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What is a promotion? Promotion is the element in an organisation’s marketing mix that serves to inform, persuade and remind the market about the organisation.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a promotion? Promotion is the element in an organisation’s marketing mix that serves to inform, persuade and remind the market about the organisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a promotion? Promotion is the element in an organisation’s marketing mix that serves to inform, persuade and remind the market about the organisation and/or its products. Promotion is an attempt to influence; whether a particular promotional activity is designed to inform, persuade or remind, the ultimate objective is to influence the recipient’s feelings, beliefs or behaviour.

2 promotion- the promotional mix

3 Answer the followings: 1.What stages are there in the process in a consummer’s decision to buy a new product? 2.What does AIDA stand for? 3.What is the marketing communications mix? 4.Which is the most important tool for consumer goods? 5.Which is the most important tool for inductrial goods?

4 The promotional mix Personal selling—the presentation of a product to a prospective customer by a firm’s sales executive. Advertising—paid, non-personal mass communication, in which the sponsor is clearly identified. Sales promotion—demand-stimulating activity designed to supplement advertising and coordinate personal selling.

5 The promotional mix Publicity—a non-paid form of advertising that uses mass communication to stimulate demand. Public relations—a planned communication effort by an organisation to contribute to generally favourable attitudes and opinions toward an organisation and its products.

6 The communication process…1

7 Promotion Marketers use promotional activities to differentiate their products from those of competitors, and induce the consumer’s purchase decision by introducing new information. The communication process…2

8 What is advertising? Advertising consists of presenting a non-personal, sponsor-identified message about a product or organisation. –Four key elements: 1. a verbal and/or visual message 2. a sponsor, who is identified in the advertisement 3. delivery through one or more media 4. payment by the sponsor to the media carrying the message.

9 Advertising Advertising is any paid form of non- personal communication of ideas or products in the "prime media": i.e. television, newspapers, magazines, billboard posters, radio, cinema etc. Advertising is intended to persuade and to inform.

10 Types of advertising Consumer versus business advertising –Informational bases and makes appeals to rational or emotional buying motives. Product versus institutional advertising –Focus on particular product or brand and information and goodwill to company. Primary-demand and selective-demand advertising –Stimulate demand for generic or specific brands. Cooperative advertising –Promotes the products of two or more firms that share its costs.

11 Which medium should we choose? To choose the right medium for a promotional message, we need to consider the following questions: What do we want our ads to do? Who are we trying to reach? What message do we want to communicate? Where and when do our targeted customers make their buying decisions? How much will each medium cost?

12 Advertising newspaper television radio magazines direct mail outdoor advertising Yellow pages Internet mobile phones (SMS/MMS).

13 Sales Promotion Sales promotion refers to the provision of incentives to customers or to the distribution channel to stimulate demand for a product.

14 Managing sales promotion…1 Sales promotion (promotion marketing) includes: premiums, in-store displays, trade shows, demonstrations and contests. It is distinct from advertising and personal selling, but all three are interrelated.

15 Managing sales promotion …2 Choosing the right sales promotional tools What is the objective? Who is the target market? product considerations— demonstrational the cost of the tool current economic conditions.

16 Managing sales promotion …2 Measuring the success of our sales promotion Responses to a premium or special offer. Sales promotions have definite start and end dates. Most promotions are designed to impact sales directly, rather than awareness or attitude. Results may be inflated by sales cannibalisation.

17 Personal Selling Personal selling refers to oral communication with potential buyers of a product with the intention of making a sale. The personal selling may focus initially on developing a relationship with the potential buyer, but will always ultimately end with an attempt to "close the sale".

18 Managing personal selling Personal or face-to-face selling is usually used when: –The market is concentrated geographically. –The product has a high unit value. –The sale involves a trade-in. –The product is in the introductory stage of its life cycle. –There is not enough money to sustain the campaign.

19 Skills of the salesperson A good salesperson requires various attributes: –time management skills –organisational ability –consulting skills –communication skills –problem-solving skills –credibility (also a positive attitude).

20 Changing approaches to personal selling Team selling –A group of people from various departments or affiliate firms form the sales team, usually used for major projects. Systems selling –Selling a total package of related goods and services—a system—to solve a customer’s problem. Relationship selling –Developing relationships with current and new clients over an extended period.

21 The integrated approach Personal selling and direct marketing: –used to develop sales leads –usually done via telemarketing –assists in categorising customers by value –best form for taking routine orders –cost-effective manner of communication. Online selling—company website set up to take orders online.

22 Personal selling process

23 Selling models AIDA –Awareness –Interest –Desire –Action –A traditional approach, which focused on the salesperson and their objectives more than on customer needs. Consultative –A method used to determine the customer’s needs and assist in providing a solution.

