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3 3 GOALS 2011 PQRI codes for Optometry Diagnosis; diseases are the key Demonstrate usage-minimize confusion Implementation; not sink or swim Modifiers for PQRI measures Fine tuning Good for your practice 3

4 4 CARROT STICK VS STICK ANALOGY Carrot stick now for incentive -Positive reinforcement Stick later -Negative result (if positive doesn’t provided initiative) 4

5 55 PQRI 2011 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative Now PQRS: Initiative replaced with System Quality Data Codes (QDC) Over 200 total measures for 2019 9 Eyecare Measures (2 are for OMDs only) 1 technology code-Electronic medical record (EMR or EHR) Other measures could be used additionally by ODs *Separate E-prescribing measure (G8553) At this time, used for Medicare only (ALL MEDICARE)

6 66 4 Eye Diseases Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) Diabetes (DM) Diabetic Retinopathy (DR)

7 77 Diagnosis When patients files are reviewed and any of the mentioned eye diseases are diagnosed; ask your doctor if any of the PQRI measures could be reported.

8 88 INCENTIVE FINANCIALLY REWARDED 1 % bonus payment if you qualify (based on all allowable Medicare charges- not just claims with measures) Additional, separate 1% bonus with eRx- NOT included in usage of 3

9 99 PAY FOR REPORTING Pay for Reporting-not pay for performance (1 st step toward pay for performance) Voluntary at this time Intent is to improve patient care by thinking about what you are doing

10 10 REQUIREMENTS For satisfactory reporting: Use of at least 3 measures (QDC) for all reportable cases (encounters) This does NOT mean 3 QDC are used on each claim. (Usage - 50% on applicable encounters) NO REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE

11 11 Code Placement Need to make sure the correct pointer (Dx) is used on the line of service -Correct diagnosis (pointer) is attached to the procedure code/measure.

12 12 REPORTING PERIODS Two reporting periods: 01/01/2011 – 12/31/2011 07/01/2011 – 12/31/2011-designed for practitioners getting started (so even if you don’t get started until later, you can still qualify)

13 13 CPT Category II codes Consist of four numbers and an alpha character They have their own modifiers Used with Category I procedure codes (our “normal” procedure codes) Most are listed in your current CPT Current Procedural Terminology

14 14 The QDC will be denied on the Medicare remittance advice/notice (RA) as N365- “This procedure code is not payable. It is for reporting/information purposes only” Sent on to National Claims History File (NCH) for analysis

15 15 Participating Physician Directory CMS reversed initial decision on publishing provider names of those who participated Listing of providers who attempted PQRI CMS decided by listing names, they would be encouraging participation by physicians as patients can view this list

16 16 MODIFIERS (exclusion modifiers) 1P: excluded due to medical reasons (contra-indicated) 2P: excluded due to patient reasons (patients refused, etc) 3P: *Gone for eyecare measures 8P: not performed (but could have), reason not specified. Still get credit Use carefully, thoughtfully

17 17 Modifier exception Exception for modifier use: Modifiers are NOT used with the “G” measures

18 18 RETIRED MEASURES #134007FARMD-ARED prescribed/recommended (this was replaced with a SIMILAR MEASURE) #151055FCataracts: visual functional status assessment #163073FCataracts: pre-surgical measurement #172020FCataracts: pre-surgical dilated fundus evaluation

19 19 RETIRED MEASURES #114 – 1000F, 1034F, 1035F, 1036F Tobacco Use Assessed #115 – G8455, G8456, 4000F, 4001F Advising Smokers To Quit

20 20 RETIRED MEASURES #129G8423, G8424, G8425, G8426 Universal influenza vaccine screening and counseling #139 – 0014F Cataracts; Pre-op Assessment for Cataract Surgery G8443, G8445, G8446 E-Prescribing *removed as part of PQRI and in separate incentive

21 21 #12 2027F POAG Optic Nerve Evaluation Dilation is NOT required Age 18+ Allowed Dxs: 365.10, 365.11, 365.12, 365.12, 365.15 CPT 1 codes: 92002-92014, 99201-99215 99241-99245(consults) 99307-99310, 99324-99337 (care facility setting)

