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What are the major types of poetry?.  Describes the poet’s innermost feelings or observations  Has a musical quality in its sounds and rhythms.  Popular.

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Presentation on theme: "What are the major types of poetry?.  Describes the poet’s innermost feelings or observations  Has a musical quality in its sounds and rhythms.  Popular."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the major types of poetry?

2  Describes the poet’s innermost feelings or observations  Has a musical quality in its sounds and rhythms.  Popular types of lyric forms are: ◦ Haiku ◦ Limerick ◦ Cinquain ◦ Sonnet ◦ Free Verse ◦ Concrete

3  A Lyric, unrhymed poem of Japanese origin  Divided into 3 lines  Its is usually on the subject of nature and human relationship to nature  Uses metaphor to give us a fresh look at something we may view as quite ordinary  Poem with 5-7-5 syllables

4 Fighting for freedom (5 syllables) Fall of a valiant soldier (7 syllables) Resting in the Lord (5 syllables)


6  Short five line humorous poem  They often contain onomatopoeia, hyperboles, and idioms.  They typically contain one couplet (two lines that rhyme) and one triplet (three lines that rhyme)

7 “Flea and Fly” A flea and a fly in a flue Were caught, so what could they do? Said the fly, "Let us flee." "Let us fly," said the flea. So they flew through a flaw in the flue. -Anonymous  What are the first and last lines an example of?


9  Adhering to no predetermined rules, but usually with its own intricate patterns of rhyme and rhythym.  Does not have to rhyme.


11  Poetry that takes the shape of the poems theme or tone  Picture representation of the poem’s subject

12 Make your own concrete poem at:

13  Poetry that tells a story with a plot and characters  “The Night Before Christmas”  “The Broken Legg’d Man”


15  An anthology is a collection of poetry…  Sometimes Poetry Anthologies are poems written by the same poet  Sometimes, Poetry Anthologies are poems by different poets collected together by an editor…the poems typically share something in common (type, tone, theme)

16 Quick Review

17  Alliteration: repeating the same beginning sound (Peter Piper Picked a Peck…)  Hyperbole: an exaggeration (So hungry I could eat a horse)  Idiom: an expression that means something different from what it says (Break a leg)  Simile (Life is like a box of chocolates)  Metaphor (The clouds were cotton balls)  Personification (giving an object or animal, human qualities. Ex. Flower stretched to the sun)  Onomatopoeia (sound words)

18 TONE = emotion/attitude You look at:  Alliteration = humor = tone  Word choice = emotion = tone  Shape or form = emotion = tone  Punctuation = emotion = tone

19  Look at the lesson learned  As well as, the main idea…. ◦ Typical themes include: bravery, friendship, loss, inspiration, war, death, birth, hard times, fun times, celebration, specific moments in time, animals, objects, people, beginnings, endings

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