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Understanding Business Communication
Business Communication Defined
“Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.” Newman & Summer “Communication is the process of passing information and understanding - from one person to another.” Keith Davis The sharing of information between people within an enterprise that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization. In addition, business communication can also refer to how a company shares information to promote its product or services to potential consumers.
Distinct Features Of Business Communication
It deals with various commercial and industrial subjects. Characterized by certain formal elements-commercial and technical vocabulary, use of graphics, specific formats. It is objective and impartial, as information are conveyed accurately and concisely It entails complex writing techniques and procedures
Characteristics Of Business Communication
Continuous Process Needs proper understanding Leads to achievement of organizational objective Dispels misunderstanding Pervasive in nature
Benefits of Business Communication
Enhanced professional image Increased productivity Stronger decision making Quicker problem solving Healthier business relationship Improved customer relations Increased awareness among employees Lesser misunderstanding Better quality of documents
Functions of Communication
Information Control Motivation Emotional expression
Roles of a Manager Manager’s role Interpersonal Informational
Decisional Figurehead Leader Liaison Monitor Disseminator Spokesperson Entrepreneur Disturbance Handler Resources allocator Negotiator
The Communication Process
Business Communication
Definition of communication:
The process of creating and exchanging meaning through symbolic interaction. As a process communication constantly moves and changes. It does not stand still. Meaning involves thoughts, ideas, and understandings shared by communicators. Symbolic means that we rely on words and nonverbal behaviors to communicate meaning and feelings.
The Communication Process
Context provides the people, the occasion and the task. Physical environment is the actual place or space where communication occurs. Climate influences the emotional atmosphere.
The Communication Process
Sender Encoding Channel Noise Message Barrier Feedback Channel Decoding Receiver
The Communication Process
Components Function / Nature Sender Selects, composes Message Verbal / non verbal/ Combination Channel Oral / Written Receiver Identifies/ Comprehends / Interprets Feedback
Steps in the Communication Process
Step 1 – The sender encodes the message and selects the transmission channel. Sender is the person who initiates the communication of information and meaning that are to be communicated. Encoding – Is the sender’s process of putting the message into a form that the receiver will understand.
Steps in Communication Process
Step 1 – The sender encodes the message and selects the transmission channel. The message is the physical form of the encoded information which is transmitted through a channel. The three primary communication channels are oral, nonverbal, and written. Use of an inappropriate channel can result in missed communication.
Steps in the Communication Process
Step 2 – The sender transmits the message. Noise factors during the transmission of a message can disturb or confuse the receiver. To overcome noise, consider the physical surroundings before transmitting the message.
Steps in the Communication Process
Step 3 – The receiver decodes the message and decides if feedback is needed. Decoding – The receiver’s process of translating the message into a meaningful form. A few barriers could include trust and credibility, not listening, and emotional barriers to communication.
Steps in the Communication Process
Step 4 – Feedback After decoding the message, the receiver may give feedback to the sender. Filtering is the process of altering or distorting information to project a more favorable image. To help eliminate filtering, treat errors as a learning experience rather than as an opportunity to blame and criticize employees.
Sending Messages To transmit messages effectively, managers must state exactly What they want? How they want it done? When they need it?
Sending Messages Before sending a message, carefully select the channel and plan how to send the message. The goals of communication are to influence, to inform, and/or to express feelings.
Sending Messages The steps in the message-sending process:
Step 1 – Develop rapport. Step 2 – State the communication objective. Step 3 – Transmit the message. Step 4 – Check understanding. Step 5 – Get a commitment and follow up. rapport is getting on well with another person, or group of people, by having things in common, this makes the communication process easier and usually more effective.
Receiving Messages Communication does not take place unless the message is received with mutual understanding. The message cannot be received accurately unless the receiver listens.
Five Principles of Communication
Communication is transactional because it involves an exchange. If I go to the store to get a coke, I exchange money to the cashier for the coke. I give something and get something in return. Communication is the same… you have to give and receive for communication to happen.
Five Principles of Communication
Communication is complex for several reasons. It is interactive because many processes are involved. It is symbolic because symbols are open to interpretation. It is personal & cultural because a person’s culture can add a new or different meaning to a phrase or gesture. It is irreversible because once a message is sent, it cannot be taken back. It is circular because it involves both original messages and feedback which is necessary to confirm communication. It is purposeful because there is always a reason behind a message and it helps meet our needs. It is impossible to duplicate because each interaction is unique.
