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10.2 Banking Basics Friday, June 10, 2016. Checking Accounts Check is the most common negotiable instrument. Drawer = person who writes the check Drawee.

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Presentation on theme: "10.2 Banking Basics Friday, June 10, 2016. Checking Accounts Check is the most common negotiable instrument. Drawer = person who writes the check Drawee."— Presentation transcript:

1 10.2 Banking Basics Friday, June 10, 2016

2 Checking Accounts Check is the most common negotiable instrument. Drawer = person who writes the check Drawee = bank Payee = person receiving the money

3 Checking Accounts Signature card = a record of your signature that the bank keeps to verify your identity. Stale check = older than 6 months. Your bank can refuse to pay it.

4 Checking Accounts You are in a contract with the bank when you open a checking account.

5 Balancing your checkbook You need to keep a checkbook register (a record of all transactions). Each month you receive a statement from your bank. You should reconcile your checkbook register with your bank statement to make sure the balances match.

6 Check 21 Act Allows electronic processing to clear checks quickly and safely. A substitute check is used = a paper copy of both sides of an original check.

7 Rules of Check writing Write in ink. Sign your check. Never sign a blank check. If you make a mistake you should write a new check and shred the old one. Write it so it cannot easily be changed.

8 Stop Payment You may cancel a check you have written for a fee. You must put the request in writing or it will expire after 14 days.

9 Bad Checks Also called: Bounced check Rubber check A check you draw on an account in which there is not enough money to pay out the amount of the check.

10 Swiss banking Global law – page 237

11 Forgery = fraudulent making or material alteration of a writing. Subject to fines and imprisonment. If the bank pays out for a check that was forged, the bank will eat the expense.

12 Types of checks Certified check = checks guaranteed by a bank. Cashier’s checks = checks drawn by a bank upon itself. Bank draft = drawn by a bank against funds the bank has on deposit with another bank.

13 Types of checks Money orders = drafts that substitute for checks and may be purchased from places such as banks or post offices (Western Union) Traveler’s checks = you can get them from your bank and the bank guarantees them if they are lost or stolen.

14 EFT = Electronic fund transfer = a computerized system for transferring funds electronically rather than by writing checks.

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