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Reproductive Health and Safety Education Lesson 1: Review of Puberty and Anatomy.

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Presentation on theme: "Reproductive Health and Safety Education Lesson 1: Review of Puberty and Anatomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproductive Health and Safety Education Lesson 1: Review of Puberty and Anatomy

2 Lesson Objectives Students will: 1.Understand the female reproductive organs 2.Understand the male reproductive organs 3.Be able to compare and contrast puberty for both males and females 4.Be prepared to start 9 th grade reproductive health and safety education

3 Ground Rules 1.Only one person speaks at a time 2.Be respectful of peers and teacher 3.We are free to express our opinion or to participate in activities without being subjected to judgment or criticism 4.While participation is encouraged, each person has the right to pass 5.We do not share personal information or ask that of others 6.Each person comes prepared to each class

4 Question Box

5 Give Pre-Unit Test Please complete the 27 question pre-unit test. When complete, turn your test over and put your writing utensil down.

6 What is Puberty?

7 Similar Changes for Males and Females Height and Weight Increase Hair Growth (under arms and pubic area) Voice Deepens Skin Becomes Oily / Body Odor Reproductive Organs Mature

8 Female Only Changes Breast Development Hips Widen Menstruation Begins Ovulation

9 Male Only Changes Hair Grows on Chest and Face Chest Enlarges Muscles Thicken Shoulders Broaden Ejaculation Occurs

10 REVIEW: Female Reproductive System

11 Female Reproductive Anatomy 1


13 2


15 3


17 4


19 5


21 REVIEW: Male Reproductive System

22 Male Reproductive Anatomy 1 This one

23 Male Reproductive Anatomy

24 2 This one

25 Male Reproductive Anatomy

26 3 this one

27 Male Reproductive Anatomy

28 4 this one

29 Male Reproductive Anatomy

30 5 This one

31 Male Reproductive Anatomy

32 6 This one

33 Male Reproductive Anatomy

34 7 this one

35 Male Reproductive Anatomy

36 Jeopardy Rules Three equal teams Each member of the team is given a number. This means there will be three number 1’s, three number 2’s and so on. Each team will get a dry erase board, marker and eraser. The 1’s will compete against the 1’s, the 2’s will compete against the 2’s, and they must do so without the help of the rest of their group. –(if a group is heard speaking then they are deducted the amount of points for the question proposed) Each team gets a chance to answer by using the dry erase board. If they get it right they get the points and if they get it wrong they don ’ t. –(no negative points) Once your completed with the first question it becomes the 2’s turn. Deciding who picks the next question is done by observing who rang in (held up a dry erase board with complete answer or other teacher chosen method) first. That team will remain in control of the board until someone else gets a correct answer

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