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Describe social and economic conditions from the 1920s through the Great Depression regarding factors leading to a deepening crisis, including the collapse.

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Presentation on theme: "Describe social and economic conditions from the 1920s through the Great Depression regarding factors leading to a deepening crisis, including the collapse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Describe social and economic conditions from the 1920s through the Great Depression regarding factors leading to a deepening crisis, including the collapse of the farming economy and the stock market crash of 1929.

2 Chapter 22 Section 2

3 Impact  Banks close, people have no money  Businesses close, high unemployment  Yearly income is down: average $1600  People without jobs go hungry. Soup kitchens and bread lines are set up to feed the poor

4 Impact continued  People who cannot afford their rent/mortgage lose their homes. Evicted to shantytowns (makeshift towns) called Hoovervilles  Hobos were homeless people who traveled on railcars looking for a better life.

5 Impact continued  The lack of crops grown in the 1920s made the soil erode in the 1930s.  Then a drought sets in on the Great Plains Dust Bowl  More farmers lost their farms and moved to California looking for a better life. When they got to California, to still faced poverty and homelessness.

6 Impact continued  People tried to escape the depression by going to the movies and listening to the radio. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The Wizard of Oz Mr. Smith goes to Washington Gone with the Wind  Soap Opera became popular during the Great Depression. Got their name from laundry detergents sponsoring them.

7 Impact continued

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