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Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) 2011-30130 In-Sung Jang March, 24 th. 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) 2011-30130 In-Sung Jang March, 24 th. 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) 2011-30130 In-Sung Jang March, 24 th. 2011

2 i. What is LBT?

3 ii. Optics iii. Instruments iv. Science v. Summary i. What is LBT? Contents

4 i. What is LBT?

5 i. What is LBT? Fast Facts Location: Mt. Graham International Observatory in Arizona Altitude: 3221m Built: 1994 ~ 2004 Wavelength: Optical – NIR

6 i. What is LBT? Fast Facts Primary mirrors Diameter : 8.4m x 2 (World Largest Single Mirror!) Total collecting area : 111m 2 (D=11.89m) First light 1 st primary mirror: October 12, 2005 2 nd primary mirror: September 18, 2006

7 LBT is one of the world largest optical telescope!

8 i. What is LBT? Why built LBT? High ultimate spatial resolution - using 22.4m interferomer Key science programs - Extragalactic Astrophysics (High-z G) - Star and planet formation - The direct detection of exoplanets FWHM = 0.4”FWHM = 0.2” FWHM = 0.02”FWHM = 0.06” NGC 4535 moved to z=1, observed at 2um

9 i. About the LBT LBT Project Partners Research Corporation – 12.5% – The Ohio State University – University of Notre Dame – University of Minnesota – University of Virginia Italy – 25% Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) – Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri – Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna – Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma – Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova – Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera – Other Italian Observatories and Universities The Ohio State University – 12.5% Arizona – 25% –The University of Arizona –Arizona State University –Northern Arizona University Germany – 25% LBT Beteiligungsgesellschaft (LBTB) –Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie (Heidelberg) –Landessternwarte (Heidelberg) –Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam –Max-Plank-Institut fur Extraterrestriche Physik (Munich) –Max-Plank-Institut fur Radioastronomie (Bonn) Total cost : $120M ~ 1350 억원 -_ -;:

10 ii. Optics


12 Primary mirrors Primary Spacing : 14.42m -> collecting area : 11.8m aperture -> diffraction-limited area : 22.8 m ii. Optics Alt-azimuth mount - Each mirror always pointing same position - No z-direction? rotation

13 (a), (b), 3-D view of secondary mirror ii. Optics Ref : 45-actuator prototype

14 (a), (b), 3-D view of secondary mirror ii. Optics Ref : 45-actuator prototype LBT secondary mirror

15 Focal stations ii. Optics Ref :

16 Discussion : Comparison between LBT and GMT ii. Optics LBTGMT Mirror8.4m x 28.4m x 7 Effective aperture11.8m24.5m SiteArizona (N) Las Campanas (S) Budget~$120Million~$1billion OpticsOn-axis, interferometerOff-axis Open time for Korean*1month/year

17 Discussion : Comparison between LBT and GMT ii. Optics LBTGMT Mirror8.4m x 28.4m x 7 Effective aperture11.8m24.5m SiteArizona (N) Las Campanas (S) Budget~$120Million~$1billion OpticsOn-axis, interferometerOff-axis Open time for Korean*1month/year Ref : Optics for the Giant Magellan Telescope by Buddy Martin, 2009 GMT primary mirror (Steward observatory mirror lab)

18 Discussion : Comparison between LBT and GMT ii. Optics LBTGMT Mirror8.4m x 28.4m x 7 Effective aperture11.8m24.5m SiteArizona (N) Las Campanas (S) Budget~$120Million~$1billion OpticsOn-axis, interferometerOff-axis Open time for Korean*1month/year LBTGMT Ref : Optics for the Giant Magellan Telescope by Buddy Martin, 2009

19 Discussion : Comparison between LBT and GMT ii. Optics LBTGMT Mirror8.4m x 28.4m x 7 Effective aperture11.8m24.5m SiteArizona (N) Las Campanas (S) Budget~$120Million~$1billion OpticsOn-axis, interferometerOff-axis Open time for Korean*1month/year LBTGMT The size of Hotel Mercure in Potsdam is comparable with that of the LBT

20 Discussion : Comparison between LBT and GMT ii. Optics LBTGMT Mirror8.4m x 28.4m x 7 Effective aperture11.8m24.5m SiteArizona (N) Las Campanas (S) Budget~$120Million~$1billion OpticsOn-axis, interferometerOff-axis Open time for Korean*1month/year

21 Discussion : Comparison between LBT and GMT ii. Optics LBTGMT Mirror8.4m x 28.4m x 7 Effective aperture11.8m24.5m SiteArizona (N) Las Campanas (S) Budget~$120Million~$1billion OpticsOn-axis, interferometerOff-axis Open time for Korean*1month/year LBTGMT

22 iv. Instruments

23 MODS (The Multi-Object Double Spectrographs) LUCIFER (LBT NIR Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral-Field Unit for Extragalactic Research) LBC(Large Binocular Camera) PEPSI (Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument) LINC (LBT INterferometric Camera) LBTI (Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer) iv. Instruments

24 MODS1, 2 (The Multi-Object Double Spectrographs) Pair of low-to medium resolution spectrographs/imagers Broad wavelength coverage (320 – 1100nm) Imaging mode - 4k x 4x CCD - 6’ x 6’ FOV, 0.125” pixel scale - u,g,r,i,z filter system Spectroscopic mode - Grating : 2000 ~ 8000 - long slit : 6’ x 0.6, 1.0, 1.2” - multi-object slit : 0.6” x 0.6”, up to 24 objs Installation - Installed at the LBT left direct on August 21 of 2010 - Become available for regular observing starting in the fall of 2011 - MODS2 become available in spring of 2012 iv. Instruments

