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The Future of Attendance Allowance Presentation to the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People Monday October 28 th, 2013 James Lloyd Director Strategic.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of Attendance Allowance Presentation to the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People Monday October 28 th, 2013 James Lloyd Director Strategic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of Attendance Allowance Presentation to the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People Monday October 28 th, 2013 James Lloyd Director Strategic Society Centre

2 About the Strategic Society Centre  Independent, non-partisan public policy think tank.  Interested in the big, strategic challenges facing society.  Learn more about us at:

3 About the Strategic Society Centre  Numerous publications on social care:  “A Cap that Fits: The ‘capped cost plus’ model”  “The Roadmap: England’s choices for the care crisis”  “Delivering a National Care Fund: How would a public private partnership work?”

4 ‘Independence Allowance’ with Independent Age

5 What is Attendance Allowance?  Weekly cash-payment of £53-£79 per week made to retirees with a disability;  Paid by DWP as ‘contribution to extra cost of living with a disability’.  Entitlement irrespective of financial situation or receipt of care.  Paid to around 1.3 million individuals in England at a cost of around £5 billion per year.

6 Estimated overlap between the AA and local authority care systems in England

7 Attendance Allowance, housing and care  What did we find out about housing situation of AA recipients?

8 Tenure, AA recipients and the 65+ population

9 Adaptations in property, AA recipients and the 65+ population

10 How can we make better use of AA?  ‘Independence Allowance’ identified three broad approaches:  Data-sharing  DWP has remarkably comprehensive information on recipients;  So, let other statutory agencies use individual and population-level data that DWP has on AA recipients.

11 How can we make better use of AA?  Information and advice;  Use AA system as ‘touch point’ for promoting information and advice  Support ‘independence behaviours’  Use AA as a trigger for certain types of behaviour that help people to live independently at home for longer.

12 ‘Independence Allowance’ recommendations  Digitise all AA data, and review the quality of the data;  Analyse AA data in order to publish more information on the lives of recipients, etc.  Make available population-level area- based data on AA recipients to all local authorities, clinical commissioning groups and Health and Wellbeing Boards and, where appropriate, individual-level data;

13 ‘Independence Allowance’ recommendations  Ensure all new AA claimants are systematically offered information and advice following an application regardless of whether an award is made;  Ensure that all 1.3 million AA recipients in England have recourse to a personalised information and advice service via the telephone.

14 Extending these insights to housing  Over 1 million older people with a disability receive AA, and live at home.  So, AA system is by far the biggest potential ‘touch-point’ for promoting housing adaptations and options to this group.  Data suggests some use of housing adaptations, but considerable scope to go further?  Are we making the best use of the AA system in relation to housing?

15 James Lloyd Director Strategic Society Centre 32-36 Loman Street London SE1 0EH @sscthinktank The Strategic Society Centre is a registered charity (No. 1144565) incorporated with limited liability in England and Wales (Company No. 7273418).

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