22 22 2027F Must be performed at least once in a 12 month period. (Remember, can be used each time applicable, even on the same patient with different date of service) Modifiers: 1P: medical reason, for example, patient had a total cataract-couldn’t see the nerve 8P: not done

23 23 Example 2027F Service line 1: 99213365.11 Service line 2: 2027F365.11

24 24 #14 2019F AMD Age Related Macular Degeneration Dilated Macular Exam Age 50+ Document +/- macular thickening, +/- hemes, AND level of AMD Report at least once in a 12 month period Allowed Dxs: 362.50, 362.51, 362.52

25 25 2019F AMD Level 1 CPT Procedure codes: 92002-92014, 99201-99215 99241-99245, 99307-99310, 99324-99337 Modifiers: 1P 2P (patient refused dilation) 8P

26 26 Example 2019F AMD Line 199214362.50 Line 22019F 2P362.50 Measure was not done as patient refused dilation

27 27 #18 2021F Diabetic Retinopathy Document level of DR AND +/- macular edema-362.07* (MUST CODE DR 1 st ) Age 18+ Performed at least once in a 12 month period Allowed Dxs: 362.01, 362.02, 362.03, 362.04, 362.05, 362.06

28 28 DM/DR 250.0X – Diabetes with Ophthalmic Manifestation -Principal Dx per ICD-9 362.0X – DR per ICD-9 states “must first code diabetes” (DR is the manifestation)

29 29 2021F DR CPT Level 1 codes: 92002-92014 99201-99215, 99241-99245, 99307-99310, 99324-99337 Modifiers: 1P, 2P, 8P

30 30 2021F DR Example Dx (field 21 on HCFA form) 1. 250.5x 2.362.01 (BDR) 3.362.07 (Macular Edema) Svc line 192014250.5x Svc line 22021F362.01 Dx 3 is listed because macular edema (ME) was documented, but not used as a pointer

31 31 #19 5010F AND G8397 or G8398- Diabetic Communication -DR communication with physician managing DM (diabetes) care Age 18+ Communication is documented at least once in a 12 month period Allowed Dxs: 362.01, 362.02, 362.03, 362.04, 362.05, 362.06

32 32 5010F DR COMMUNICATION 5010F states findings of DFE are communicated with physician managing DM (DFE must be performed) 5010F + G8397 says: 1 st, DFE (part of 5010F) was performed and documented – then DR and ME (macular edema) was communicated to managing physician 32

33 33 5010F +(and) G8397 *OR G8398 G8397-Dilated Fundus Exam (DFE) performed, including documentation level of DR and +/- ME (and communicated with managing physician – 5010F) G8398-DFE NOT performed (Would be reported ALONE; without 5010F as 5010F requires DFE)

34 34 5010F and G8397 or G8398 CPT level 1 codes: 92002-92014, 99201-99215, 99241-99245 99307-99310, 99324-99337 Modifiers: 2P: patient did not want communication 8P: not communicated, not stated why

35 35 Example 5010F and G8397 Svc line 199214362.02 (PDR) Svc line 25010F362.02 Svc line 3G8397362.02 Communicated with physician and DFE performed Svc line 199214362.02 Svc line 25010F 2P362.02 Svc line 3G8397362.02 No communication due to patient reason, BUT DFE was performed

36 36 Example 5010F and G8397 99214362.02 5010F 2P362.02 G8397362.02 No communication due to patient reason, but DFE performed 8P can be used, if reason for not communicating is not stated

37 37 G8398 Use alone (don’t use with 5010F) NO DFE Example: 92012362.02 G8398362.02 This shows no DR communication with physician managing diabetes because no DFE was performed

38 38 #117 2022F, 2024F, 2026F, 3072F Dilated Eye Exam-DM Age 18-75* 2022F: DFE with interpretation, documented and reviewed *This will be most frequently used 2024F: 7 standard field stereoscopic photos with interpretation documented and reviewed 2026F: Eye imaging validated to match Dx from 7 standard field stereoscopic photos results documented and reviewed 3072F: Low risk for DR (no DR in previous year) Not likely to be used because patient should have been dilated within the past year

