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The White Paper Educational Excellence Everywhere Plus the recent announcements from Friday 6 th May.

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Presentation on theme: "The White Paper Educational Excellence Everywhere Plus the recent announcements from Friday 6 th May."— Presentation transcript:

1 The White Paper Educational Excellence Everywhere Plus the recent announcements from Friday 6 th May

2 We want North Yorkshire to be a special place where every childhood is wonderful and every young person thrives

3 It is not statute yet…. Excellence – High standards Everywhere – focus on low performing districts Teacher recruitment and training – reform NCTL School Leadership – Exec Heads, accountability Academisation – Role of RSC, LAs, MATs School led system – role of Teaching Schools School improvement – schools choose, RSC intervention Curriculum – Careers, national curriculum, testing National funding formula – SEN, pupil premium Performance & Ofsted reform – new league tables

4 Updates from the DfE 6 th May 2016 Good or outstanding schools do not need to convert – they have the choice The government will continue to require underperforming schools to convert to academy status where they can benefit from the support of a strong sponsor. One hundred and four directive academy orders have already been issued to underperforming schools in the last month since the new legislation came into force. (SCC on April 18 th ) DfE will also continue to support ‘good’ schools to convert and to take the lead in supporting other schools as part of MATS In addition, the government will bring forward legislation which will trigger conversion of all schools within a local authority in 2 specific circumstances: o firstly, where it is clear that the local authority can no longer viably support its remaining schools because a critical mass of schools in that area has converted. Under this mechanism a local authority will also be able to request the Department for Education converts all of its remaining schools o secondly, where the local authority consistently fails to meet a minimum performance threshold across its schools, demonstrating an inability to bring about meaningful school improvement

5 Small rural schools The government is also announcing a package of measures to guarantee the continued success of small rural schools. Hundreds of small rural schools that currently receive no top-up funding to address the unique pressures they face will benefit from landmark changes made to school ‘sparsity funding’. The new national funding formula will provide sparsity funding for every single one. Alongside the existing statutory presumption against closure of rural schools, the government will go further, introducing a new ‘double lock’ so that when small rural schools convert to academy status both local and national government have to agree to a school closing before a decision can be made. No small successful schools will be forced to join a national academy chain - most small schools will choose to join multi-academy trusts made up of other local schools, though small sustainable schools will be able to convert alone if they wish.

6 North Yorkshire is a successful LA with strong schools 87% of schools are judged good or better achievement is consistently high for children It has had a strong Ofsted inspection We will work with all schools and academies Now and in the future to be as successful as they can possibly be for the communities that they serve. The stronger they are the stronger the county is. Schools are at the heart of the County’s growth strategy for communities, families and economy. The LA is committed to a school led self-improving system this was enshrined in the commission report and its recommendations are now already being implemented. Teaching School alliances will be at the heart of this strategy. Exploring a range of innovative ways of shaping the future A range of collaborations across schools and academies, working with national bodies, TSAs, MATs, Unions, other LAs and the Dioceses. This County has many great schools; headteachers, school staff and school governors, it will continue to support them.

7 Educational Excellence Everywhere We are not concerned with the “name over the door” – we are concerned with what best drives and embeds improvement We do feel that where possible and appropriate local solutions bring additional value and believe that there is much about “community of place” and “leadership of place” that remains important. Can also see that might be risks with a local MAT We want to work closely and positively with all current academies, academy trusts and teaching school alliances and also positively fulfil a role in enabling the growth and development of new organisational forms

8 Educational Excellence Everywhere We are concerned about the relative lack of capacity in the region in terms of MATs to take in the 92% of non-academy schools in North Yorkshire. We welcome the recent news from the DfE that says that good or outstanding schools need not become academies. We believe that gives choice to GBs We are actively encouraging good and outstanding schools in strategic locations and existing partnerships/teaching school alliances to form federations or MATs. We are also in dialogue with the Diocesan Authorities to discuss their ambitions. We are already working with some groups of schools to support and facilitate their thinking. The decisions to be made are ultimately for schools, but we can help with setting the scene, enabling school leaders/governors to consider the wider picture, and with modelling options We want to support and work with schools in enabling a strategic and measured approach

9 Starting Points to help us answer the question Number of students not number of schools Calculate the total forms of entry for all years across the trust for all schools 6FE Secondary is 30 FE in total 2FE Primary is 14 FE in total Multiply total FE for the trust by class size of 30 to get total student population Calculate the pupil income for the trust Calculate the 5% contribution to running the central team and support structure What are the services you want to provide at the core of the trust? Essential Desirable

10 Assume pupil income is £4530 Model 1 is a 3 Primary MAT with 1260 children 5% of Pupil Income is 285K Exec Head, FD and HR manager Just about covers the essentials Most of the non essentials are still bought and paid for by the schools including school to school support Model 2 is a MAT of 5 schools with 1 Secondary and 4 Primary with 2850 children 5% of pupil income is 584K Key roles covered plus services adding value to the schools School to school support ICT Estates and maintenance

11 Assume pupil income is £4530 Model 3 is a MAT of 10 schools with 2 Secondary and 8 Primary with 5160 children 5% of pupil income is 1,169,000K Full range of roles and services are covered Leadership includes CEO and Exec Head over clusters Finance and HR teams grow to reflect size of staffing and turnover Trust provides school to school support, ICT network support, estates services, marketing and PR

12 Conclusions If the conclusion is that 1200 students in a MAT is the smallest viable number then this has implications for further expansion Rate of Growth In Cornwall 1200 pupils could mean 20 primary schools Elsewhere it makes an assumption that the MAT of 3-5 today might need to grow to 10-15 in the next few years

13 Educational Excellence Everywhere What were the concerns being raised:- Small rural schools – primary. Now given the “double lock” Position of church schools still – what is the diocese position now Position of other schools in an area where more church schools Sustainability and viability of schools Capacity of the sector to be the leads for school-led improvement Position of federations Level of autonomy, accountability in MATs

14 Educational Excellence Everywhere Next steps On-going dialogue with existing MATs, potential MATs, potential federations, TSAs, dioceses, yourselves Proactive consideration of recruitment opportunities Communicate through PLNs, SINs, Governor Conference, regular newsletters Clarify future roles for the LA and, in particular, the School Improvement Service. Consider option of an arms-length umbrella trust. Continue to develop School Improvement Traded Service

15 Educational Excellence Everywhere Questions or areas of focus to support discussions What are your school’s thinking / plans around federations /MATs ? Are you considering primary / secondary / cross-phase MATs / models Are you aware of the various models and the financial arrangements Is there capacity in your school to support the school-led sector for school improvement What points / concerns would you like us to take back to Pete and Cllr Barker ? Is there any particular support needed ?

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