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11/6/15 Do Now: -Take out your Crucible books, Post-It notes, and logical Fallacies notes. Homework: -Extension essay due by 11/13 -Forbidden Diary #2.

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Presentation on theme: "11/6/15 Do Now: -Take out your Crucible books, Post-It notes, and logical Fallacies notes. Homework: -Extension essay due by 11/13 -Forbidden Diary #2."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/6/15 Do Now: -Take out your Crucible books, Post-It notes, and logical Fallacies notes. Homework: -Extension essay due by 11/13 -Forbidden Diary #2 Due by 11/11 on Content Objective: Students will finish reading Act Three of “The Crucible”. Language Objective: Language Objective: Students will finish reading Act Three of the “The Crucible”. Students will use Post-It notes to record their understanding (Conflict, characterization, rhetorical appeals, etc.) and logical fallacies.

2 Emotional: Appeal to Fear Appeal to Pity Appeal to Popularity Ethical: Poisoning the Well Strawman Logical Fallacies: Faulty Cause-Effect False Dilemma Red Herring Begging the Question Faulty Analogy Slippery Slope Hasty Generalization List of Fallacies:

3 1) Review guide -Plot -Characters/role -Logical fallacies 2) Vocabulary To Study For The Quiz:

4 Monday: Quiz on Act 3 Tuesday: Read Act 4 Wednesday: No School Thursday: Read Act 4 Friday: Finish Act 4 Look Ahead:

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