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Plant stanol and sterol esters - mechanism and safety issues -

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1 Plant stanol and sterol esters - mechanism and safety issues -
Jogchum Plat Department of Human Biology Nutrition and Toxicology Research Institute Maastricht Maastricht University The Netherlands

2 Topics Mechanism (effects on cholesterol metabolism) 2. Safety aspects * Atherogenicity of plant sterols (and stanols?) * Red blood cell fragility

3 Topics Mechanism (effects on cholesterol metabolism) 2. Safety aspects * Atherogenicity of plant sterols (and stanols?) * Red blood cell fragility

4 Plant sterols and stanols lower absorption from the intestinal lumen
Cholesterol 50% Cholesterol plus sterols / stanols 80% 20%

5 Plant sterols lower micellar cholesterol in the intestinal lumen of rats
Rats were fed diets for one week enriched with cholesterol (C) or cholesterol + sitosterol (C+S). Analysis 2 hours after last meal Aqueous (micel) phase cholesterol sitosterol C C+S C C+S Ikeda et al. Biochim Biophys Act, 1983

6 Frequency study: Effect of intake moments
of plant stanol esters over the day Control Breakfast Lunch Diner no stanols 2.5 g stanols no stanols Once per day 0.4 g stanols 0.8 g stanols 1.3 g stanols Three times per day

7 Consumption frequency does not change the effects of plant stanol esters
mmol/L % change * * * * LDL cholesterol LDL cholesterol Control Once a day 2.5 g stanols Three times a day 2.5 g stanols * P<0.001 vs control group Plat J et al. Eur J Clin Nutr, 2000

8 Plant stanol esters are already effective when consumed all at
Conclusion Plant stanol esters are already effective when consumed all at once (2.5 g/day) at lunch This is the basis behind the currently available one-shot yogurt drinks

9 Is the effect on micelles in the intestinal lumen really underlying the cholesterol-lowering effect?
bile salt Lipid core Hypothesis Plant sterols and stanols not only lower micellar cholesterol concentrations, but also affect cholesterol metabolism inside the enterocytes

10 Two plant sterol / stanol families
Cholesterol HO 4-desmethylsterols HO Sitosterol HO Campesterol 4,4-dimethylsterols HO alpha-Amyrin saturation saturation HO Sitostanol HO Campestanol HO Lupeol

11 Different types of plant sterols, different effects on LDL cholesterol concentrations
mmol/L LDL cholesterol % change * * Zouden het “classes” of “types” zij of is dat allemaal hetzelfde?? * * Control Plant stanols Plant sterols Sheanut oil (4,4-dimethylsterols) (4-desmethylsterols) * P<0.05 vs control group Westrate et al. Eur J Clin Nutr, 1998

12 Both classes of plant sterol lower micellar cholesterol incorporation
4-desmethyl sterols 4,4-dimethyl sterols % cholesterol incorpotared Into mixed micelles Cholesterol Sitosterol Sitostanol a-amyrin Lupeol Plat et al. J Lpid Res 2005

13 Cholesterol homeostasis in enterocytes
chylomicrons B48 CE mesentheric lymph / blood compartment nucleus enterocytes cholesterol Plant stanols microvilli brush border membrane ABC transporter NPC1L1 NPC1L1 intestinal lumen cholesterol mixed micelles mixed micelles

14 % Change ABCtransporter
Plant stanols / sterols increase ABC transporter expression in enterocytes 4-desmethyl plant sterols % Change ABCtransporter expression 4,4-dimethyl plant sterols Legenda aangepast zodat de x-as wordt onderbroken en niet de legenda. Zie maar wat je mooier vindt Titel aangepast Sitosterol Lupeol Sitostanol Cholesterol Alpha-amyryn Plat et al. J Lipid Res 2005

15 4-desmethyl plant sterols / stanols activate LXR
LXRa LXR signal signal (nM) (nM) Cholesterol Sitosterol Campesterol GW683965A DMSO LXRa EC50 max signal LXRb EC50 max signal Bij NWO kreeg Mark Boekschoten veel vragen over de karaketeristieken van de promotor (humaan of muis, lengte etc). Ben jij daarvan op de hoogte? Cholesterol Sitosterol Campesterol Sitostanol Campestanol GW683965A 72 42 43 136 122 197 75 76 86 52 54 104 63 26 28 110 124 41 71 80 77 38 45 Plat et al. J Lipid Res 2005

16 4,4-dimethyl plant sterols do not activate LXR
LXRa LXR signal signal (nM) (nM) Lupeol Alpha-amyrin GW683965A DMSO LXRa EC50 max signal LXRb EC50 max signal ND 77 Alpha-amyrin lupeol GW683965A ND 197 ND 104 ND 41 Plat et al. J Lipid Res 2005

17 Conclusion Plant sterols and stanols lower intestinal cholesterol absorption, a process in which local activation of LXR target genes (cholesterol transporters) in the intestine plays a prominent role Tekst iets aangepast. Zeg je hier niet hetzelfde als in de vorige slide??

