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American Revolution Vocabulary

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1 American Revolution Vocabulary

2 Raw materials Natural materials before being processed or manufactured into something The American Colonies sent raw materials to England who sent them manufactured goods.

3 IMPOSED Set something to be obeyed, paid or fulfilled: such as imposing taxes or someone’s personal preference The Bristish imposed new taxes after the French and Indian War.

4 Exports  good sent to another country for sale
Colonial exports included fish, lumber, indigo, rice, tobacco, and cotton Imports  goods FROM another country British goods sold to the colonies included tea, manufactured goods, like paper, cloth, tools

5 Colonists NOT Happy! Dissatisfaction: The feeling or attitude of not being happy, disappointment, or grievances Grievances: complaints against someone The colonist showed dissatisfaction with British ways and sent King George III a list of grievances.

6 Hear Ye Hear YE! Resent: To feel or show displeasure or anger at (a person, act, or remark) from a sense of injury or insult from the other person WE Are NOT happy with Great Britain! WHY do we as English citizens need British soldiers in the colonies???

7 Financial terms Proprietor: owner of a business
Finance: To raise money, or capital, for financials needs; obtaining money to pay bills or debts.  Revenue: The income of a government from taxation, duties, customs, or other sources; a regular amount of money coming in Debt: money owed to someone Boycott: Refusal to buy goods or services

8 Match the financial term and example:
Debt Capital Finance Proprietor Revenue A. B. C D E.

9 Government Terms: Legislature: Elected body or group of people who can make, change, or repeal laws of a country or state. Branch of government having the power to make laws distinguished from executive and judicial branches. Parliament: The legislature or law making body in Great Britain Colonial Legislatures—law making assembly Colonial Governors—appointed by monarch or proprietor

10 Proclamation: Something that is proclaimed; a public and official announcement
Representation: The right to be represented by delegates in legislation or government on your behalf. Representatives give citizens a voice for their interests in government.

11 Who’s Side are you on? Loyalist: A person who remained loyal to the British during the American Revolution, Tory Patriot: A person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with great devotion.

12 Tyranny or Treason ? Tryranny--"one who rules without law, looks to his own advantage rather than that of his subjects, and uses extreme and cruel tactics—against his own people as well as others". Plato & Aristotle treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's king or nation; a traitor; high treason against the King

13 Raw materials, resented, treason, imposed,
1. The British government _________ many taxes on the colonies. 2. The colonists ________ the Stamp Act. 3. The traitor was caught by his act of _______ in betraying the King. 4. _____________ were sent from the colonies in trade for manufactured goods from Great Britain.

14 revenue, tyranny, proclamation, Patriots
5. The ___________ supported breaking away from the mother country. 6. The tax money paid to the government is ___________. 7. The public announcement, or __________, stated the colonists must obey the King’s laws. 8. The __________ of a government is shown when it ignores the needs of its citizens.

15 proprietor, dissatisfaction, Parliament
9. The ________, or unhappiness, of the colonists was shown in the Boston Tea Party. 10. A __________ is the owner of a business or a colony. 11. __________ is the British legislature.

16 boycotted, representation
12. The colonists ________ British goods. 13. Complete this famous phrase: Not Taxation without _____________.

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