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Published byMervin Hampton Modified over 8 years ago
Provider Event
Agenda Speaker Welcome and Introductions Main Aims of the Day Cllr Eunice Campbell Cllr Dave Liversidge Social Care Transformation Agenda Why do we need to change? What have we achieved so far? Helen Jones Nick Blinston A Service Users Journey Self Directed Support (SDS), Personal Budgets (PB) & Personalisation: what it means for service users & carers Dave Pearce Sylvia Hurt An overview of the Putting People First (PPF) Programme & Personalisation agendaSheridan Ash Nick Blinston Tea/Coffee Direct Disability Nottingham (DDN) - a closer look at a User Led Organisation (ULO)Martin Austin Providers and Personalisation - Routes to PersonalisationAntony Dixon Tea/Coffee/LunchHost Workshops What are the challenges PPF/ personalisation present for your organisation What are the opportunities that PPF/Personalisation present for your organisation How service users and carers can be engaged in planning and shaping the service they receive Martin Austin Commissioning Team Guest Service Users & Carers Dave and Sylvia PPF team
Putting People First Provider Event Nottingham City Steering the Putting People First (PPF) Agenda in Nottingham City
Welcome and Introduction to the Provider Event Cllr Dave Liversidge (16 th March Event) Cllr Eunice Campbell (23 rd March Event) Agenda
Introduction to Putting People First (PPF) Aims of the day THE AIM OF THE EVENT IS TO: Communicate the key messages of ‘Putting People First’ Develop and raise awareness and understanding about the changes to adult social care Provide the opportunity for providers and service users and carers and council colleagues to discuss the changes and air their concerns, questions and be involved in shaping the transformation of social care in Nottingham City
Agenda Nick Blinston (16th March Event) Head of Business Service Putting People First Workforce Lead Helen Jones (23rd March Event) Director of Community Inclusion Social Care Transformation Agenda
Key change in relationship between Service Users, Carers, Commissioners and Providers Introduction to Putting People First (PPF) Why do we need to change WHY CHANGE? Population changes, increasing older population and changing needs Customer expectations – what would any of us want for ourselves and our families National policies and debate about the funding of care and support Prevention and Early Intervention – shared responsibility by the whole community Shift across social & health care to increase service users and carer empowerment through: –Personalisation- Improved choice and control over the services they receive –Transformation- Service users and carers are the EXPERTS - working in co- production with providers and commissioners to transform social care –Relationships - Shift in balance of decision making
Introduction to Putting People First What is the Nottingham City and National PPF Vision Where: Outcomes for people will be improved Social care will be shaped by user-led services and organisations Goals will be achieved in a financially sustainable way Preventative services will be expanded Citizens will have access to information and advice That Nottingham will be a place where, supported by responsive services and inclusive communities people eligible for social care services can exercise choice and control to maximise their quality of life and well-being. THE VISION - Where do we want to get to?
WHAT HAVE WE ACHIEVED SO FAR? A key milestone in the Putting People First programme was reached in November 2009, with Phase 1 of Self-Directed Support. Since this date, people living in the north of the city have been able to have a supported assessment for a Personal Budget. Nottingham City has a target of 500 people on Direct Payments and Personal Budgets by the end of March 2010. Nottingham City is close to meeting this, meaning more citizens are able to have a say about care solutions which are best for them. The second phase of Self-Directed Support will be implemented across other areas of the city from April 2010. This means that more people in the city who are eligible for care and support can be assessed for a Personal Budget. Introduction to Putting People First What we have achieved so far
Agenda A SERVICE USERS JOURNEY Dave Pearce Service User Champion & Putting People First Service User and Carer Engagement Lead Sylvia Hurt Putting People First Service User Champion
A Service Users Journey in Social Care I believe that as a main form of providing services Direct Payments should be offered to all But I also appreciate that because of the way social care is structured the reality of everyone receiving a direct payments is not feasible TRADITIONAL I found it to be a service that filled the basic needs, but was not a flexible service that could provide the consistency, punctuality and familiarity that I needed to live an independent life DIRECT PAYMENT- a move in the right direction This was a move in the right direction, to provide care that was more tailored to fit my needs and requirements as and when I needed them DIRECT PAYMENTS – but not for all
Self Directed Support delivers the ways and means that will allow people to be treated as individuals with greater choice and control over the care package they receive and therefore is more personalised A Service Users Journey & Self Directed Support (SDS) The process involves an initial Supported Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) to see if you are eligible for social care services. The SAQ determines the budget you are allocated to spend on providing your own individual and personal care package Self Directed Support is a new way of delivering social care for everyone that is eligible
SDS- Seven Steps to Personalised Choice and Control Process for getting personalised services This is where you decide what you want to spend your personal budget on This is where your Social Worker will agree the plan with you Once your plan is agreed you receive your Personal Budget Living your life in the way that you want to, in control of your care Periodic reviews to see how your care package is working and making sure it fits your needs 2. Care Support Planning 5. Organise Support 6. Living Life 7. Review 4. Organise Money 1. Money The Supported Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) determines your Personal Budget (PB) 3. Care Plan Agreed This is when you get your support organised, buying and scheduling services from the people/organisations you choose
SDS- Seven Steps to Personalised Choice and Control
