agreed 1898 McKinley annexes (takes) Hawaii—no vote by Hawaiians—1959 50 th state

42 U. S. View of Hawaiians Hawaii becomes a U. S. Protectorate in 1849 b/c of economic treaties.

43 How do you think many native Hawaiians feel about Americans today? Why? Are you thinking? So…….Anglos took their country from them

44 10-1 Left Side  Define Imperialism.  Make a graphic organizer showing the 3 reasons for US Imperialism(p. 343-44) 1) desire for military strength 2) thirst for new markets 3) belief in cultural superiority Include: – Bullet points for details (Explanation Why) – 1 picture for each reason – Stamped tomorrow

45 Why the US became an Imperialist Power 3. Desire for Military Strength 2. Want New markets (economic) 1. Cultural Superiority Define Imperialism

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