Five Principles of Communication
Communication is unavoidable because it is impossible to not communicate. You are communicating constantly even when you do not intend to communicate. You communicate by the way you sit or move, by the way you speak, by what you wear, by your actions…. Even when you sleep in class, you’re communicating that you are tiered or not in the avenue.
Five Principles of Communication
Communication is continuous because it continues to impact and influence future interactions and shape our relationships. Have you ever gotten off to a wrong start with someone? Has it taken a lot of time to perhaps overcome someone’s negative opinion of you? Has someone ever said something to you that hurt your feelings and you’ve always remembered it and think about it when you see that person?
Five Principles of Communication
Communication skills can be learned on continuous basis because they can always be improved. You may need to work on speaking skills, written communication, listening, relationship skills… there’s always room for improvement!
Five Levels of Communication
Intrapersonal Communication is communication that occurs in your own mind. It is “self-talk” which are the inner speech or mental conversations that we carry on with ourselves. It is the basis of your feelings, biases, prejudices, and beliefs. Examples are when you make any kind of decision – what to eat or wear. When you think about something – what you want to do on the weekend or when you think about another person. You can also communicate with yourself when you dream at night.
Intrapersonal communication
This takes place within the individual. Sender = Our relevant organ. Receiver = Our brain. Feed back by brain.
Five Levels of Communication
Interpersonal communication is the communication between two people but can involve more in informal conversations. Through this kind of communication we maintain relationships. Examples are when you are talking to your friends. A teacher and student discussing an assignment. A patient and a doctor discussing a treatment. A manager and a potential employee during an interview. Any one on one or informal communication.
Five Levels of Communication
Small Group communication is communication within formal or informal groups or teams. It is group interaction that results in decision making, problem solving and discussion within an organization. Examples would be a group planning a surprise birthday party for someone. A team working together on a project. A focus group discussing the pros and cons of a new product. A group therapy session.
Five Levels of Communication
One-to-group communication involves a speaker who seeks to inform, persuade or motivate an audience. Examples are a teacher and a class of students. A preacher and a congregation. A speaker and an assembly of people in the auditorium.
Five Levels of Communication
Mass communication is the electronic or print transmission of messages to the general public. Outlets called mass media include things like radio, television, film, and printed materials designed to reach large audiences. A television commercial. A magazine article. Hearing a song on the radio. Books, Newspapers, Billboards. The key is that you are reaching a large amount of people without it being face to face. Feedback is generally delayed with mass communication.
Organizational communication
Communication in an organization takes place at different hierarchical levels. It can be divided into mainly two parts INTERNAL OPERATIONAL & EXTERNAL OPERATIONAL...
Continued…. Internal-operational
All communication that occurs in organization is classified as internal-operational... External-operational Work related communication with people outside the organization is called extra-operational. personal All communication in an organization without purpose is called personal communication..
Competent Communicators are…
Ethical - This means that a communicator follows the morals and codes of conduct within a society. It is how a person behaves and how they treat others. They are honest and truthful. They keep confidences and are cautious about spreading gossip. They consider the needs, rights, and feelings of other people.
Competent Communicators are…
Responsible - This means that they take responsibility for their own communication choices and behavior. They are informed and are able to support what they say with facts and examples that are true. They are logical with developed reasoning skills and the ability to draw conclusions and reach decisions. They are accountable taking responsibility for their information, decisions and actions. They are reliable which means they can be trusted to keep their word even if a decision may not benefit them.
Competent Communicators are…
Accessible - They tend to value positive relationships with peers, supervisors, and clients. They are open and approachable. They are seen as caring, likable, and pleasant to be around.
Communication may be classified or categorized on the following basis:
1. Organizational structure Formal Informal 2. Dimension/ Direction of communication Upward Downward Lateral Diagonal Inward Outward A type of verbal presentation or document intended to share information and which conforms to established professional rules, standards and processes and avoids using slang terminology. The main types of formal communication within a business are (1) downward where information moves from higher management to subordinate employees, (2) upward where information moves from employees to management and (3) horizontal where information is shared between peers.
