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The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark By William Shakespeare (1600-1601)

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1 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark By William Shakespeare (1600-1601)

2 Set around 1050 A.D. (approx. the same time as Macbeth) less historical than Macbeth Elsinore Castle - Denmark

3 King Hamlet Gertrude Claudius - King Hamlet ----> Gertrude <---- Claudius - New King (Dead king of Denmark) Queen (King Hamlet's Brother) Shallow/Weak Calculating/Ambitious/ Driven by Lust for Power Prince Hamlet Prince Hamlet Reflective/Thoughtful/ Melancholy/Bitter/Cynical Formerly Student at Wittenberg

4 Polonius Polonius Counselor to the King Pompous/Conniving Laertes --------------- Ophelia Laertes --------------- Ophelia (Prince Hamlet's Girlfriend[?]) (son) (daughter) Most of Play in France Sweet/Innocent/Dependent on Passionate/ the men in her life Quick to Action

5 Horatio Horatio (Hamlet's Best Friend - Wittenberg) Rosencrantz & Gildenstern Puppet-like "friends" of Hamlet's (Wittenberg) King Fortinbrasof Norway King Fortinbras of Norway (killed by King Hamlet) Prince Fortinbras (leader of Norway's army - fighting Poland)

6 TRAGIC FLAW Aristotle’s definition of tragedy: When a “great” person, because of some flaw in his or her character, suffers great adversity…

7 While critics tend to agree that Hamlet "is not perfect" and that his tragedy is "partially his own fault," they differ greatly on just what constitutes his "tragic flaw." Here are just a few of the candidates for that honor: * Excessive intellectualism-- Hamlet thinks too much. * Infantilism-- Hamlet has never grown up. He can't face the reality of a mother with sexual needs and a world that sometimes requires us to make compromises with evil. * Hamlet is the victim of an Oedipus Complex. * Hamlet is manic-depressive. (Put him on Prozac, and he'd go back to school and behave himself.). * Hubris-- Hamlet has delusions of grandeur. He thinks he can stage- manage the affairs of the kingdom and toy with his uncle and his mother.


9 On a dark winter night, a ghost walks the ramparts of Elsinore Castle in Denmark. Discovered first by a pair of watchmen, then by the scholar Horatio, the ghost resembles the recently deceased King Hamlet, whose brother Claudius has inherited the throne and married the king’s widow, Queen Gertrude. When Horatio and the watchmen bring Prince Hamlet, the son of Gertrude and the dead king, to see the ghost, it speaks to him, declaring ominously that it is indeed his father’s spirit, and that he was murdered by none other than Claudius. Ordering Hamlet to seek revenge on the man who usurped his throne and married his wife, the ghost disappears with the dawn.

10 Prince Hamlet devotes himself to avenging his father’s death, but, because he is contemplative and thoughtful by nature, he delays, entering into a deep melancholy and even apparent madness. Claudius and Gertrude worry about the prince’s erratic behavior and attempt to discover its cause. They employ a pair of Hamlet’s friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to watch him. When Polonius, the pompous Lord Chamberlain, suggests that Hamlet may be mad with love for his daughter, Ophelia, Claudius agrees to spy on Hamlet in conversation with the girl. But though Hamlet certainly seems mad, he does not seem to love Ophelia: he orders her to enter a nunnery and declares that he wishes to ban marriages.

11 A group of traveling actors comes to Elsinore, and Hamlet seizes upon an idea to test his uncle’s guilt. He will have the players perform a scene closely resembling the sequence by which Hamlet imagines his uncle to have murdered his father, so that if Claudius is guilty, he will surely react. When the moment of the murder arrives in the theater, Claudius leaps up and leaves the room. Hamlet and Horatio agree that this proves his guilt. Hamlet goes to kill Claudius but finds him praying. Since he believes that killing Claudius while in prayer would send Claudius’s soul to heaven, Hamlet considers that it would be an inadequate revenge and decides to wait. Claudius, now frightened of Hamlet’s madness and fearing for his own safety, orders that Hamlet be sent to England at once.

