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Social media is media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. Social media is the use of web-based and.

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2 Social media is media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue.mediasocial interaction

3 Email Instant Messaging Texting Twitter Facebook Tumbler Linked-In BBM (Black Berry Messaging) Skype Oovoo Livestream Blogging Flickr Vimeo Myspace Aim Click Image to Play

4 Power Pitfalls Potential

5 Encouragement Evangelistic tool Skill Enhancement Promotion and Brand Development –Products –Organizations –Individuals

6 Branding Me How are you viewed? Public Face Creating an Identity

7 Permanency Consumers not producers Scams Evil doers (Smart & Patient) Investigations (Employers & Creditors) Internet Bullying Tips for adults –Know what your child is doing –Set limits: Time and internet locations –Locate their computer in open space not their room –Talk to them about your concerns

8 Reach masses, some seen as unreachable Viral Communication: Egypt, China, America (Barak Obama) Diversity: Congregate people across the globe “The Unchurched” “The Bored” Our Youth

9 Strategic opportunities: To build audiences To interact and engage To promote For Kingdom building For social good To bridge generational gaps And Yes, be mindful and careful!

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