Agenda PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST An Overview Sheridan Ash (16th March Event) Putting People First Stakeholder Engagement Manager Nick Blinston (23rd March Event) Head of Business Service Putting People First Workforce Lead
PPF is not full of new ideas but it is the first social care reform programme that will be co-produced Introduction to Putting People First What is it? Putting People First: is a programme to transform how social care services are delivered and to build capacity to meet social care needs within our communities puts service users and carers at the centre of transforming social care will enable recipients of services and carers to become actively involved in developing the services they receive aims to enable citizens to have greater choice, voice and control over how the money for their support is spent; leading to a more personalised service. In practise it will mean that people are able to live their own lives as they wish, confident that services are of high quality, are safe and promote their own individual needs for independence, well-being and dignity – enabling citizens to achieve the primary goal of self-directed support
Introduction to Putting People First What are the Key Elements Focus on key elements that will enable people to get the personalised services they need which in turn will result in improved outcomes Universal Services includes: Information and advice Leisure Health & wellbeing Quality housing Community safety Employment Services Education Transport Social Capital includes: Voluntary Sector Services Carers Community work Faith communities Support Networks Neighbours/friends Choice and Control includes: Self Directed Support Personal Budgets User Led Organisations Advocacy Brokerage Early Intervention & Prevention includes: Early Intervention strategies Centre for Independent Living Telecare Re-ablement Falls prevention Extra care Transforming Social Care
Introduction to Putting People First Service User/Carer Engagement is the Key to Transformation Transforming Social Care (LAC (DoH) - 2008) is a circular providing information to support councils and partners in the transformation of adult social care as set out in the Putting People First strategy. It outlines the vision for social care and what that means for user and carer engagement. “Everyone who receives social care support, regardless of their level of need, in any setting, whether from statutory services, the third and community or private sector or by funding it themselves, will have choice and control over how that support is delivered. It will mean that people are able to live their own lives as they wish, confident that services are of high quality, are safe and promote their own individual requirements for independence, well-being and dignity.” What this Means for Engagement “The challenge will be to translate the vision into practical change on the ground to make a real difference to the way individuals engage with services and support and, in so doing, make a real difference to their lives. It will also mean changes in how professionals engage and work to support people’s needs. Personalisation is about whole system change, not about change at the margins. To achieve this, all stakeholders will need to work in partnership to construct a comprehensive delivery model, which works across social care and touches on the wider reforms within the NHS and in local government.” Social Care Vision : The Future
Levels of Engagement To fulfil the PPF vision engagement needs to go beyond the involvement level Level of InvolvementExplanationMechanism InformationProviding Information to SU&C, for example SDS & personal budgets Leaflets, websites, road shows ConsultationSeeking out the views and opinions of SU&CSurveys, complaints, focus groups, Equality Impact Assessments Involvement (deciding together) SU&C are given the opportunity and power to direct care and services, contributing to local practise Consultation on projects, options on delivery of services, recruitment and selection panels and tender evaluations (Nottingham deaf forum) Acting together Co-production SU&C working in full partnership with council and PVI to make informed decisions Working groups (SupportNet) participation in commissioning partnership boards Empowerment supporting independent communities / living and user led orgs SU&C enabled to: Set agenda for changes in services control and own the Nottingham social care strategy in community ULO contributing directly to the transformation of social care User-led organisations centre / communities for independent living (SupportNet), empowerment groups & forums Putting People First Vision User Led Organisations are a deep form of personalisation Introduction to Putting People First What level is your organisation at? How can you increase Service User& Carer Engagement?
Direct Disability Nottingham User Led Organisations and Personalisation Martin Austin Strategic Director for Disability Syndicate Agenda
Routes to Personalisation Antony Dixon Business Manager Commissioning Agenda
Personalisation What does it mean for Commissioners and Providers Personalisation means a major shift in the approach that care providers and commissioners have traditionally taken to service development and delivery Personalisation equals transformation – transforming from traditional Service Led model to Service User Led Model Personalisation will enable service users and carers to have more choice, voice and control and to think more creatively about how their needs might be met.
Personalisation We Are In This Together Local Authority & providers & citizens part of the transformation Change in relationships Change in commissioning role Shift in service delivery focus Shift in balance of decision making Key change in relationship Service Users and Carers will shape commissioning strategies and workforce structure in the future We need to work together in co-production to shift to a cultural and operational model that supports personalisation
Personalisation Key Considerations for Providers Communication & Marketing Opportunities Service Flexibility Self Assessment How will your organisation respond to personalisation?
Personalisation Self Assessment Person Centred Focus User Involvement Organisational Buy In Systems Are We ready for Personalisation?
Personalisation Service Flexibility Workforce Flexibility Training & Skills Working Together Can you adapt to meet the challenges of personalisation? Managing Risk
Personalisation Marketing and Communications What is your unique proposition? How will you promote your services to individuals and communities? Do you have the necessary skills and resources Market Research Do you know your market? Do users value our services – given choice and control would they buy them?
