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Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing The Changing.

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Presentation on theme: "Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing The Changing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing The Changing Secondary Educational Landscape Secondary Curriculum and Accountability Thursday 3 rd November 2015

2 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Within education there has been more change in the last 3 years than in the preceding 25 years

3 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Key Stage 3 Challenges and Considerations  New end of Year 7 secondary ready tests  Transition curriculum for new GCSE qualifications  EBacc for ALL (nearly) consultation  ‘KS3 Wasted Years’ document and greater emphasis from OFSTED on KS3 means greater collaboration needed between primary & secondary sectors  Expected progress of Year 7 students known in 2021  Curriculum model which is broad and balanced for ALL  Removal of levels - no national system, schools free to develop own systems  New National Curriculum in KS2 & 3  Attainment on entry changing to standardised score replacing levels (current Y6 )  New SOW and challenge from day one

4 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Key Stage 4 Challenges and Considerations  New Accountability Measures  Coasting schools  GCSE Reform – inc. National Reference Testing 2017  Staff training and preparation strategy  OFSTED Framework  Expected progress of Year 7 students known in 2021 not before!  Curriculum model with FATTER maths and English

5 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing School Performance Measures Progress 8 Attainment 8 (Average Grade) English & Maths (%) Grade 5 Ebacc (%) EBacc Progress (APS) Destination Data

6 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Coasting schools

7 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing  Harder/ Longer  1 to 9 grades replace A*-G  Assessment is by exam only (except Dance, Drama, PE, Art)  Linear rather than modular  First Entry Counts  Removal of tiered papers except where necessary eg Maths, Science, MFL  Greater emphasis on SPAG (20% on some exams)  Progress 8 GCSE Reform

8 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Closer look at new grades Grade FGED C BAA* New123 4 5 6 7 89 Grade Approx top 20% of A/A* will get a grade 9

9 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing When is it changing? Year 11Last year group to do old GCSEs Year 10New English Lang/Lit and Maths (1 to 9) Old GCSEs for others Year 9All Other subjects except Business/ICT/Tech Year 8All new GCSEs Year 7All new GCSEs

10 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing

11 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Remember why we do all this…we make a difference!

12 Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Acklam Grange School A Specialist College of Mathematics and Computing Any Questions?

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