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Learning Objective: To understand why it is necessary to rebrand rural locations CASE STUDY: Deprivation in Cornwall Starter: What words come to mind when.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objective: To understand why it is necessary to rebrand rural locations CASE STUDY: Deprivation in Cornwall Starter: What words come to mind when."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objective: To understand why it is necessary to rebrand rural locations CASE STUDY: Deprivation in Cornwall Starter: What words come to mind when you think of the words: 1.‘rural’ 2.‘Cornwall’ Source: map map What are your impressions of Cornwall and rural areas? Word Association

2 How can poverty exist in such beautiful rural areas?


4 The Cycle of Multiple Deprivation Job losses as traditional industries fold Less spent in shops and services by population Results in further job losses in retail and services Less money available to individuals and city council to maintain housing public buildings Task: Insert the following statements into the correct box in the diagram above City becomes less attractive to business and for workforce. Reduced job opportunities

5 What is measured in the index of Multiple Deprivation? Income Employment Health Housing Source: North Cornwall District Council (The English Indices of deprivation 2007) Bodmin St Marys Ward

6 What do these 2 graphs show? What type of data is it? Primary or Secondary (Source Geography Review 2005) The ‘backwash effect’ of London

7 Cornwall’s Geographical location

8 Why does Cornwall need rebranding? Declining Economic Base (economic) Cornwall’s Population (social) Housing Issues (social) Decline of traditional services (economic and social) Geographical Isolation (environmental) Task: Sort your cards under the correct headings to show why Cornwall is in need of rebranding

9 There is high inward migration of the retired and a high out migration of the 16- 29 age group leading to a ‘brain drain’ Young people and low wage earners are increasingly forced out of the housing market resulting in an increased need for social housing On the southwest Peninsula, the county is 160km by 300km Village stores and post offices are closing down. 72% of rural areas do not have a village shop. Travel is expensive and slow. Penzance is 5 hours from London by the fastest train The withdrawal of EU subsidies and supermarket sourcing from overseas has led to farming decline. Road travel is slow, the M5 stops at Exeter.EU quotas limit the quantity of fish the UK can take from the sea. This along with declining fish stocks has seriously damaged the fishing industry Poor transport links increases transport costs which keeps manufacturing out of the county The exhaustion of tin reserves led to the closure of Cornwall’s last tin mine in 1998. Such a weak transport infrastructure makes economic growth difficult. Tourism employment is highly seasonal, part time and poorly paid 33% of all households in Cornwall live in areas ranked within the 25% most deprived nationally The remoteness of Cornwall has led to a weakened local economy that has been unable to link effectively to national and international trade. A typical terraced house in Cornwall costs nearly 8 times the average Cornish income compared to 5 times the average income in England and Wales The decline of traditional industry has left behind a legacy of abandoned buildings and run-down town centres Over the past 2 decades there has been a serious decline in Cornwall’s traditional economy. Primary industries such as farming, fishing, tin mining and clay china quarrying have all suffered major decline (known as the post-production countryside)

10 Only 33% of the profits from tourism stays in Cornwall – the rest ‘leaks’ out of the county e.g. going to national hotel or pub chains

11 Plenary Give reasons for which of the3 factors you think are the most significant in explaining why Cornwall needs rebranding

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