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SIMS Assessment Project West Sussex Schools Judith Matson SCAS & Jacky Gray General Adviser Challenge & Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "SIMS Assessment Project West Sussex Schools Judith Matson SCAS & Jacky Gray General Adviser Challenge & Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIMS Assessment Project West Sussex Schools Judith Matson SCAS & Jacky Gray General Adviser Challenge & Performance

2 SIMS Assessment in West Sussex Primary Schools  SIMS Assessment is a system available to all West Sussex Schools  Many primary schools have received training on the use of SIMS Assessment in the classroom from the SCAS team  Evidence from visits by SIPs, LLOs and other advisers indicate that the system continues to be underused  Some schools extract many data sets from SIMS Assessment but are unsure how to use the data effectively  Mobility of the trained staff often means that the training is lost to the school  SIMS Assessment is still seen as a tool for administration staff. It should be managed and used by teachers

3 Development of Advice Regarding SIMS Assessment  There needs to be an agreed set of templates which will be the recommendation of all members of the learning service  The SIMS Assessment system has the capacity to create templates that will have multiple uses (one data set used many times)  There needs to be support for the ‘roll out’ of advice to Primary Schools and the Learning Service  There needs to be a publication supporting the recommendations  The draft publication needs to be presented to the Heads Conference in January 2011.

4 SCAS Involvement With reference to the above, Schools Computer Administration Service, SCAS, have been working closely with West Sussex Learning Service and a group of senior teachers to produce a set of SIMS Assessment templates that can be used to set targets and track progress for all Primary year groups and for all subjects.

5 Assessment Project Marksheets  West Sussex marksheets allow schools to track pupil progress from EYFS – KS2 & Year 7 using Autumn, Spring and Summer Teacher Assessments  Teacher Assessments can be National Curriculum sub levels, Developmental Stages and/or P levels  Targets are set to compare with Fischer Family Trust FFT, LA targets, Government targets  Progress towards the target is shown in colour – e.g. green if target is exceeded, white if target is reached and red if pupil has failed to reach the target  Marksheets available for easier data collection – all subjects on one sheet  Marksheets will help prepare for Ofsted & SDR

6 Download Resources from WSGfL

7 Save on the Desktop

8 Import in

9 Select the Templates Appropriate for the School

10 ticking the boxes

11 Create Marksheets

12 Click on 3 Marksheets

13 Add New Marksheets for Year/Reg Groups

14 Open the Marksheet

15 Copy and Paste KS1 Column into Y2 Summer Term

16 Transition Data Column Can Be Changed

17 Calculate Average & Good Targets & Save

18 Collecting Data  Before any tracking, target setting and analysis can be done using the Advisers’ templates, termly teacher assessment data has to be collected from or entered by teachers.  Templates for collecting data will have been imported in the file previously downloaded and imported into SIMS Assessment.  If data has already been collected over the years using the West Sussex Data Collection templates, then there is no need to use the new templates for data collection and the data already entered will appear in marksheets created from the Advisers’ Progress Catcher templates.

19 Select a Data Collection Template

20 Click on 3 Marksheets

21 Create Marksheets and Save

22 Data Collection

23 Enter Data

24 Marksheet Exported and Data Entered in Excel

25 Import Data from Spreadsheet

26 Data in Excel Spreadsheet Imported into SIMS Assessment

27 This is a One-Stop-Shop for data. The data can be viewed and Analysed in:  Progress Catcher Tracking Marksheets  Tracking Grids

28 Year 6 Marksheet

29 Narrow and Zoom

30 Calculate and Save

31 New with Spring Progress in Colour

32 Formulae in the columns with an f at the top calculate Average and Good targets based on prior attainment at KS1 (or at the end of Early Years Foundation Stage in templates designed for pupils within Key Stage 1). Formulae in the template check the Summer Term Teacher Assessment to see if the Average Target has been met. If it has, the Summer Term Teacher Assessment remains white. If the target has been exceeded then the Summer Teacher Assessment is coloured green. If the target has not been met the Summer Teacher Assessment is coloured red. Formulae also check the Spring Term Teacher Assessment. The TA is coloured amber if no progress has been made since the previous Summer Term or Autumn Term Y1.

33 On Track Another column will show pupils that have met, exceeded or failed to meet their target. This On Track column is again based on the Summer Term Teacher Assessment compared with the Average target. The Grades shown are +(plus), =(equals) or - (minus)

34 Show Grade Distribution

35 Order Rows

36 Pupils Ordered by On Track Column

37 Points Progress from KS1 Formulae will also calculate the number of points progress made from Key Stage 1 to the end of each year. Look at the column KS1-Y3 Ma TA Prog  2 points = 1 sublevel  4 points = 2 sublevels  6 points = 1 whole level  12 points = 2 whole levels

38 Pupils Ordered on Points Progress from KS1

39 Summary

40 Adding Student Columns to a Marksheet


42 Filtering Data can be filtered to enable users to monitor progress of specific groups of pupils e.g. gender, Term of Birth (Summer born boys), SEN status, Gifted and Talented, Looked After, Prior Attainment Band – KS1 Average Point Score


44 Marksheet Filtered for Summer Born Boys

45 Teacher View of Pupil Data

46 Tracking Grids -Teacher Assessments

47 New EYFS to KS1 Templates

48 Targets Based on EYFS Scale Points

49 Locate Advisers KS2 Av Point Score Analysis Template

50 Calculate Average Point Score Progress

51 Locate Advisers KS2 English & Maths Analysis Template

52 Predict 2 Levels Progress and Levels 4&5 in English & Maths

53 EYFS PSE&CLL and Total 78+ Analysis

54 Show Grade Distribution

55 SIMS Assessment Marksheets can:  Calculate the Average Point Score  Make predictions based on National KS1-KS2 lines of progression and Value Added lines  Calculate grade distribution of any column of grades – frequency and cumulative and graph the information  Order pupils by age, ability

56 Calculate Average Point Score

57 Show Grade Distribution

58 Graph Grade Distribution

59 Order Pupils by Ability

60 All data entered in SIMS Assessment can be generated in an Individual Report. Assessments can be displayed in text, table or graph.

61 A SIMS Assessment Individual Report – QCA Tests

62 A SIMS Assessment Individual Report – Teacher Assessments

63 Graph to Show Termly TA Progress

64 Assessment Analysis can:  Compare the performance of different groups of pupils  Compare performance of pupils in different subjects  Show progress from KS1 – KS2 on national progression lines  Compare school progress from KS1 – KS2 with national progress  Produce West Sussex ISP grids from data entered in marksheets

65 Group Analysis

66 Aspect Analysis

67 Result Set Analysis

68 Graph the Data

69 Trend Analysis – Progression

70 Trend Analysis – Value Added

71 Tracking Grids -Teacher Assessments

72 How are we helping schools?  Working with advisers to give out consistent advice  Preventing duplication of work  Ensuring one point data entry  Collaborating on production of assessment tracking materials  Assisting in preparation of schools’ data for Parent Access  Assisting in preparation of schools’ data for Ofsted  Offering new training course with follow- up visit

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