39 39 2022F, 2024F, 2026F, 3072F Allowed Dxs: 250.00-250.03, 250.10-250.13, 250.20-250.23, 250.30-250.33, 250.40-250.43, 250.50-250.53, 250.60- 250.63, 250.70-250.73, 250.80-250.83, 250.90-250.93, 357.2, 362.01-362.07, 366.41, 648.00-648.04 CPT Level 1 codes: 92002-92014, 99201-99215, 99304-99310, 99324-99328, 99334-99337, 99341-99345,99347-99350, (G0270, G0271 - HCPCS Medical nutrition therapy)

40 40 2022F, 2024F, 2026F, 3072F Must be performed at least once in a 12 month period Modifier: 8P only-no dilation performed, not specified (excluding 3072F-not applicable) Reminder: cut off at age 75

41 41 Example 2022F Field 21 on hcfa: 1 250.50 (dm with ophthalmic manifestation) 2 362.01 (background diabetic retinopathy) Line 199204250.50 22022F250.50 35010F362.01 4G8397362.01

42 42 Example 5010F, G8397, 2022F Line 1 92004362.01 2 5010F362.01 3 G8397362.01 4 2022F*250.50 or 362.01 *for example, DM with ophthalmic manifestation or background DR-either dx could be used (BDR is a manifestation of DM)

43 43 #140 4177F AMD Counseling on AREDS Counseling on both benefits and risks of antioxidant (AREDS) use documented Age 50+ Allowed Dxs: 362.50, 362.51, 362.52 CPT Level 1 codes: 92002-92014, 99201-99215(no 99211), 99241-99245, 99307-99310, 99324- 99328, 99334-99337

44 44 4177F-AMD-AREDS Counseling patient and/or caregiver Counseled at least once in a 12 month period This measure does NOT state recommended or prescribed use Modifiers: 8P: (FYI: if patient is a smoker, AREDs would not be recommended)

45 45 Example 4177F-AMD-AREDS Line 199214362.51 24177F362.51 32019F362.51 Counseling on AREDS and dilated macular exam for AMD If DFE was not performed but could have; append the correct modifier of 1P,2P, or 8P

46 46 #141 3284F, OR 0517F & 3285F POAG, IOP reduction POAG: Reduction of IOP (intraocular pressure) by at least 15% OR documentation of plan of care Age 18+ Documented at least once in a 12 month period Multiple QDC may be required for this measure

47 47 3284F OR 0517F & 3285F POAG & IOP 3284F: IOP reduced by >15% from pre- intervention level OR 0517F: GLC plan of care documented AND 3285F: IOP reduced <15% from pre- intervention level

48 48 3284F, 0517F, 3285F POAG & IOP Allowed Dxs: 365.10, 365.11, 365.12, 365.15 CPT Level 1 codes: 92002-92014, 99201-99205, 99212-99215, 99307-99310, 99324-99328, 99334-99337

49 49 Example 3284F POAG & IOP 92004365.11 3284F 8P365.11 IOP not documented, reason not specified

50 50 Example 0517F, 3285F POAG IOP 92004365.11 0517F 8P365.11 (Plan of Care) 3285F 365.11 IOP reduced < 15% 8P: plan of care NOT documented, reason not specified Plan of care: could include recheck of IOP at specified time, change in therapy, perform additional diagnostic evaluations, monitoring per patient decisions, referral to a specialist

51 51 3284F, 0517F, 3285F POAG & IOP Combinations of QDC required: 3284F:IOP reduced by at least 15% 0517F & 3285F: Care plan documented & IOP reduced <15% 0517F & 3285F 8P: IOP reduced < 15%, no care plan-reason not stated 3284F 8P: IOP reduced at least 15%, no IOP documented, reason not specified

52 52 #139 0014F Pre-op Cataract IOL Placement RETIRED effective Jan. 1, 2011 Surgeons ONLY Cataracts: Comprehensive Preoperative Assessment for Cataract Surgery with IOL Placement ODs do NOT report

