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Welcome to the Year 7 parental information evening 2015 Presentations by: Mr Schofield - Assistant Principal Miss Gatrell – Head of Learning for Year 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Year 7 parental information evening 2015 Presentations by: Mr Schofield - Assistant Principal Miss Gatrell – Head of Learning for Year 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Year 7 parental information evening 2015 Presentations by: Mr Schofield - Assistant Principal Miss Gatrell – Head of Learning for Year 7 Also here Mr Leckie – Assistant Head of Learning Yr 7 Miss Hides – Student Support Co-ordinator Yr 7

2 Objectives To provide general advice, information and support on Year 7 issues when starting a new school. To explain our curriculum and assessment procedures To explain how we communicate progress Other helpful bits of information

3 General Advice Miss Gatrell

4 Curriculum and Assessment Mr Schofield

5 Changes in Education The only thing certain is change….. Definite changes Probable changes Possible changes We pride ourselves on responding to change

6 Definite Changes Key Stage three (years 7-9) Curriculum is being revised Levels are going

7 Definite changes Key Stage Four (years 10 & 11) New GCSE content New examination structure New GCSE ‘grades’ 9 to 1 replaces A* - G By the time you get there new systems will have been established There are BOUND to be more changes.

8 Subjects studied Lessons per subject Grouping of students Attainment and progress measures

9 Lesson distribution English4 (including 1 Literacy lesson) Maths4 Science4 Geography2 History2 RE1 French2 Spanish2 (until Christmas 1 Spanish and 1 Learning Skills) Drama1 DT2 Art1 Music1 PE2 ICT1 PSE / Citizenship1Total30

10 Grouping of students Mixed ability tutor groups Taught in these groups in all subjects (except Maths) for all of Year 7 Setting in Maths

11 KS2 Maths Levels Level 636 Level 574 Level 478 Level 3 and below16

12 KS2 English Levels ReadingGPS Level 6-15 Level 5131115 Level 46049 Level 3 -1325

13 What information do you have? KS2 results MidYis

14 MidYIS (Middle Years Information System) Multiple Choice Four elements: Skills Mathematical Reading and Vocabulary Non-verbal

15 MidYIS base line data predictions of potential outcomes Aptitude test developed abilities rather than achievement fluency rather than knowledge an indicator of subsequent learning

16 MidYIS Students are given an overall score of A, B, C and D Band A 110 to 150 Average for Yr 7 Band B100 to 110 approx. 112 Band C90 to 100 Band Dbelow 90

17 How will progress be measured? If not Levels then what?

18 Year 7 Curriculum Expected Progress7C 7C - Year 7 benchmark grade C

19 How and when is my child assessed? How? Through homework, testing, classwork, project work, questioning. Students also regularly assess themselves and each other. When? Classes are told when tests will take place: no surprises.

20 Curriculum Summary Help your child to enjoy the range of subjects on offer and encourage them to get involved in the extra-curricular activities.

21 Communication of Progress Key dates Reports Progress Monitoring

22 More helpful information! Homework – ‘Schoology’ School Gateway Office 365 and Remote Acces Parents on-line booking system

23 Additional support for students Miss White – SENCo and Head of Inclusion Mrs Sedgwick – School Counsellor Mrs Atkinson- Family Support Worker Anti-Bullying policy

24 E-Safety General Advice – Key tips Securus

25 Heathside PTA Please support PTA events Offer ‘time’ help if you can Provide financial help if it is appropriate.

26 Thank you for coming Have a safe journey home.

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