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Watch Out: The Only Constant in Technology is Change Jeff Butterfield Western Kentucky University.

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Presentation on theme: "Watch Out: The Only Constant in Technology is Change Jeff Butterfield Western Kentucky University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watch Out: The Only Constant in Technology is Change Jeff Butterfield Western Kentucky University

2 Abstract: Many technology programs are teaching the same (or very similar) curricula that they did a decade ago. However…the industry is changing rapidly and significant shifts are on the horizon. Faculty can benefit from studying technology forecasts, identifying trends and change in the industry, and adapting their classes and programs to better prepare students for future opportunities. 2 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference

3 3

4 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference4

5 Readings on 3 rd Platform: US25285614 computing/as-idc-sees-it-tech-s-third- platform-disrupts-everyone.html articles/124-may-2013/843-mark-neistat-us- signal-company.html 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference5

6 Subjects To Include: 1)Mobile Technology and Application Development 2)Social Business/Marketing (not just Social Networking) 3)Could Computing Services 4)Big Data/Analytics/Visualization 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference6

7 Cengage Resources 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference7

8 Cengage Resources 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference8

9 Cengage Resources 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference9

10 Cengage Resources 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference10

11 Cengage Resources 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference11

12 Contact Me: 2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference12 Jeff Butterfield WKU – School of Professional Studies TPH 218 Bowling Green, KY 42101


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