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Malaria a story of ELIMINATION A partnership of:.

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1 Malaria a story of ELIMINATION A partnership of:

2 T oday, we know some things about malaria...

3 We know the main culprits parasites & mosquitoes... Malaria parasites (genre: Plasmodium) Female mosquitoes (genre: Anopheles)

4 We know how it’s transferred to people... Transmission of parasites via mosquito bite and more… and more people and more.... and more…

5 We know how to control it: prevention Insecticide treated bed nets Indoor residual spraying Drugs (prophylactic use) vs mosquitoes vs vector-human contact vs the parasite Environmental interventions Larvicides

6 We know how to control it: Rapid Diagnostic Tests Microscopy & diagnosis treatment ACTs (Artemisinin-based Combination Therapies) Other drugs

7 We know how far we’ve come... Malaria endemic areas 1900

8 1946 Malaria endemic areas

9 1975 Malaria endemic areas

10 2002 Malaria endemic areas

11 2010 Malaria endemic areas

12 ...and we know 99 countries are still malaria endemic, although United Arab Emirates 2007 Morocco & Turkmenistan 2010 Armenia 2011 2012 Kazakhstan 5 have been acknowledged by WHO as in the past six years: “MALARIA FREE”

13 We also know just how far we NEED to go: In 2010 Malaria Killed an estimated 66 0, 0 0 0 People with an estimated 219 million Currently 1/2 of the world population lives in countries where transmission continues cases

14 BURDEN of MALARIA …and we must face the daily In Africa, the economic growth is hindered every year due to the costs associated to malaria In some African countries the cost to prevent and treat the disease may be up to 1/3 of the families total annual income In countries like Tanzania, they spend nearly 40% of their entire health budget to fight malaria

15 Resistance to Drugs Resistance to Insecticides Environmental Changes On top of ALL of this we face significant CHALLENGES:

16 On top of ALL of this we face significant CHALLENGES: Risk of reintroduction & resurgence Sustaining funds Sustaining political commitment & public awareness and most importantly:

17 oday’s malaria story is about T control & elimination, and working together towards global eradication. But available tools are not enough in some parts of the world…

18 - Joint statement of the Malaria Eradication Research Agenda (malERA) Initiative Leadership Council, January 2011. “ The dream of ending this scourge of humanity is within reach, but demands our BEST COLLECTIVE EFFORTS”

19 Malaria elimination means: 1. NO local transmission 2. ZERO infections in a defined-geographical area Transmission of parasites

20 In other words, we need to interrupt transmission and eliminate all reservoirs To achieve elimination, we must treat infections and prevent mosquitoes from passing the parasites

21 means = less than one new infection per existing infection R 1 < 0 that one infection… does not cause another… …and another BLOCKING transmission

22 Malaria elimination is strengthening R&D to develop new ways of interrupting transmission New insecticidesNew drugs that kill all stages of the parasite life cycle Vaccines that interrupt malaria transmission

23 ...with these NEW TOOLS & STRATEGIES we aim to: Drive down transmission and block it Eliminate the very last infections Keep infection rate at zero malaria infection 0

24 3 years with NO local malaria transmission = ELIMINATION

25 Elimination worldwide = ERADICATION

26 Eradication = LIBERATION from malaria for all of humanity

27 For more information:

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