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8 th Grade Science Do Now Monday, February 4, 2013 1.Tape “Do Now” page to page 39. 2.Copy and answer on this week’s Do Now Page: 1. What are the physical.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th Grade Science Do Now Monday, February 4, 2013 1.Tape “Do Now” page to page 39. 2.Copy and answer on this week’s Do Now Page: 1. What are the physical."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th Grade Science Do Now Monday, February 4, 2013 1.Tape “Do Now” page to page 39. 2.Copy and answer on this week’s Do Now Page: 1. What are the physical properties of the metals on the periodic table? 2. How do we use properties to organize the periodic table?

2 8 th Grade Science Today’s Schedule 1. Do Now 2. Quiz 3. Which does not belong? Essential Question How do we describe and classify matter? What happens to atoms in a chemical reaction? Vocabulary Chemical formula Chemical equation Subscripts Reactants Products Coefficients Chemical reaction Pre-AP Homework Grade-Level Homework Research paper Rough Draft DUE TODAY!!! 8.5D Homework Monday, February 4, 2013

3 8 th Grade Science Today we will… 8.5(E) investigate how evidence of chemical reactions indicate that new substances with different properties are formed Objective: Show mastery of chemical and physical changes and chemical and physical properties. Monday, February 4, 2013

4 8 th Grade Science Review for Quiz Monday, February 4, 2013 Look for indicators that a chemical change is happening in this

5 8 th Grade Science Quiz 8.5(B and E) R ead and re-read the passage. U nderline the question B ubble important words I dentify the key idea, write it in margin. E liminate the wrong answers S elect the correct answer ✓ predator/prey interactions Monday, February 4, 2013

6 8 th Grade Science Chemical Formula Intro Monday, February 4, 2013 1.Copy the following onto page 40 of your INB. 1. silver, nickel, cobalt, iron 2. neon, nitrogen, helium, argon 3. group, period, seven, horizontal row 4. vertical column, group, period, valence electrons 5. sodium chloride, carbon dioxide, lead, lithium sulfide 6. Cu, Ag, H 2 O, Au 7. CH 4, NaOH, C 6 H 6, C 6 H 12 O 6 2. Circle the term that does not belong and explain why.

7 8 th Grade Science Do Now Tuesday, February 5, 2013 Copy and answer on your “Do Now” page: 1. Name 3 substances you know of that have more than 2 elements. 2. Describe what they are used for. Example: Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen, used to sustain life.

8 8 th Grade Science Today’s Schedule 1. Do Now 2. Card Sort 3. Video 4. Individual Practice Essential Question How do we describe and classify matter? What happens to atoms in a chemical reaction? Vocabulary Chemical formula Chemical equation Subscripts Reactants Products Coefficients Chemical reaction Pre-AP Homework Grade-Level Homework Stemscopes 8.5 D Completed Project Due FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Stemscopes Reading and Writing Completed Project Due FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Tuesday, February 5, 2013

9 8 th Grade Science Today we will… 8.5(D) recognize that chemical formulas are used to identify substances and determine the number of atoms of each element in chemical formulas containing subscripts; Objectives: Students will be able to identify chemical formulas to pictorial images of molecules. Tuesday, February 5, 2013

10 8 th Grade Science Card Sort Tuesday, February 5, 2013 1.Tape the half sheet to page of your notebook. 2.Take-out the cards from the bag. 3.Match the card to the correct Chemical Formula. 4.Check your answers with the key. 5.Draw the picture of the molecule next to the chemical formula. 6.Replace cards back in the bag.

11 8 th Grade Science Video & Individual Practice Tuesday, February 5, 2013 1. Watch this 2. Complete Individual Practice.