53 53 #124 G8447 or G8448 HIT HIT-Health Information Technology Adopt or use of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) or Electronic Health Record (EHR) G8447: Use of certified EHR G8448: Use of qualified, not certified EMR

54 54 G8447, G8448 EMR To be qualified, the EMR must be capable of generating: Medication list Problem list Ability to manually enter or electronically receive, store and display laboratory results as discrete searchable data elements Ability to meet basic privacy and security elements

55 55 G8447 or G8448 EMR Used on all patient encounters (essentially all office visits, but NOT used if ONLY special testing is performed for the date of service) No age specifications No modifiers would be used

56 56 #130 G8427, G8428 or G8429,G8430 or G8507 Documentation/Verification of Current Medications in the Medical Record Current medications with dosages AND verification documented

57 57 G8427-Medication Documentation List current medications, including dosages and verification with patient or authorized representative – documented Includes Rx, over-the-counter (OTC), herbals, vitamin/mineral/dietary (nutritional) supplements Lots of documentation!

58 58 G8428 or G8429-Medication Documentation G8428: Provider documentation of current medications with dosages without documented patient verification OR G8429: Incomplete/no provider documentation of current medications, dosages were assessed-no reason stated (most commonly used)

59 59 G8430 or G8507-Medication Documentation Current medications with dosages not documented, patient not eligible G8430: Provider documentation that patient is not eligible for medication assessment OR Current meds-dosages documented, patient verification not documented, patient not eligible G8507: Provider documentation that patient is not eligible for patient verification of current medications

60 60 G8427, G8428, G8429, G8430, G8507-Medication Documentation Age 18+ Use with essentially with all office visits No modifiers

61 61 #114 1000F and 1034F or 1035F or 1036F-Tobacco Use Inquiry regarding tobacco use RETIRED effective Jan. 1, 2011

62 62 #115 4000F, 4001F, G8455, G8456, G8457 Advising Smokers to Quit RETIRED effective Jan. 1, 2011

63 63 #128 G8417, G8418, G8420, G8421, G8422-BMI Universal Weight Screening and Follow-Up Calculated body mass index (BMI) Requires EXTENSIVE documentation Not likely to reasonably be used by ODs

64 64 #125 E-Prescribing Incentive Program Separate Bonus payments 2009-20102% 2011- 1% 2012-2014.5% Reduction in payment for not using E-Rx 1%2012 1.5%2013 2%2014 and each following year

65 65 E-Prescribing G8553 At least one Rx was created, generated & transmitted electronically using a qualified E-Rx system during a patient encounter Calendar year reporting 1/1/2010 – 12/31/20101 Report a minimum of 25 times during the reporting period -Does NOT require reporting 50% of eligible encounters

66 66 E-Prescribing G8443, G8445, and G8446 deleted 2010 -FOR 2010, ONLY G8553

67 67 E-Prescribing-G8553 Age 18+ Reported on every encounter IF E-Rx generated CPT level 1 codes: 92002-92014, 99201-99215, 90801- 90809, 90862, 96150-96152, 99304-99316, 99324-99337, 99341-99350, G0101, G0108, G0109

68 68 E-Prescribing Qualified e-Rx must do ALL of the following: Generate complete active medication list Select medication, print prescriptions, electronically transmit prescriptions, and conduct all alerts Provide information related to lower cost, therapeutically appropriate alternatives (if any) Provide information on formulary or tiered formulary medications, patient eligibility, and authorization requirements received electronically from the patient’s drug plan

69 69 E-Prescribing For additional information/details:

70 70 E-Prescribing There are some free products available BCBS: Allscripts

71 71 2011 PQRS Highlights 9 Eye care specific measures (2 for only surgeons) 4 eye diseases: POAG, ARMD, DM, DR 1 HIT (Health information technology) (other measures available for use by ODs) E-Rx: separate measure with separate 1% bonus

72 72 3 measures, 50% of applicable cases 2011 bonus =1% on all allowable Medicare charges (as long as OV submitted) Bonus paid to group tax ID, but results are individual by provider No registration required, not to late to start As always, use proper documentation will have current

73 73 Help and guidance is available SO; HAPPY REPORTING!


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