3. Expression Written Oral Non Verbal 4. Formation of networks Wheel network Y network Chain network All channel Kite Slash
Channels of communication may be classified into two categories:
CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION: COMMUNICATION ON THE BASIS OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Channels of communication may be classified into two categories: Formal Informal Formal Channel of Communication It defined as a means of communication that is formally controlled by managers or people occupying positions in an organization. Communication flows through formal channels. Any information, decision, memo or reminder etc., will also follow this path.
According to Bartoal and Martin, “Formal communication refers to vertical and horizontal communication that flows path specified by the official hierarchical organizational structure and related task requirements.” According to Bovee and his associates, “Formal communication is the flow of information that is dictated by the organization’s official structure.”
Increase overall efficiency: Easy communication system: Permanent record: Quick accomplishment of work Maintenance of discipline Ease of cooperation and coordination Use as reference Ease of delegation of authority Free from mistakes Others: Increasing attention, reliability, accuracy, smooth communication system, free form distortion, easy to understand, increasing company goodwill etc.
Time Consuming Inflexibility: Lack of initiative Authoritarian attitude Costly Others: Lack of personal relation, delay in decision making, not suitable for motivation, creates misunderstanding, create mental distance.
Informal Communication :Beyond the Organizational Hierarchy
Side by side with the formal channel of communication every organization has an equally effective channel of communication namely that is the informal channel. It is not officially sanctioned When anyone can tell anyone else anything informally the result is a rapid flow of information along what is commonly called the grapevine Unofficial information travels Factors responsible for grapevine Feeling of insecurity Lack of confidence Formation of favored group Some unusual happening in the organization Personal problems of the employees
Interpret Present grievance Alternate system Improved relationship Increase efficiency Providing recommendation Flexibility Rapid communication Improve interpersonal relationship Others: Improve labor management relationship. Free flow of information. Remove mental distance. Evaluation of employees. Obtain immediate feedback. Reliving frustration. Increasing efficiency. Solution of problems and helping decision-making. Enhance mutual trust etc.
Distort meaning Spread rumor Misunderstanding Difficulty in controlling Others: Providing partial information. Not reliable. No documentary evidence. Damaging discipline. Contradicting to formal information etc.
Types of Grapevine Chains
Single strand chain-A tells something to B who tells it to C Group chain-One person seeks out and tells everyone the information he has received Probability chain-Tells at random Cluster chain-Few selected Cont….
Advantages of informal communication
Speedy transmission Feedback value Support to other channels Psychological satisfaction Uniting force Creation of ideas Good personal relations
Disadvantages Cannot be taken seriously Does not carry complete information Distorts information It may prove counter productive Chances of misinterpretation Lack of accountability
Communication is multidimensional or multidirectional. There are various directions in which it flows. Within the organization, communication may flow inter scalar or intra scalar, upward or downward. Communication with the outside world may be Inward or Outward. Let's understand these dimensions are : Downward Upward Horizontal or lateral Diagonal or crosswise Inward Outward
Downward communication
Written Instructions Memoranda Letters Handbooks policy statements procedures electronic news displays others Oral Instructions Speeches Meetings Telephone Loudspeaker others Cont….
Lateral or Horizontal Communication
When communication takes place between two or more persons who are subordinates working under the same person, or those who are working at the same level, it is called lateral or horizontal communication. Communication transferred through lateral means includes interdepartmental reports, requests, suggestions and informal communication among peers at the same level and so on.
Lateral Communication Diagonal Communication
Marketing Manager Production Mgr Marketing Manager Training Manager Marketing Supervisor Training Supervisor
Vertical Communication
Marketing Manager Downward Communication Upward communication Marketing Supervisor
Diagonal or Crosswise Communication
Diagonal or crosswise communication includes flow of information among persons at different levels who have no direct reporting relationships. Diagonal or crosswise communication Written company news paper/magazine bulletin boards in house journal or communiqué Oral informal meetings lunch hour meetings formal conferences project organization meetings advisory authority interactions with line managers of different deptts.
These may be in the form of letters emails offers orders requests
Inward Communication Inward Communication includes all the information received by the organization from external agencies, which may be: other organizations government, suppliers, customers, competitors shareholders media. These may be in the form of letters s offers orders requests suggestions complaints notices and so on. Cont….
