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PHYSICAL PROPERTIES can determine physical property by using five senses as well as measuring instruments can be determined without making any changes.

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Presentation on theme: "PHYSICAL PROPERTIES can determine physical property by using five senses as well as measuring instruments can be determined without making any changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES can determine physical property by using five senses as well as measuring instruments can be determined without making any changes to substance

2 hard soft HARDNESS

3 plastic crystalline CRYSTAL SHAPE

4 malleable brittle MALLEABILITY

5 viscous less viscous VISCOSITY

6 conducts electricity insulator ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY

7 very dense less dense DENSITY

8 Physical Properties can be either qualitative or quantitative Qualitative physical property: a characteristic of a substance that can be described but not measured ex. colour, smell Quantitative physical property: a characteristic of a substance that can be measured ex. boiling point, density

9 Identify the following physical properties as qualitative or quantitative: taste  malleability  melting point  state  viscosity  solubility  texture  density  crystal shape  ductility  electrical conductivity  qualitative quantitative

10 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES describes ability to undergo changes to produce new substances

11 POTASSIUM Silver-white solid Boiling point of 759 °C Disintegrates when exposed to air Ignites with exposure to water

12 ARSENIC Metallic grey solid Layered structure Semiconductor High toxicity

13 SULFUR Bright yellow crystalline solid Unpleasant odour Insoluble in water Burns to produce sulfur dioxide

14 ZINC Blue-white lustrous metal Brittle at room temperature Tarnishes Burns in air with blue-green flame Reacts with acids

15 PHYSICAL CHANGES a change in which the composition of the substance remains unaltered and no new substances are produced can involve a change in form or state and is usually reversible

16 CHEMICAL CHANGE Change that causes at least one new substance with new properties to form The original substances rearrange to form new substances

17 FIVE MAIN SIGNS OF A CHEMICAL CHANGE change of colour change of odour formation of bubbles production of precipitate change in temperature or light

18 What are three physical properties of chocolate? Uncooked spaghetti noodles are hard, brittle and measure 25.5 cm. Which properties are qualitative? Which properties are quantitative? Classify each description as a physical or chemical property: a) Wood burns (b) clay is brown, (c) steel wool rusts Water and gasoline are both clear liquids at room temperature. Describe one physical property and one chemical property that might be used to distinguish between them.

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