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Welcome to our Maths Presentation How would you do with the Year 6 SAT questions?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Maths Presentation How would you do with the Year 6 SAT questions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our Maths Presentation How would you do with the Year 6 SAT questions?

2 Maths at Caldecote ‘It is better to have 5 ways of answering one question than one way of answering 5 questions!’ – Singapore Maths New National Curriculum focuses on: Fluency: Accuracy Efficiency Flexibility Reasoning Problem Solving

3 What we shall cover Explanation of: Mastery Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach Bar modelling Year groups tasks Then it is your opportunity to have a go at different tasks, across all year groups and ask any questions.

4 Levels of learning Shallow learning: surface, temporary, often lost Deep learning: it sticks, can be recalled and used Deepest learning: can be transferred and applied in different context

5 The essential idea behind the mastery teaching approach is that all pupils gain a deep understanding of the mathematics. This ensures that: future mathematical learning is built on solid foundations which do not need to be re-taught (less breadth but greater depth) Increasingly, there will be less need for separate catch- up programmes due to some children falling behind; pupils who, under other teaching approaches, can often fall a long way behind, are better able to keep up with their peers, so that gaps in attainment are narrowed whilst the attainment of all is raised. What is mastery?

6 3 + 1 = 4 ConcretePictorial Abstract Concrete or pictorial representations support students to understand abstract concepts

7 CPA in Upper KS2


9 Bar model – pictorial representation of a problem

10 Addition

11 Useful websites e-math.html e-math.html (useful videos especially about part/part/whole model) /thinking_blocks_addition_subtraction.html /thinking_blocks_addition_subtraction.html (thinking blocks are the same as bar models)

12 Foundation Limit the distracting factors Containing Lining up objects in a row Consolidating

13 Year 1 and Year 2 How many cakes are there altogether? How many different ways can you arrange the cakes on the two plates?

14 Fractions of amounts Find 1/5 of 10 10 1010 10 2 2 222 10 5=2

15 Year 5 Skills covered: Shallow learning:– practising spelling of the numbers one to ten! Deep learning: - Looking for patterns Deepest learning:- Verbal reasoning Problem solving Possible lead on activities – looking for divisibility rules for 2,5,10,4,3,6,9

16 Year 6 Shallow learning: Adding singles digit numbers Looking for patterns Deeper learning: Trial & improvement Deepest learning: Algebra

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