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SQA Personal Development Award in Project Management East Renfrewshire Council Yellow Belt for the Future.

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Presentation on theme: "SQA Personal Development Award in Project Management East Renfrewshire Council Yellow Belt for the Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 SQA Personal Development Award in Project Management East Renfrewshire Council Yellow Belt for the Future

2 Make ERC Fit for Future PMO and Approach Scottish Qualifications Authority -Professional development Award in Project Management East Renfrewshire Council Yellow Belt for the Future Case Studies Next Steps Agenda

3 Pressure on public finances -Less spend -More in house capability Challenges of changing demographics Increasing customer demands Pace & scale of emerging technologies Why … Fit for the Future

4 4 Building our Future!

5 Organisational Development Vision & Values 5 Capabilities Outcomes Modern Ambitious Programme Building our Future Yellow Belt PDA Vision & Values Governance

6 6 Changing Face of Change...

7 Establish a qualification path that recognises attributes & knowledge of ERC staff involved in Change Management, Project Management & Lean Reviews Ensure that the qualification has at its core the current MAP Change Programme methodology, techniques and templates Develop and maintain a wider of pool of staff who can: - identify change -run Service Reviews -pull together Projects to implement change at the dept & council wide level Use capability to help drive a Culture of Change PDA & Yellow Belt Objectives

8 Developed by Organisational Development & PMO About the Yellow Belt & PDA SQA PDA in Project Management Prince 2 Based Professional Development Award (PDA) in Project Management SCQF Level 8 (HND Level) Accredited by the SQA & CMI 2 Units - 8 Specific Outcomes/Competencies Extensive PMO Coaching support Case Study 1 Successful Project Yellow Belt for the Future Lean / Six Sigma East Renfrewshire Council Award - Service Reviews 2 Days Training Lean Review Coaching 1 Successful Lean Review

9 To Get Started SQA Registered Centre Change Team (PMO) Roles: -Coaches -Assessors -Internal Verifier -Trainers Register CVs with SQA for Assessor / Verifier -Training Option available at cost Purchase SQA development days PC Training Room

10 Pre-requisite: -Candidates must have a Service Review &Project to do -Variety of grades can apply Application Form – departmental MAP Induction Skills assessment Yellow Belt –Service Review: -2 days training (1 day is PC Based) -Coaching (4 – 6 x 1 hour sessions) PDA – Project: -Coaches -Blended Learning/Holistic Approach -Tutorials & Coaching Sessions – PMO Team (4 – 6 x 1 hour sessions) -Formal Training & Case Study -E Learning -Practical Work Experience – Project & Service Review The Process

11 Yellow Belt -Conduct a service review -Apply the techniques covered at training and coaching sessions: Governance, Process Mapping, Data Collation, Data Analysis, Facilitation & Presentation Skills, To Be Analysis = Recommendations -Propose redesign opportunities PDA - Justify the need for a project and define its scope and objectives within a project business case -Apply project planning techniques to manage tasks, resources and delivery of outputs -Apply recognised budgetary principles to the estimation, analysis and record keeping arrangements -Propose and implement appropriate project processes, reporting and record keeping arrangements -Communicate effectively with a project team and other stakeholders -Prepare and update project documentation throughout the life of a project -Monitor and evaluate the success of a project The Course

12 Return on Investment

13 13 SQA Accreditation & Yellow Belt: Qualified & In-Training HR ReviewInsurance Scottish Welfare Fund Education Admin Sports & Library Self Service Technology Workforce Planning Housing Mobile Corporate Asset Management Interim MovesPSPFile ManagementCorporate Debt FactoringRoads SystemOff Street ParkingCreditors Review Complaints Handling Leisure Trust - Structure Maintenance Officers Website Care at Home Supported Living Giffnock Library Litter Management RoleQualifiedIn TrainingTotal SQA16723 Yellow Belt099

14 Care at Home Operational Home Care Manager -Legacy ways of working -Shift: Project Manager + Programme Manager Focus of project was developing next phase of Reablement Developed a 5 year plan for radical change of how service is delivered Programme developed Benefits include: -£440k cashable savings (+future savings) -Customer: Reablement deployed, quality assurance, supporting partners -People: up skilling, employees, 200+ smartphones, technology & training

15 Supported Living Manager of in-house Atholl Supported Living Unit - part of Learning Disability service Enabled individuals with learning disabilities to live within the community but still receive the required care and support Impact of Self Directed Support Benefits: -Service User Choice -£170k savings -Legislative Personal impact: -learn project management skills -embraced opportunity & successfully delivered a complex and challenging project for the Council -Manager is now an ambassador for change, supporting a 3 rd sector organisation with project management and change

16 Giffnock Library Culture and Sport Officer -No previous project management or change experience -Became an advocate for change and moved to a higher post at another authority Developing older Library into a vibrant community hub -Relaunch the library, install the latest technology, make Library fit for future Benefits: -Increased library membership by 5% (active borrowers) -Increased visitor figures by 2,500 -Increase opening times hours by 5-10% -Developed and delivered effective programme of community events & activities -Improved services for older people, early years services

17 Litter Management Service Improvement Officer -Exemplary employee for ERC for 8 years in variety roles -Since graduation, progressed to delivering other corporate projects Improve Litter Management for street cleaning levels in East Renfrewshire Secured funding from Zero Waste Scotland to deliver a network of chipped bins across the Community. Introduction of trackers on street-sweeping vehicles Benefits include: -Resident satisfaction rate with street cleaning increased from 65.8% to 85% -Street cleanliness indicator moved council from 3 rd quartile to 2 nd quartile -20% reduction in number of complaints

18 East Renfrewshire Council: - Continue with a new SQA and Y/Belt Cohort each year - Use Dept Change Programmes to ensure trained staff assigned to projects and service reviews - Begin PDA & YB Cohort 4 and Yellow Belt 2 External -External verification still pending from SQA - Work with Improvement Service to offer SQA Project Qualification across all Local Authorities in Scotland - Set up Steering group – Rebecca McDonald to represent ERC - Prioritise small to medium size authorities - Improvement Service to work with NSS to support Local Authorities with training and coaching? - Work with SQA to eliminate manual processes & move to Digital - Joint Branding (Improvement Service/Councils) Next Steps

19 Q and A

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