18 Effects of plant stanols on whole body cholesterol metabolism
LIVER VLDL cholesterol synthesis + Remnant receptor IDL LDL receptor Less cholesterol enters the liver by chylomicrons LDL ?

19 Experimental design control margarine (n=17) low erucic acid
rapeseed (LEAR) margarine and shortening plant stanol ester margarine (n=34) - 4 (weeks) 8 isolation of PBMCs Change

20 LDL receptor mRNA concentrations are significantly increased by dietary plant stanol esters
 LDLr mRNA copies / mg total RNA * * P<0.001 vs control group Control group  Plant stanol ester group Plat and Mensink, FASEB J 2001

21 Are LDL receptor protein levels also increased ?
mRNA LDL receptor protein - Wordt de LDL receptor posttranscriptional gemodificeerd? - Kun je niet beter zeggen dat er geen 1:1 relatie is tussen mRNA en LDL-protein

22 LDL cholesterol reduction is correlated
with LDL receptor protein expression on monocytes r=-0.492 P=0.0004; N=51 200  LDLreceptor expression 100 -100 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0.4 0.8  LDL cholesterol change (mmol/L) Plat and Mensink, FASEB J 2001

23 Summary: effects on cholesterol metabolism
LIVER cholesterol synthesis + VLDL Remnant receptor IDL chylomicrons B48 CE LDL receptor LDL + cholesterol ABC transporter chol INTESTINE

24 Topics Mechanism (effects on cholesterol metabolism) 2. Safety aspects * Atherogenicity of plant sterols (and stanols?) * Red blood cell fragility

25 Topics Mechanism (effects on cholesterol metabolism) 2. Safety aspects * Atherogenicity of plant sterols (and stanols?) * Red blood cell fragility

26 High sitosterol is associated with a 2-fold
increased risk beyond high LDL cholesterol in men Hazard ratio for coronary events sitosterol (mmol/L) LDL cholesterol (mmol/L) Data from PROCAM Assmann et al, NMCD 2006

27 Particularly statin treatment elevates
serum plant sterol concentrations 4S-study: Subjects with high intestinal cholesterol absorption and low synthesis at baseline (Q4) did not show a decrease in mortality despite a similar cholesterol reduction. RR Q1 0.62 Q2 0.66 Q3 0.75 Q4 1.16 Low abs / high synth high abs / low synth Is the increased plant sterol concentration during statin treatment the reason why mortality does not decrease in Q4 ? Cholesterol mmol/L weeks Q1 placebo Q1 statin Q4 statin Q4 placebo Q1 placebo Q1 statin Q4 statin Q4 placebo weeks Change campesterol (chol stand) Miettinen et al. ATVB 2002, BMJ 1998

28 Intervention study in LDLr (+/-) mice
Run-in period Experimental period Western type diet (N=12) Western type diet + 1% plant stanols (N=12) Western type diet + 1% plant sterols (N=12) Western type diet + atorvastatin (0.0025%) + atorvastatin (0.0025%) Western type diet (N=72) 0 Weeks Bloodsampling x x x x x Leasion typing x

29 Adding plant sterols or stanols to atorvastatin
treatment further lowers serum total cholesterol Total cholesterol (mmol/L) Weeks Plat et al. J Lipid Res 2006, in press

30 Effects on serum plant sterol concentrations
Control Stanol Sterol Statin + statin * Sitosterol (mmol/mmol cholesterol) 11-fold  vs stanol + statin Control Stanol Sterol Statin + statin * Campesterol (mmol/mmol cholesterol) 4-fold  vs stanol + statin

31 Plant stanols and sterols (alone or combined with statins) lower lesion size in female heterozygous LDL-rec (+/-) deficient mice Lesion area (mm2) * * * *# *# * vs control # vs statin alone Control Stanol Sterol Statin Stanol + statin Sterol + statin

