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Putting Social Media to Good Use Jeff Moriarty, Sitewire Director Social Media Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "Putting Social Media to Good Use Jeff Moriarty, Sitewire Director Social Media Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Putting Social Media to Good Use Jeff Moriarty, Sitewire Director Social Media Strategy

2 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Who Am I? Jeff Moriarty Intel Corporation – Community Manager 9+ years Internal social media evangelist/architect Sitewire – Directory of Social Media Strategy Ignite Phoenix – Co-Founder ImprovAZ – Co-Shenaniganizer Phoenix Innovation Foundation – Co-Founder Social Media Club Phoenix - Organizer

3 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Ground Rules Ask questions Make this worth your while Discussion better than PowerPoint Material available later at 3CMA site

4 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Agenda My background What is (and isn’t) social media Dirty details – Policies, Techniques, and People Benefits & Concerns Recap


6 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty My Intel Story Persuaded by coworker “Lord of the Reorg” IT Social Media Evangelist/Architect Most widely read internal blog Drove change across the company Almost all of executive staff knew me

7 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Revelations Circumvented normal channels Disrupted the status-quo Unexpected connections Uncharted territory for everyone


9 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Community Social Media is about using tools to build community Communities build around similar goals, beliefs, interests, or values External communities around products, services, habits, and trends Internal communities around shared employer, roles, experience, challenges

10 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty The Nots Not about controlling discussion Not about controlling location Not about picking the tools Not about marketing & public relations Not about talking


12 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Building a Strategy Align social media to objectives Understand impact to culture Identify owners, escalation path Guide through policy, not reactions Create use cases to drive tool selection

13 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Stakeholders Legal Mitigating the risk vs. building Information Technology Technical Feasibility vs. Usability Public Relations Balanced messages and support

14 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Administration Employees are first accountability Community Ambassadors HR & Legal partners Clear escalation path for issues Consistency is critical


16 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Got Policy? Your employees are already using SM People are talking about you in SM When those collide, what will you do? Your boss? Your lawyers? Clarify in writing; educate with training

17 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty External Policy Common sense guide and legal protection Information security concerns Financial information Partner and competitive discussions Tie to corporate behavior guidelines Google: “Intel Social Media Guidelines”


19 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Complaints Venting Disruptive topics (layoffs, biz decisions) Takes time to monitor Management losing control Information leaks

20 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Find the passion What do people care about? Don’t force issues; nurture them Go where people are already talking Engage transparently

21 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Build the Community Community takes tending to grow Find the leaders and support them Who contributes? Helps? Supports? Build trusted ties Engaged people participate Don’t control


23 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Community Benefits Ad hoc database Pulse of community, hot issues Breaks through tiers, beauacracy New ideas and interactions Challenges status quo

24 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Gov’t Benefits Unexpected collaboration Breaks silos and tiers User generated content Networking and education Opportunity to lead

25 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Concerns Size of entity Demonstrating soft and hard value Will management love it/hate it Elected official involvement Tolerance of dissent, empowerment Legal issues, data privacy, open meetings

26 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Use Cases Community updates Virtual Town Halls Supporting micro-communities Citizen help/support Sharing information – videos Brainstorming, action groups

27 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Recap Find the heart of your community Build your strategy and policies Identify and recruit your champions Genuinely engage Track your hard and soft ROI Rinse, repeat

28 #3CMA3CMA@jmoriarty Thank you! Email: Twitter: jmoriarty Content on

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