24 Telemarketing and selling This technique has the following characteristics: Cost of a telephone sales call is one-tenth of the cost of a call in person. Can be used to make initial contact with sales leads. Involves less time face to face with customers. Effective in keeping in touch with customers. Collecting ‘routine’ orders allows the sales team to devote more time to creative selling. Works best when combined with other sales strategies.

25 Managing the sales team…1 Recruitment and selection –Decide who is the right person for the job and what attributes and qualifications they should have. Choose the right people –Various methods used are interview, references, psychological and aptitude tests and physical examinations.

26 Managing the sales team…2 Induction –A method used to familiarise a new employee with their new working environment. Training –Determine who should train new salespeople. –A training program should be developed to meet company objectives and cover philosophy, company and product overview.

27 Managing the sales team…3 Coaching –Spending time with a salesperson to observe and assist with their work practices, outcomes and to develop their knowledge and skills. Motivation –Managers should find out what motivates an individual. –Motivators include financial and non- financial rewards.

28 Remuneration( 酬劳 ) There are various forms of compensation: –Straight salary Offers the maximum degree of security and stability of earnings. –Straight commission Opposite merits and limitations to those of the straight-salary plan.

29 Evaluating salespeople's performance…1 Quantitative and qualitative assessments should both be used as the basis of performance evaluation. Quantitative factors: Output factors include sales volume, gross margin achieved, orders won and number of new accounts opened. – Input factors include calls per day (call rate), direct selling expenses, number of sales, display set ups, number of training sessions, etc.

30 Evaluating salespeople's performance …2 Qualitative factors: knowledge of the product, policies and completion management of the salesperson’s own time and preparation calls customer relations personal appearance and health personality and attitudinal factors, such as cooperation, resourcefulness and the ability to analyse logically and make decisions.

31 Public Relations Public relations is the communication of a product, brand or business by placing information about it in the media without paying for the time or media space directly.

32 Managing public relations and publicity…1 PR can be achieved by: Supporting charitable projects. Supplying volunteers or other resources. Participating in community-service events. Providing sponsorship. Providing information to customers via newsletters.

33 Managing public relations and publicity …2 Main advantages: –There can be lower cost and credibility given to the message by an apparently independent service. Main disadvantages: –The organisation can have a lack of final control over the actual message, and when and how it is communicated.

34 The communication process

35 Promotion Marketers use promotional activities to differentiate their products from those of competitors, and induce the consumer’s purchase decision by introducing new information.

36 The roles of promotion Informing The most useful product will be a failure if no one knows about it. Persuading Intensive competition exists in the market. Reminding Consumers need reminding of product’s availability.

37 Choosing the right form of promotion Marketers need to consider: –t–the target market –t–the nature of the product –t–the stage of the product’s life cycle –m–money available for the promotion.

38 Reaching the target market Marketers need to identify who they are trying to influence. Determining customer’s readiness to buy: –a–awareness –k–knowledge –l–liking –p–preference –c–conviction –p–purchase. This is the hierarchy of effects (or buying stages).

39 Reaching the target market (continued) Determine where the customers are located –geographic location and access to the message Determine the types of customers –retail, wholesale, intermediaries, business Determine how many customers there are –size of the potential customer and choice of suitable communication, e.g. personal selling.

40 Nature of the product unit value of the product amount of product customisation amount of pre-sale and post-sale service required.

41 Product’s life cycle stage Introduction –Customers are not aware of the product’s features. Growth –Customers are aware of the product’s benefits. Maturity –Competition intensifies and sales level off. Decline –Sales and profits are declining.

42 Planning a promotional campaign Determine campaign objectives. Determine buying motives by purchaser. Determine campaign theme. Determine the campaign’s integrated marketing communication process.

43 The promotional budget How much should I spend? Percentage of sales method –Company might determine past or anticipated sales and apply a percentage of sales as the promotional budget. All available funds –Company might use all available funds on the promotional campaign.

44 The promotional budget (continued) How much should I spend? Matching the competition (also known as ‘share of voice’) –Promotional expenditure based on market share of competitors, or actual expenditure, if known. Task or objective method –Determine what tasks or objectives the promotion must accomplish. –Determine what it will cost to perform the task or meet the objective.

45 Add appropriate words from the text. 1. Each of the above components of __________ has strengths and weaknesses. 2. If a market size is small and the number of potential buyers is small, then ____________ may be the most cost-effective promotional tool.

46 3. Some _______ customers need to be provided with detailed, complex information to help them evaluate a purchase (e.g. buyers of equipment for nuclear power stations, or health service managers investing in the latest medical technology). In this situation, personal selling is almost always required - often using selling teams rather than just one individual.

47 4. The overall resource __________for the promotional campaign will often determine which tools the business can afford to use. 5. By contrast, few consumers need much information about _______ such as baked beans or bread. Promotional tools such as brand advertising and sales ________ are much more effective in this case.

48 Answers 1. Marketing communication mix 2. personal selling 3. potential, 4. budget 5. products, promotion

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