25 MODS (The Multi-Object Double Spectrographs) iv. Instruments BlueRed Range (nm) 320-600500-1100 Mode Spectral Resolution (0.6” slit, 4 pixels) Grating2000~8000 ImagingFilters

26 iv. Instruments Ohaio Univ. 2010 May 7Mt. Graham 2010 May 17LBT left side 2010 Aug 31Installation completed 2010 Sep 1

27 LUCIFER (LBT NIR Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral-Field Unit for Extragalactic Research) NIR multi-object Spectrographs and Imagers LUCIER1 in science operation since Dec 17 in 2009 Imaging mode - Without AO : 4’x4’ FOV, 0.12”/pixel - With AO : 0.5’ x 0.5’ FOV, 0.015”/pixel Spectroscopic mode - Grating : ~30000 - Multi-object spectroscopy - IFU spectroscopy iv. Instruments

28 LUCIFER (LBT NIR Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral-Field Unit for Extragalactic Research) Adaptive Optics Without AO - FWHM : 0.3” in H band With AO - FWHM : 0.04” iv. Instruments LUCIER without/with AO

29 LUCIFER (LBT NIR Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral-Field Unit for Extragalactic Research) Adaptive Optics iv. Instruments HST/WFC3/IR (F160W)LBT/LUCIFER (H) Three times sharper than HST!!

30 LBC (Large Binocular Camera) Optical Imager Specification - FOV : 23’ x 23’ <- quite large!! - Pixel scale : 0.23” - Wavelength : 320 ~ 1000 nm ex) SUBARU suprimecam = 34’ x 27’, 0.2” First light : October 2005 iv. Instruments

31 LBC (Large Binocular Camera) iv. Instruments NGC 891 First light image

32 LBC (Large Binocular Camera) iv. Instruments

33 PEPSI (Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument) The Spectrograph - Spectral range : 383 ~ 907nm - Grating : 120,000 ~ 320,000 Polarimeters - Observing mode : Linear or Circular Delivery - Spectrograph optics: 07/2011 - Polarimeters : 07/2012 iv. Instruments

34 LINC-NIRVANA (LBT INterferometric Camera – Near IR Visible Adaprive INterferometer for Astronomy) Wavelength : 0.6~2.4um (Optical - NIR) FOV : 10” x 10”, pixelscale : 5mas LBTI (Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer) Universal Beam Combinder (UBC) Nulling Infrared Camera (NIC) - Wavelength : 3.5~13um (NIR - MIR) - Fov : 40” x 60” Resolution : I couldn’t find any info.. But, by simple calculation.. θ = λ/D iv. Instruments LBTI/UBC D=22.8m, 1um -> 0.01”

35 Image reconstruction iv. Instruments 22.8 m PSF

36 iv. Instruments 22.8 m 0°0°60°120° Image reconstruction -By taking several such images through a night!

37 iv. Instruments 22.8 m 0°0°60°120° Image reconstruction -By taking several such images through a night! LBTI image simulation for Io

38 MODS (The Multi-Object Double Spectrographs) LUCIFER (LBT NIR Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral-Field Unit for Extragalactic Research) LBC(Large Binocular Camera) PEPSI (Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument) LINC (LBT INterferometric Camera) LBTI (Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer) iv. Instruments

39 iv. Science

40 1) Extragalactic Astrophysics Galaxy Formation Resolved Extragalactic Stellar Populations 2) Star Formation Studies Structure of Circumstellar Disks Stellar Multiplicity 3) Planetary Science Extrasolar Planets Search iv. Science

41 1) Extragalactic Astrophysics Galaxy Formation - The earliest galaxy fragments are small and faint (Hierarchical paradigm). - Current observations are biased toward luminous, massive, and star burst G - A deep multi-color, near-IR survey a volume of 10^5 cubic Mpc, ~20 nights/year Resolved Extragalactic Stellar Populations - Current technology limits to resolve individual stars in galaxies further than ~10 Mpc - LINC will be able to resolve stellar populations in galaxies out to 20 Mpc - Possible to resolve single stars in elliptical galaxies. iv. Science

42 Planetary Science Structure of Circumstellar Disks - Circumstellar disks have an important influence on molecular cloud collapse, planet formation. - The angular scale of beam combiner correspond to less than 1AU at d~50pc - Monitoring program for stellar disks can give the fill 3-D motions of the gas. (V=25km/s in 3pc, 1 month observation -> θ ~ 0.13”) Stellar Multiplicity - The majority of MS stars are found in binary and multiple systems. - Distribution of field (young) binary star separations peaks at approximately 50 AU. - Placing them on the H-R diagram, assess their relative evolutionary state. - can calibrate the mass-luminosity relation by measuring the dynamical masses. iv. Science

43 Planetary Science Extrasolar Planets “The characterization of habitable environments is the primary goal !!” 1) By detecting and analysing zodiacal dust. -> the existence of planets 2) By detecting Jupiter like planets, and calculating their orbits. -> the stability of earth like planets in habitable zone. iv. Science

44 LBT is the world largest, up to date optical telescope. LBT interferometer gives ultimate resolution in NIR wavelength. LBT would be the finest telescope until the GMT era. v. Summary


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