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Poetry Portfolio for Mrs. Cooper 6th grade RE/LA

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1 Poetry Portfolio for Mrs. Cooper 6th grade RE/LA
All About _______ Poetry Portfolio for Mrs. Cooper 6th grade RE/LA

2 Project basics for your Powerpoint:
You will create a poetry portfolio Powerpoint of yourself through self created poems. You will research and find a poem and its author that you like. Provide a copy of the poem and write a brief overview of the form and elements that are presented in the poem. Your final poem will be an original “free verse” poem stating what you have learned about poetry and it’s elements.

3 Main Components (checklist):
Graphic Front cover: All About “insert your name”. (20 pts.) Rhyming Poem: on your favorite sport. (10 pts.) Diamante Poem: that describes you. (10 pts.) Simile Self Portrait: that describes your personality. (10 pts.) Limerick Poem: that describes your favorite animal. (10 pts.) Haiku: your favorite season of the year. (10 pts.) Free verse (or rap): What you have learned about poetry. (10 pts.) Choose a favorite poem with poet: analyze the poem. (10 pts.)

4 1. Graphic Front Cover: Title: example (All About Emily) Name Date
Grade: example (6D- Mr. Davis) Symbols Picture of self Color and creativity

5 2. Rhyming Poem: Must be about your favorite sport or hobby.
Minimum of 5 – 7 lines long.

6 3. Diamante Poem: Must be about you. Must have 7 lines.
See links below for required elements: Elements of a Diamante Poem: Practice a Diamante Poem:

7 4. Simile Self-Portrait:
My Self-Portrait Poem My _______________ is like __________________ _________________________________________ My ________________ are like _______________ My _____________________ are _______________________ My _____________________ is ________________________ My heart holds _____________________________ (this is a feeling) That is ___________ (color) as __________________ I live in ______________________ And eat ______________________

8 5. Limerick Poem: Create an original limerick poem that describes your favorite animal. Your poem should be only 5 lines of poetry. 1st 2 lines rhyme 3rd and 4th lines rhyme Last line rhymes with the first two lines (follows the rhyming pattern of a-a-b-b-a) LIMERICK SAMPLE: Maria once had a pet bear. His name was Ralph Sinclair Ralph would laugh like a hyena every time he saw clumsy Tina while wiggling his tail in the air! by P.C.

9 6. Haiku: Create an original Haiku poem about your favorite season of the year. A haiku is a Japanese verse in three lines.  Line one has 5 syllables, line 2 has 7 syllables and line three has 5 syllables. Haiku is a mood poem and it doesn't use any metaphors or similes. HAIKU EXAMPLE: As the wind does blow Across the trees, I see the Buds blooming in May Samples of Haiku Poems:

10 7. Free Verse: Create an original free verse poem with 5-7 lines:
Tell what you have learned about elements and forms of poetry. Tell about your favorite kind of poem and why.

11 8. A favorite Poem: Research and select a poem you like and be sure to provide the author. Provide the entire poem and tell why you like it. Describe the form or elements you find in the poem.

12 Poetry Powerpoint RUBRIC
Be Creative! Have fun and good luck! Poetry Powerpoint RUBRIC Graphic Front cover With all required elements 20 points 7 poems total 70 points (10 points each). Creativity and design originality 10 points Grand Total: 100 points

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