Personalisation Opportunities Build in Contingencies & Flexibilities Stability! Diversify Provision New Relationship With Service Users The Satisfaction Of Providing Services Which Are Really Tailored To People’s Needs
Personalisation Contracting - Where Are We Now? Where Do We Need To Be? Block Contract Pre Placement Agreement Spot Contract Framework Agreement Direct Payments Where Do We Need To Be?Where Are We Now ? 30% of eligible service users/carers have a personal budget by March 2011 Shift from contracting to place shaping Shift from macro commissioner to enabler Development of Independent Service Funds Development of micro markets Personalisation
Personalisation Interrelationship Diagram
Personalisation Commissioning – Key Challenges Developing Vision Moving from consultation to co-production with Service Users and Carers Developing the Market Accessible Information re Provision Accessible Brokerage/Support/Advocacy Quality & Monitoring Systems Equalities Interim Contractual Arrangements
Personalisation Conclusion We all need to work together, to think radically about what service provision and support is locally available and how it is delivered, what difference it makes to people’s lives and how innovation and continuous improvement can be achieved in partnership with people using the service and their carers.
Appendix: Putting People First National Milestones There are key Nationally driven Putting People First Milestones Providers and third sector partners are clear on how they can respond to the needs of people using personal budgets Milestone 1: effective partnerships with people using services, carers and other local citizens Milestone 2: Self-directed support and personal budgets Milestone 3: Prevention and cost effective services Milestone 4: Information and advice Milestone 5: Local commissioning Communication made to all stakeholders about transformation and its benefits for them. The move to personal budgets is well understood and service users are contributing to changing local practice Local service users understand the changes to personal budgets and MANY are contributing to changing local practice Users and carers are involved with, and consulted about, the transformation of adult social care The Council has at least one User Led Organisation directly contributing to the transformation to personal budgets Dec 2010 The Council has introduced personal budgets which are being used by existing or new service users/carers All new service users/carers with assessed needs for ongoing support are offered a personal budget All service users whose care plans are subject to review are offered a personal budget At least 30% of eligible service users/carers have a personal budget The Council has a clear strategy, jointly with health, to shift some investment to preventative/enabling/rehab Processes are in place to monitor the whole system impact of the shift to preventative & enabling services Evidence that preventative strategies have released cashable savings and that the overall social care has delivered a minimum of 3% The Council has a strategy in place to create Universal Information & Advice Services The Council has put in place arrangements for universal access to information and advice The public are informed about where they can go to get the best information about their care and support needs The Council and PCTs have commissioning strategies that address the future needs of local citizens Commissioning strategies have been developed in partnership with local stakeholders and take into account JSNA priorities An increase in the range of services and choice is evident. Clear plans are in place to rebalance investment. Stakeholders are clear on the impact that purchasing by individuals will have, and can respond to assure the supply of support services April 2010 October 2010 April 2011 Evidence that joint planning has been able to apportion costs and benefits across the ‘whole system’. Key Commisioin g Milestone Deliverable Key Service User and Carer Milestone Deliverable
Appendix: Putting People First Glossary Self-Directed Support Self-Directed Support is a key part of the PPF programme. It gives people who are eligible for Council-funded support the option of deciding how the Personal Budget for their care is spent. Assessment An assessment is where the service users answer questions about the outcomes they want to achieve. The answers will be used to calculate the amount of money for their Personal Budget. Broker A broker can be a carer, volunteer or a trained professional who will help write a support plan based on the personal goals and outcomes the service user hopes to achieve. The broker will then help to put this plan into action. Personal Budget This is the amount of money that a service user is entitled to for their care and support following an assessment. The money may be received as a Direct Payment (service users can organise their own care and support) or an Indirect Payment (where it is organised on the service users behalf). The service user can choose to spend their Personal Budget on the type of care and support they think will work best. A broker can help find out what support is available and put the plan together, also providing advice and guidance on how to manage a Personal Budget. Direct Payments Direct Payments are a cash sum to spend on care and support. Direct Payments are a good option for people who want to be responsible for managing and spending their own Personal Budget. Indirect Payment An Indirect Payment means that the money a service user is entitled to for thier care and support will be spent on their behalf by the Council or another responsible third party. If a service user does not want the responsibility of handling the money themselves, an Indirect Payment would be a good option.
Appendix: Useful Information for providers Nottingham City Council Website: Putting People First Nottingham city website: providers pages. In control website: Nottinghamshire Partnership for Social Care Workforce Development: DH Care Networks: Commissioners and Providers: oviders/ oviders/ Commissioning for personalisation A framework for local authority commissioners: oviders/index.cfm?parent=2735&child=3241 oviders/index.cfm?parent=2735&child=3241 Commissioners and Providers Together: The Citizen at the Centre: oviders/index.cfm?parent=2735&child=2683 oviders/index.cfm?parent=2735&child=2683 Skills for Care Disability Direct Nottingham Care Quality Commission Facebook search Putting People First in
Appenndix: Further Information and Contact Details Call: 0115 876 2552. Email: Visit: to sign up for email Facebook: Search Putting People First in Nottingham and become a fan.
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