12 Hamlet goes to confront his mother, in whose bedchamber Polonius has hidden behind a tapestry. Hearing a noise from behind the tapestry, Hamlet believes the king is hiding there. He draws his sword and stabs through the fabric, killing Polonius. For this crime, he is immediately dispatched to England with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. However, Claudius’s plan for Hamlet includes more than banishment, as he has given Rosencrantz and Guildenstern sealed orders for the King of England demanding that Hamlet be put to death.

13 In the aftermath of her father’s death, Ophelia goes mad with grief and drowns in the river. Polonius’s son, Laertes, who has been staying in France, returns to Denmark in a rage. Claudius convinces him that Hamlet is to blame for his father’s and sister’s deaths. When Horatio and the king receive letters from Hamlet indicating that the prince has returned to Denmark after pirates attacked his ship en route to England, Claudius concocts a plan to use Laertes’ desire for revenge to secure Hamlet’s death. Laertes will fence with Hamlet in innocent sport, but Claudius will poison Laertes’ blade so that if he draws blood, Hamlet will die. As a backup plan, the king decides to poison a goblet, which he will give Hamlet to drink should Hamlet score the first or second hits of the match. Hamlet returns to the vicinity of Elsinore just as Ophelia’s funeral is taking place.

14 The sword-fighting begins. Hamlet scores the first hit, but declines to drink from the king’s proffered goblet. Instead, Gertrude takes a drink from it and is swiftly killed by the poison. Laertes succeeds in wounding Hamlet, though Hamlet does not die of the poison immediately. First, Laertes is cut by his own sword’s blade, and, after revealing to Hamlet that Claudius is responsible for the queen’s death, he dies from the blade’s poison. Hamlet then stabs Claudius through with the poisoned sword and forces him to drink down the rest of the poisoned wine. Claudius dies, and Hamlet dies immediately after achieving his revenge.

15 At this moment, a Norwegian prince named Fortinbras, who has led an army to Denmark and attacked Poland earlier in the play, enters with ambassadors from England, who report that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Fortinbras is stunned by the gruesome sight of the entire royal family lying sprawled on the floor dead. He moves to take power of the kingdom. Horatio, fulfilling Hamlet’s last request, tells him Hamlet’s tragic story. Fortinbras orders that Hamlet be carried away in a manner befitting a fallen soldier.


17 IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? “... What is a man, If his chief good and market of his time Is but to sleep and feed? A beast, no more.” -- Hamlet “To be, or not to be..” -- Hamlet We've all asked this question. Shakespeare offers no pat answer, only Hamlet's courage and dignity in accepting the human condition, saying "No!" to corruption, and in meeting his own task and his own death. Hamlet is called to his revenge "by heaven and hell", i.e., something that Shakespeare thought of as more fundamental than "the struggle between good and evil". Hamlet talks a great deal about the nature of human beings, characterizes himself as "indifferent[ly] honest" and "could accuse" himself of things for which it would have been better if he hadn't been born. We are left to wonder what these are. The morality plays that preceded Shakespeare showed examples of good and bad people, and heroes that had a clear choice and made it. Shakespeare seems to be telling us in "Hamlet" that we can and should try to live well, but that both good and bad are inherent in the human condition. Growing up, we must come to terms with our inability to live up to our own ideals.

18 IS HAMLET CRAZY? Hamlet is already distraught, and in times of emotional distress, we do wrong things without thinking. Afterwards, Hamlet (who is "indifferent honest"), blames his "madness" for the killing of Polonius. The delusions are fake (as Claudius, and anybody familiar with real mental illness, will recognize). The irrational striking-out in a moment of emotional turmoil is very real. Shakespeare's play focused on the mind of a man who's profoundly distraught and who is asking himself whether life is worth living. Having Hamlet also pretend to be insane was central to the source story, but not to Shakespeare's play. Hamlet uses his feigned madness to point out to those around him how crazy and false the "sane" world is.

