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11E 1.More ____________ were implemented to help _________ with _________ and assistance. 2.______ (Works Progress Administration) – 1935 -It _____________.

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Presentation on theme: "11E 1.More ____________ were implemented to help _________ with _________ and assistance. 2.______ (Works Progress Administration) – 1935 -It _____________."— Presentation transcript:

1 11E 1.More ____________ were implemented to help _________ with _________ and assistance. 2.______ (Works Progress Administration) – 1935 -It _____________ all New Deal ______ programs. It employed workers in large ____________ projects and gave jobs to ________ painting _________. 3.____ (National Youth Admin.) – 1935 – established by ______ to assist high _________ and college-aged _______with jobs. 4._______ (Social Security Act) – 1935 -Established as a ___________ plan for persons over ___ by requiring a ____ on their wages that was paid ________ by both employee and ___________. -Also established _________ for unemployment ____________. 5. _______ Act (1935) – increased income _______ on people with ___________ incomes. 2 nd New Deal (1934-39) Minorities in the 30s. 2nd New Deal Cont. Other Areas of FDR’s Presidency 1. Election of ________ Roosevelt (Dem.) – ____ Electoral Votes 60.8% popular _______ Landon (Rep.) – _____ Electoral Votes 36.5% popular ________ Lemke (Ind.) – __Electoral Votes 2. _______ Reorganization Bill (1937). Also known as the “________ Packing Plan.” Several New Deal ________ had already been declared _____________. Roosevelt wanted the ________ to appoint new federal ________ that would ___________ his programs. Proposed adding one new ______ for every ________ over the age of _______. It would add ______ new judges and _____ on the Supreme Court. This _____did not ______. The 2 nd New Deal & American Society 6._____(Farm Security Admin.) 1937 - loaned money to ________ to purchase ______, lease ______, and buy equipment. 7.______ – (U.S. Housing Act) 1937 – built public _______ projects for the ______ to live – “_________.” 8._____________ (National Labor Relations Act) 1935 – also known as the ___________ Act. - It reaffirmed labor’s _______ to __________, and prohibited unfair _________ practices. 9.________ (Fair Labor Standards Act) 1938 – It set the first ________ wage at ______ cents an hour and set the minimum work _______ of ______ hours. -It also forbid ________ from hiring _________under ___ years of age. -Growth of the ____and ______ 10. _______ of New Deal Today: The Federal Govt. is much more _________ in the citizens’ ______. 1.Several __________ and African Americans were _______ to high govt. ______________by FDR. 2.Working _________ still faced _________ and were paid ________ wages than men. 3.The ___________ hit African Americans extra __________. 4.Mary McLeod ___________ -Established the “Black _______” in an attempt to ______ FDR’s administration to __________ organizations. 5.FDR and ________ addressed the problems of _______ justice, but did not _________ to them. 6.Scottsboro, AL _______(1931) -In 1931, ____ African American teenagers were _________ of ________ two white women. -They were __________ by an all-white jury and __________ to death. They were later _______. -The _______ inspired the novel, To _____ a ______________. 30s Society 1.Shirley ________– child actress 2._________ Board Game (1930) 3.King ________ Movie (1933) 4.Swing _________ craze 5.__________ comic book debuts (1938) 6.Mr. ______Goes to __________ and It’s a ____________ Life starring Jimmy Stewart. 7.The _____________ a German Zeppelin ____________while touring the U.S. _______ 35 of the 97 on board. Took place in New ___________. 8.Amelia ________became the first _______ to fly ______ across the Atlantic in 1932. In 1937, she and navigator Fred Noonan ___________ while on a _________from New Guinea to Howland Island in the ________. 9.The ____ of Charles _________ was _________ in 1932 and was found ________ soon after. Art/ Literature/Entertainment 1.The ____ established the Federal Arts _________ to assist _________, performers and ___________. 2.Grant Wood’s American ________was considered one of the most _________ portrayals of _____ in the Midwest during the Great _____________. 3.Richard Wright’s ______ Son – book written by an African American about ______in _______ during the 1930s. 4.John Steinbeck’s _______ of Wrath. 5._____ provided family entertainment, soap operas, and ________ programs. -Orson Welles -“_____ of the Worlds” _________ in 1938 led thousands to believe that an interplanetary ______ had started with invading _______ spreading ______ and destruction in New Jersey and New York. 6. Snow ______ and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) 7. Gone with the _________(1939) 8. _________ of Oz (1939)

2 30s Society Cont. 10. 1936 _______ Olympics (_______ Olympics) – Germany hosted the event and _______ used it as the perfect opportunity to demonstrate how the _______ and his perfect “_____ Race” of people were _________ to the world. -He was highly _______that ______ and _____ participated. -He was even more _______ when the African American athlete, Jesse ______, won four ________ medals. 11.John _______ the first “public ______ #1” was shot by the _______ in 1934. He was known for his _______ and _______ robberies in the 20’s. 12. ________ and _______ were notorious _________ and criminals who traveled the central United States during the Great Depression. 13. Joe ________ – a famous African American _______ who became world _________ in the 1930’s. He defeated ________ boxer, Max Schmelling. 14. Lou ________– a famous ______ player of the 1930’s for the N. York Yankees. 15. World War II _______ in Europe when ________ invades __________ in 1939. The 2 nd New Deal & American Society 11E (part 2)

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