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CNM Vision and Values: More than just words Evelyn J Selva, RVT HWPS – Veterinary Technology Clinical Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "CNM Vision and Values: More than just words Evelyn J Selva, RVT HWPS – Veterinary Technology Clinical Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 CNM Vision and Values: More than just words Evelyn J Selva, RVT HWPS – Veterinary Technology Clinical Coordinator

2 Introductions: who is present...

3 Write down the CNM values and the CNM vision

4 How did you do?

5 Write down the CNM values and the CNM vision How did you do? Caring Civility Excellence Hope Integrity Leadership Changing Lives, Building Community

6 One other activity: Consider what the six values mean to you - what do they resonate within you? Write down some key words or thoughts that go along with the six values. Share your thoughts. Caring Civility Excellence Hope Integrity Leadership

7 “Vision & Values” - from words on a page to actions being lived out The towel on the chair depicts a black and white cat image – similar to a “vision and values” in print

8 “Vision & Values” - from words on a page to actions being lived out The towel on the chair depicts a black and white cat image – similar to a “vision and values” in print But, now, I have my black and white cat – living out the “vision and values” of the image on the towel CNM has written the six values as goals for students to incorporate into their lives, as characteristics - to be great citizens in the community.

9 “Vision & Values” - from words on a page to actions being lived out The towel on the chair depicts a black and white cat image – similar to a “vision and values” in print But, now, I have my black and white cat – living out the “vision and values” of the image on the towel Consider what the benefits are to students pursuing graduation and employment to “live out” the values of CNM? Caring Civility Excellence Hope Integrity Leadership

10 10 Figure 4.3 Mission and Vision in the Planning Process

11 11 v1.0/s08-developing-mission-vision-and-.html

12 Values can be stepping stones on a pathway for the future Vision and value statements can help focus time and efforts Vision and value statements can keep us moving forward on our pathway New horizons can be reached A common focus can be kept in view - within an institution (CNM) or a workplace Vision and values can effect the “culture of a college”

13 Values are the pathway for the future What are your thoughts about the worth of ‘teaching’ vision and values? Write down a few thoughts.... Share with your colleagues....

14 Values can be a stepping stone pathway for the future How we live the vision and values can influence our classroom atmosphere, hopefully having a positive effect on our students. The vision and values effect the “culture of the college” - what the institution is all about. The CNM campuses and classrooms should reflect the six values - we should reflect them. Caring Civility Excellence Hope Integrity Leadership

15 Excitement in Exploring the CNM Values How can we excite the students to consider the CNM values? How can we assist the students to incorporate the CNM values into their lives? How can we help the students to see application of the CNM values as they prepare for jobs in the community?

16 Excitement in Exploring the CNM Values How can we excite the students to consider the CNM values? How can we assist the students to incorporate the CNM values into their lives? How can we help the students to see application of the CNM values as they prepare for jobs in the community? How do we mirror the CNM values before our students - to our colleagues - to our community? What does it take to get the students attention - like this Shepherd? Can the students relate to the values?

17 Caring... Exploring vision and values during face to face contact allows conversation to flow naturally, instinctively You can read the body language of those involved in the conversation

18 Civility... Use social media for some discussions Avoid being absorbed by social media technology to the detriment of personal face to face contact and conversations Like this goat, be curious about the content, and socialize to explore the content

19 Hope... Create and seek opportunities for the students to ‘reflect’ upon the “Vision and values” Be creative in encouraging the students to consider the “vision and values” - like this “200 pound” guard dog! If you are in a career technical field, consider applying a reflection assignment to the chosen career pathway

20 Excellence... Examples from the Veterinary Technology Program: During the second term of the Program: Write at least two paragraphs (min ½ pg. max 1 pg). Reflect on the CNM values “ Civility ” and “ Excellence ” in reference to your Strengths. You may want to consider all of your Strengths, or just a couple of them. Please do list your 5 Strengths at the top of your paper – and then write the reflection paragraphs (possibly consider the veterinary environment, as you are preparing to be at clinical placements next term).

21 Integrity and Leadership... Another example: During the third term of the Program: As part of your regular weekly clinical report: · List your 5 Strengths.  Consider the three CNM values “ Caring ”, “ Integrity ”, and “ Leadership ”. · Reflect upon the past weeks in your clinical placements; then write a brief paragraph as you have seen application of these 3 CNM values to the clinical setting. · Then relate at least one, and up to three, of your Strengths to these three CNM values as applied to the veterinary environment.

22 Associate and Create and Dream Encourage the students to Dream about possible futures My personal vision and values reflect on my dreams Recently I have simplified my current personal vision to a few words “Live from your strengths” Like this cat, I can take time and contemplate where I am going, reflect on the important things in life, am I living my values? Encourage our students to do the same

23 CNM has created the vision and values to be characteristics that graduates would incorporate into their lives as they enter the workplace and are active in the community. Incorporate the CNM Vision and Values into actions and conversations, and classroom culture – purposefully at first, then with practice they should flow more naturally The CNM vision and values drives the mission: “To create educational opportunities … pursuing a level of community college excellence…”. Photos taken by Evelyn Selva, RVT

24 Resources: Evelyn J Selva, RVT

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