32 Conclusion In heterozygous LDLreceptor deficient mice fed a western type diet: - atorvastatin treatment alone as well as in combination with a plant sterol enriched diet elevates serum plant sterol concentrations up to 11-fold (sitosterol) atherosclerotic lesions size plus severity are improved, despite increased serum plant sterol concentrations This does not confirm the suggested atherogenicity of plant sterols (or stanols)

33 Topics Mechanism (effects on cholesterol metabolism) 2. Safety aspects * Atherogenicity of plant sterols (and stanols?) * Red blood cell fragility

34 Plant sterols / stanols and red blood cells
Red blood cell abnormalities in sitosterolemic patients Stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats have a shortened life span after plant sterol or plant stanol consumption (Ratnayake, 2000) Question Are elevated plant sterol or stanol concentrations in red blood cells harmfull?

35 Study design 45 statin users 4 weeks control ‘light’ margarine
16 weeks experimental ‘light’ margarine (3 groups of n=15) 30 gram of a 8 % plant sterol/stanol ‘light’ margarine (2.5 g plant sterol/stanol) Osmotic fragility was measured in week 3 (baseline) and week 19 De opzet van deze studie ziet er als volgt uit. 45 Statine gebruikers hebben de studie inmiddels afgerond en naar type 2 diabeten zijn we nog hard op zoek, inmiddels zijn er 9 diabeten in de studie. Gedurende de eerste 4 weken wordt een controle halvarine gegeven waaraan dus geen plant sterolen of stanolen zijn toegevoegd. Na deze 4 weken zijn de proefpersonen verdeeld over 3 groepen. 1 Groep blijft de controle halvarine gebruiken, 1 groep krijgt een halvarine met plant sterolen en de ander met plant stanolen. Deze experimentele halvarine werd gebruikt gedurende 16 weken. De proefpersonen gebruikten per dag 30 gram halvarine, wat gelijk staat aan 2.5 g plant sterolen of stanolen. Dit betekent dat ongeveer 6 boterhammen/crackers/beschuiten met halvarine per dag moesten worden genuttigd. Gedurende het onderzoek werd aan het eind van de run in periode, 2 weken na het begin van de interventie periode en aan het eind van de interventieperiode bloed afgenomen. De Jong, Plat and Mensink, Eur J Clin Nutr 2006

36 Hemolysis Eerst zal ik uitleggen hoe we de kwetsbaarheid van rode bloedcellen hebben gemeten en vervolgens zal ik onze resultaten laten zien. In deze figuur is te zien hoe een rode bloedcel zich gedraagt in verschillende vloeistiffen. Bij een isotone vloeistof gebeurt er niets met de bloedecel, waneer de vloeistof “zout” is trekt al het vocht uit de bloedcel en klapt hij in. Wanneer de vloeistof juist “zoutloos” is trekt vocht de bloedcel in en zwelt deze op tot een bepaald volume en knapt dan uit elkaar. Dit wordt hemolyse genoemd. De hoeveelheid hemolyse neemt dus toe naarmate de zoutconcentratie van de omgeving afneemt. De mate van hemolyse (roodheid door het hemoglobine wat vrij komt) kunnen we kwntificeren.

37 Methods of the osmotic fragility measurement
RBC isolation 5 different saline concentrations (0.1, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5%) Spectrophotometer (540 nm) We isoleren dus de rode bloedcellen uit the bloed van een proefpersoon, brengen deze in 5 oplossingen met verschilende zoutconcentraties en meten de hoeveelheid hemolyse.

38 No change of osmotic fragility in the control group
De volgende drie dia’s geven de uitkomsten van de kwetsbaarheid oftewel fragiliteit van rode bloedcellen voor de drie verschillende groepen. De rode lijn geeft de baseline meting, dus aanhet eind van de run in periode. De gele lijn geeft de meting aan het eind van de interventieperiode weer. In de controle groep is te zien dat er niets veranderd voor en na interventie. De Jong, Plat and Mensink, Eur J Clin Nutr 2006

39 No change of osmotic fragility in the plant sterol and stanol groups
Ditzelfde geldt voor de plant sterol groep. De Jong, Plat and Mensink, Eur J Clin Nutr 2006

40 Conclusion Plant sterols and stanol esters, at a daily intake of 2.5 g do not change osmotic fragility of the red blood cell

41 Topics Mechanism (effects on cholesterol metabolism) 2. Safety aspects * Atherogenicity of plant sterols (and stanols?) * Red blood cell fragility

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