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Austin on language as actions Dr. Abdelrahim Hamid Mugaddam.

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1 Austin on language as actions Dr. Abdelrahim Hamid Mugaddam

2 Austin: life  John Langshaw Austin (26 March 1911, [1] Lancaster– 8 February 1960, Oxford) was a British philosopher of language. [1] Lancaster Britishphilosopher of language  He is remembered primarily as the developer of the theory of speech acts.speech acts

3  The second son of Geoffrey Langshaw Austin (1884–1971), an architect, and his wife Mary Bowes-Wilson (1883–1948), Austin was born in Lancaster. Lancaster  In 1922 the family moved to Scotland, where Austin's father became the secretary of St Leonard's School, St Andrews.St Leonard's SchoolSt Andrews  Austin was educated at Shrewsbury School and Balliol College, Oxford, holding classical scholarships at both.Shrewsbury SchoolBalliol College, Oxford

4  He arrived at Oxford in 1929 to read Literae Humaniores ('Greats'), and in 1931 gained a First in classical moderations and also won the Gaisford Prize for Greek prose. Literae HumanioresGaisford Prize  Greats introduced him to serious philosophy and gave him a lifelong interest in Aristotle. In 1933, he got first class honours in his Finals. [2] [2]

5  After serving in MI6 during World War II, Austin became White's Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford.MI6World War IIWhite's Professor of Moral PhilosophyOxford  He began holding his famous "Austin's Saturday Mornings" where students and colleagues would discuss language usages (and sometimes books on language) over tea and crumpets, but published little. [3] [3]  Austin visited Harvard and Berkeley in the mid-fifties, in 1955 delivering the William James Lectures at Harvard that would become How to Do Things With Words, and offering a seminar on excuses whose material would find its way into "A Plea for Excuses".HarvardHow to Do Things With Words  It was at this time that he met and befriended Noam Chomsky.Noam Chomsky  He was president of the Aristotelian Society from 1956 to 1957.Aristotelian Society  Austin died at the age of 48 of lung cancer. At the time, he was developing a semantic theory based on sound symbolism, using the English gl-words as data.lung cancersemantic theorysound symbolism

6  Prior to Austin, the attention of linguistic and analytic philosophers had been directed almost exclusively to statements, assertions, and propositions — to linguistic acts that (at least in theory) have truth-value.  This led to problems when analyzing certain types of statements, for example in determining the truth conditions for such statements as "I promise to do so-and-so."truth conditions  Austin pointed out that we use language to do things as well as to assert things, and that the utterance of a statement like "I promise to do so-and-so" is best understood as doing something — making a promise — rather than making an assertion about anything.  Hence the name of one of his best-known works: "How to do Things with Words".

7 Works  How to Do Things With Words is perhaps Austin's most influential work.  In contrast to this positivist view, he argues, sentences with truth-values form only a small part of the range of utterances.positivisttruth-values

8  After introducing several kinds of sentences which he asserts are neither true nor false, he turns in particular to one of these kinds of sentences, which he calls performative utterances or just "performatives". These he characterises by two features:performative utterances 1.Again, though they may take the form of a typical indicative sentence, performative sentences are not used to describe (or "constate") and are thus not true or false; they have no truth-value. 2. to utter one of these sentences in appropriate circumstances is not just to "say" something, but rather to perform a certain kind of action.

9  He goes on to say that when something goes wrong in connection with a performative utterance it is, as he puts it, "infelicitous", or "unhappy" rather than false.  The action which is performed when a 'performative utterance' is issued belongs to what Austin later calls a speech-act (more particularly, the kind of action Austin has in mind is what he subsequently terms the illocutionary act).speech-actillocutionary act  For example, if you say "I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth," and the circumstances are appropriate in certain ways, then you will have done something special, namely, you will have performed the act of naming the ship.  Other examples include: "I take this man as my lawfully wedded husband," used in the course of a marriage ceremony, or "I bequeath this watch to my brother," as occurring in a will. In all three cases the sentence is not being used to describe or state what one is 'doing', but being used to actually 'do' it.

10  After numerous attempts to find more characteristics of performatives, and after having met with many difficulties, Austin makes what he calls a "fresh start", in which he considers "more generally the senses in which to say something may be to do something, or in saying something we do something".  For example: John Smith turns to Sue Snub and says ‘Is Jeff’s shirt red?’, to which Sue replies ‘Yes’.

11  John has produced a series of bodily movements which result in the production of a certain sound.  Austin called such a performance a phonetic act, and called the act a phone. John’s utterance also conforms to the lexical and grammatical conventions of English—that is, John has produced an English sentence. Austin called this a phatic act, and labels such utterances phemes.phatic  To use a pheme with a more or less definite sense and reference is to utter a rheme, and to perform a rhetic act.rhemerhetic  Note that rhemes are a sub-class of phemes, which in turn are a sub-class of phones. One cannot perform a rheme without also performing a pheme and a phone.  The performance of these three acts is the performance of a locution—it is the act of saying something.  John has therefore performed a locutionary act. He has also done at least two other things. He has asked a question, and he has elicited an answer from Sue.

12  Asking a question is an example of what Austin called an illocutionary act.illocutionary act  Other examples would be making an assertion, giving an order, and promising to do something.  To perform an illocutionary act is to use a locution with a certain force.  It is an act performed in saying something, in contrast with a locution, the act of saying something.

13  Eliciting an answer is an example of what Austin calls a perlocutionary act, an act performed by saying something.perlocutionary act  Notice that if one successfully performs a perlocution, one also succeeds in performing both an illocution and a locution.  In the theory of speech acts, attention has especially focused on the illocutionary act, much less on the locutionary and perlocutionary act, and only rarely on the subdivision of the locution into phone, pheme and rheme.  How to Do Things With Words is based on lectures given at Oxford between 1951 and 1954, and then at Harvard in 1955.

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