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Questions answered in Mt. 16:13-20 What is Jesus true identity? Did Jesus intend to establish a Church? (What the Church His idea and not just a human.

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Presentation on theme: "Questions answered in Mt. 16:13-20 What is Jesus true identity? Did Jesus intend to establish a Church? (What the Church His idea and not just a human."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questions answered in Mt. 16:13-20 What is Jesus true identity? Did Jesus intend to establish a Church? (What the Church His idea and not just a human invention?) Did Jesus establish many churches? Did the Church that Christ established have one human leader and one head of the Apostles? Does that leader of the Church have the authority to govern: make laws that are binding and to allow certain freedoms? Is that leader given God’s help (grace) in leading and teaching? Will the Church survive until the end of time no matter what? 6/10/2016

2 The Ultimate Question  Mt 16:15 “But who do you say that I am?”  Mt 16:16, Peter got it right, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”  He knew, not through human means, but through a revelation from God (the Father).  Peter as – a. chosen by the Father – b. unique among Apostles.

3 6/10/2016 Peter-The Rock  Mt 16:18 “And so I say to you you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church”  Peter –Grk =Petros. Petros or Kepha(Ar) means rock or massive rock.  Name change, Simon-Peter.Signifies Peter as leader/mediator of a covenant.  Church(singular) not churches.One Church  Massive Rocks were commonly used as foundation stones of buildings.

4 6/10/2016 Caesarea Philippi  The backdrop of Peter as the rock of the church happened here.  A rugged, rocky terrain  Place of Temple of Augustus  True Church to replace worship of false gods.

5 6/10/2016 Peter: The Key Bearer  Mt 16:19 “I will entrust to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven…”  Keys = Supreme Authority over the Church as kingdom of heaven on earth.  Peter as Vicar of Christ. Vicar=administrative deputy,substitute.

6 6/10/2016 Peter’s Authority is Unique  Mt 16:19 “What ever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”  Power to interpret God’s law and hold people(bind) to it.Power to forgive sins(loose).  Guarantee of infallibility-When speaking in this role as official key-bearer.Infallibility-like Bible writers, guided into truth by Holy Spirit. Not in error when teaching ‘from the chair’(ex- cathedra).

7 6/10/2016 Peter The Vicar of Christ  Vicar = To stand in for (Like Vice-President)  Peter commissioned to SHEPHERD the flock of Christ, the Good Shepherd  At the Mensa Christi- Jn 21:15-19  Jesus asked Peter three times, “Do you love me”  These three “Yes” replies to make up for three denials.  Jesus Tells him to ‘Feed my lambs…Tend my sheep…Feed my sheep”.

8 6/10/2016 Papal Succession  Peter was the Bishop of Rome  He was recognized by the other Apostles as the leader of the Church.  His successor(the next Bishop of Rome) took the office as Leader.  Pope = Holy Father

9 6/10/2016 The Vatican  The Church is called ‘Roman Catholic” because Peter led it from Rome.  Peter’s successors(popes) lead from Rome.  The Vatican is where the pope lives as leader of the Church, successor of Peter.  St. Peter’s Basilica is built over the remains of St. Peter directly under the dome.

10 6/10/2016 Papal Succession  Peter-Linus- Anacletus-Clement- Evaruistus- Alexander-Sixtus---- --------------------------- --------------------------- John Paul II- Benedict XVI- Francis

11 6/10/2016

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