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Time Varying Structural Behaviour of the PETS “On-Off” mechanism piston movement impact Riku Raatikainen 18.7.2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Varying Structural Behaviour of the PETS “On-Off” mechanism piston movement impact Riku Raatikainen 18.7.2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Varying Structural Behaviour of the PETS “On-Off” mechanism piston movement impact Riku Raatikainen 18.7.2011

2  Introduction  Piston kinematics  Force impulse  Model Description  Results  Conclusion  Introduction  Piston kinematics  Force impulse  Model Description  Results  Conclusion INDEX

3 INTRODUCTION Aim: 1.Study the shock wave caused by the PETS On-Off mechanism 2.Calculate the PETS response (displacement) to the corresponding load Overview: The On-Off mechanism is a component for reflecting or transmitting the high RF power within PETS Mechanism is driven by a linear actuator, which creates the movement of the piston between the two operation modes The actuation time for the mechanism is ≤ 18 ms in which time the piston (150 g) moves inside the choke chamber for 8 mm The mechanism is brazed to the PETS → Forces created within the mechanism have direct impact to the PETS causing time varying distortions, which could have an influence to the sustain alignment (PETS ̴ 20 µm) ON OFF Main components of the mechanismIllustration of the piston movement

4 As the piston is being moved, the structure exposes to impulse forces, which last very short period of time but causes forces of a high magnitude The impact time is the driving parameter to the results. The smaller impact time, the larger magnitude of impulse force is generated The piston movement kinematics presented below shows how the velocity of the piston is first increased and then suddenly decreased PISTON KINEMATICS Velocity of the moving piston as a function of timeDisplacement of the moving piston as a function of time acceleration deceleration

5 FORCE IMPULSE Δt impact Relation of the piston movement and the force impulse. The acceleration/force value are proportional to the impact time. Ideal impulse excites all modes of the structure → the response of the structure should contain all mode frequencies However we cannot create an ideal impulse force numerically → force is applied over a discrete amount of time For comparing the effect of the impact time to the PETS response, three different cases were studied: CaseImpact time (ms) 12 21 30.5 High deceleration during impact

6 MODEL DESCRIPTION  The FEA modelling was done to the level of the PETS, which is supported by using a fixed support in the middle and a sliding supports at both ends. Vacuum and waveguide connections were omitted to make the computation lighter.  The impulse force was applied on the On-Off mechanism  As a first step towards the transient simulation, a modal analysis was carried out for the PETS. As a result the following natural frequencies were obtained: F(t) ModeFrequency (Hz) 1540 2550 3770 4810 51210 61260 Next, the response of the PETS was calculated when an impulse force shown earlier is applied to the structure (with a structural relative damping ratio of 3 %)

7 RESULTS  Maximum displacement of the PETS (compact coupler) as function of time in three different cases  Response in the frequency domain is also presented Case 1: Impact time of 2 ms (impulse magnitude ̴66 N) Case 2: Impact time of 1 ms (impulse magnitude ̴133 N) Case 2: Impact time of 1 ms (impulse magnitude ̴133 N) Case 3: Impact time of 0.5 ms (impulse magnitude ̴266 N) Case 3: Impact time of 0.5 ms (impulse magnitude ̴266 N) The frequency is at the range of the 3 rd eigenvalue.

8 According to the results, the impulse force created by the On-Off mechanism causes a response in the magnitude of few micrometers at the most. The displacement has its maximum value around the Compact Coupler and the On-Off mechanism. On the DB axis the displacement has its value in the order of 200 nm (case 3) In reality the displacement will be even smaller since the compact coupler is connected to the waveguide as well (making the structure more rigid) The generated shock wave in the structure decays in approximately 40 ms from the impact The impact time has a major influence to the shock wave amplitude (e.g. with a 2 ms of impact, the piston experiences nearly 50 g acceleration) Based on the results, the response of the structure caused by the shock wave stays well below the alignment tolerance in all simulation cases. The results obtained from the simulation could be compared later on with the actual On-Off mechanism test results. CONCLUSION

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