19 REVENGE Since Sophocles's ultra-coldblooded "Electra", revenge plays have been among the favorite genre for theater and movies. Why? First, a revenge play presumes that to right a wrong, somebody is forced to take the law into his or her own hands. This showcases one of the most important and serious of human concerns -- how do we maintain good law (i.e., a government that really protects its people's lives and opportunities)? It's the central question of civilization. Second, the avenger must overcome obstacles to revenge. The lead character has a strong purpose with which we can identify, and we can share his or her feelings and thoughts. There is a satisfaction when revenge is finally won. Hamlet's "revenge" isn't so much simply the killing of the king, as it is the purging of all the rottenness in the the Danish court. And although it costs him his life, he succeeds.

20 BEING GENUINE "I know not 'seems'..." -- Hamlet. For many young adults, the biggest life-issue is, "What has happened to most forty-year-olds that caused them to lose the ideals and the authenticity of youth?" For many forty-year-olds, the biggest life-issue is, "How did I lose the ideals and authenticity that made me who I was when I was twenty?" Teenaged Holden Caulfield ("Catcher in the Rye") described the shams of the "phony" society of the wealthy, and heard Hamlet had talked about the same theme. He plans to read the play eventually. Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn" uses another young person to comment on the falsity of adult society. Huck lives fairly well, as Hamlet does. Huck speaks only by his actions, without Hamlet's eloquence. Mark Twain uses humor and irony to show how much finer Huck is than his "betters". At some time, we all consider how much wrong there is in the world. "Hamlet" gives us a chance to watch an ordinary person consciously choose to say "No!" to the world's wrongness and phoniness, and to strike back with intelligence and power.

21 Does Hamlet Hesitate? The debate about Hamlet being "unable to make up his mind" begins with his own speeches after hearing the Player King's speech on Hecuba (he berates himself for hesitating), and especially after talking to Fortinbras's soldier ("thinking too precisely on the event" -- i.e., people who obsess a lot are the ones who do the least). But the truth is that Hamlet has no opportunity to kill the king and then justify his action, until the final disaster, when Laertes reveals "The king's to blame". In the case, "providence" provides the opportunity. Heroes of earlier revenge plays soliloquize about having to delay, and criticize themselves for it. But revenge plays require that the revenge take time and planning -- or there would be no play. Now, when Hamlet expresses regrets that he's not completed his revenge, he compares himself unfavorably to the Player King (who has just recited a ridiculous, bombastic speech) and to Fortinbras (who is getting thousands of people killed for no good reason at all). It is no coincidence that both the Player King and Fortinbras are pursuing stupid, vain goals.

22 Green Eggs and Hamlet I ask to be or not to be. That is the question I ask of me. This sullied life, it makes me shudder. My uncle's boffing dear sweet mother. Would I, could I take my life? Could I, should I end this strife? Should I jump out of a plane? Or throw myself before a train? Should I from a cliff just leap? Could I put myself to sleep? Shoot myself ot take some poison? Maybe try self immolation? To shudder off this mortal coil, I could stab myself with a fencing foil. Slash my wrists while in the bath? Would it end my angst and wrath? To sleep, to dream, now there's the rub. I could drop a toaster in my tub. Would all be glad if I were dead? Could I perhaps kill them instead? This line of thought takes consideration- For I'm the king of procrastination.

23 Is Ophelia pregnant with Hamlet's baby? Hamlet was romantically interested in Ophelia, and she in him, and they lived in the same castle. Hamlet jokes with Polonius about how his daughter might become pregnant, a pregnant rich girl might be sent for secrecy's sake to a convent ("nunnery") and the child given for adoption, and Ophelia sings about lost virginity.

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