Outward Communication
The communication which the organization maintains with the outside world is called outward communication. Outward communication it may be in the form of: advertisements media interaction public relations mails telegrams letters tenders notices telephonic conversations and so on.
Forms of communication, can be divided into verbal or non verbal communication. Verbal communication may be oral or written. It depends upon the manner in which the message in expressed. If, it is expressed through the mouth, it is oral communication. This also includes face to face conversation, dialogue, interviews, meetings, conferences, telephonic conversation and so on. When the message is expressed through written language symbols, it is written communication and it includes reports, letters, mails, telegrams, orders and memos. When no words are used and only symbols, colours, signs, sounds or expressions help to express a message, it is termed as non verbal communication.
Oral Communication Immediate feedback Shorter Sentences More informal Conversational focus Prompt action Focus on relations Less detailed technical information More personal pronouns Simpler construction Lesser focus on grammar Local phrases and idioms are used Written Communication Delayed feedback Longer sentences Longer words More formal Focus on content and precision Delayed action Focus on actions More detailed technical information Fewer personal pronouns More complex constructions Useful document Grammar accuracy
Given below are the most important patterns of communication or ‘communication nets:’ a) Wheel/ Y i) Three-person wheel communication pattern. ii) Five-person wheel communication pattern. iii) Five-person ‘Y’ wheel communication pattern.
Circle Four-person circle communication pattern. Five-person circle communication pattern. c) All channel Four-person all channel communication pattern. Five-person all channel communication pattern. d) Kite e) Chain f) Slash
The communication system of an organization is generally influenced by four factors Formal channels of communication Authority structure Job specialization ownership Information ownership
Importance Effective communication is the most important ingredient of an organization. Organization –effective communication system. Achievement of organizational objectives . - Proper coordination - Integration of employees in an organization. Social glue –keeps the organization together. Enhances own productivity and Organizations. (Dhirubhai Ambani)
Benefits Effective communication Enhanced Professional image
Better quality of documents Increase productivity Effective communication Lesser misunderstanding Stronger decision making Increased awareness among Quicker problem solving Improved customer relationship Healthier business relationship
Types Of Communication-
Verbal –”that include words” Non Verbal-”Communication without words” Verbal:- Oral Communication Written Communication
Verbal Communication-ORAL
Any thing that emanates from mouth is referred to as oral communication. In an organization time spent by the employees in oral communication:- Supervisors-25% Executive -65 to 75% Figure rises to 90% for the highest level of management.
Characteristics of Oral Communication
Instantaneous two way process:-Message travel back and forth instantaneously without any loss of time. One of exercise:-It is not repeated and there is no written record. Day to day language Presence of sender and reciever
Continued…. Effect of body language and speech modulation:-A high or low pitch voice or gestures made during speech influence the quality of oral communication. It can not be erased or mended
Methods of Oral Communication
Among Individuals:- Face to face Conversation Interviews Telephonic Conversation:-Telephone talk is shaped by the voice and content of speech in the absence of close physical presence. Difficulty between similar sounding words-”kite” and “night” and “life” and “wife”.
Continued…. Grapevine:-discussion among employees in an informal manner,on various aspects and matters concerning to the organization. Dyad Communication:- A dyad is the smallest possible communication group. Essence is the relationship between two person, relation between military superior and sub-ordinate may be high status and low intimacy. However relationship between some spouses may involve high intimacy.
Oral communication among Groups
Meetings Lecture Speech Presentation Conference/seminar/workshop
Advantage of Oral Communication
Immediate feedback Better relationship Time saving Effective tool of persuasion:-Letters can not achieve what personalized meeting can Effective tool of group communication Economical Allows to measure effectiveness immediately It is the only way during emergency
Disadvantage of Oral Communication
Lack of retention/documentation Distortion in passing the message:-depends on hearing capability and perception level of different individual. No legal validity Possibility of misunderstanding Unsuitable for long message: may lead to vital piece of information getting dropped or misunderstood. Difficulty in assigning responsibility No effect when the target group is spread out
Tips for effective oral communication
Consider the objective Be confident Think about the interest level of receiver Use simple language and familiar word Be brief and precise Give full facts Say some thing interesting and pleasant to Allow time to respond Maintain eye contact Avoid making speech monotonous and boring
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