12 8 th Grade Science Do Now On your “Do Now” page: 1.Draw the molecules below. 2.List the number of elements in the molecules. 3.List the number of atoms. Wed./Thurs, February 6 & 7, 2013 Water, H 2 O Carbon Dioxide, CO 2 Oxygen, O 2

13 8 th Grade Science Today’s Schedule 1. Do Now 2. Puzzle Pieces 3. Reading and Questions 4. Individual Practice Essential Question How do we describe and classify matter? What happens to atoms in a chemical reaction? Vocabulary Chemical formula Chemical equation Subscripts Reactants Products Coefficients Chemical reaction Pre-AP Homework Grade-Level Homework Stemscopes 8.5 D Completed Project Due FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Stemscopes Reading and Writing Completed Project Due FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Wed./Thurs, Feb. 6 & 7, 2013

14 8 th Grade Science Today we will… 8.5(D) recognize that chemical formulas are used to identify substances and determine the number of atoms of each element in chemical formulas containing subscripts; Objectives: Describe the difference between an atom, element, compound, and molecule Wed./Thurs, February 6 &7, 2013

15 8 th Grade Science Puzzle Molecules 1.Cut out all of your puzzle pieces. 2.Match them to the elements they go with. 3.Check your answers. 4.Tape/Glue them into your notebook. ***Use the class-set reading at your table as a guide*** Wed./Thurs, February 6 & 7, 2013

16 8 th Grade Science Reading and Questions 1.Tape Reading to page. 2.Copy and Answer these questions on page. 1.How can all compounds be molecules but not all molecules be compounds? 2. What do we call the abbreviation for an element? 3. How are symbols written? 4. What do we call the abbreviation for the name of a compound? 5. What is the importance of a subscript in a formula? Wed./Thurs, February 6 & 7, 2013

17 8 th Grade Science Individual Practice Complete the individual practice RM 37 & 45. Wed./Thurs, February 6 & 7, 2013

18 8 th Grade Science Do Now Friday, February 8, 2013 1.List how many elements and atoms are in the following molecules. 2.Write “compound” underneath the molecules that are compounds.

19 8 th Grade Science Today’s Schedule 1. Do Now 2. Puzzle Pieces 3. Reading and Questions 4. Individual Practice Essential Question How do we describe and classify matter? What happens to atoms in a chemical reaction? Vocabulary Chemical formula Chemical equation Subscripts Reactants Products Coefficients Chemical reaction Pre-AP Homework Grade-Level Homework Stemscopes 8.5 D Completed Project Due FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Quiz Monday Stemscopes Reading and Writing Completed Project Due FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Quiz Monday Friday, February 8, 2013

20 8 th Grade Science Today we will… 8.5(D) recognize that chemical formulas are used to identify substances and determine the number of atoms of each element in chemical formulas containing subscripts; Objectives: 1.Review terms the terms chemical formula, molecule, and compound. 2.Practice identifying the number of atoms and elements in chemical formulas. Friday, February 8, 2013

21 8 th Grade Science Review Individual Practices Friday, February 8, 2013 Review Practices from Tuesday and Wednesday

22 8 th Grade Science Notes Friday, February 8, 2013 Parts of a Chemical Formula:

23 8 th Grade Science Dry Erase Board Practice Friday, February 8, 2013 C 6 H 12 O 6 1.How many elements are in this molecule? 2.How many carbon atoms are there? 3.How many hydrogen atoms are there? 4.How many oxygen atoms are there? 5.How many total atoms are there?

24 8 th Grade Science Dry Erase Board Practice Friday, February 8, 2013 6CaCl 1.How many molecules are there? 2.How many elements are in this molecule? 3.Name the two elements in this molecule 4.How many calcium atoms are there? 5.How many chlorine atoms are there?

25 8 th Grade Science Dry Erase Board Practice Friday, February 8, 2013 3H 2 SO 4 1.How many molecules are there? 2.How many elements are in this molecule? 3.Name the three elements in this molecule 4.How many sulfur atoms are there? 5.How many oxygen atoms are there? 6.How many hydrogen atoms are there?

26 NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT /Experience NEXT UNIT /Experience UNIT QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULE UNIT MAP CURRENT UNIT 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 atom nucleus valence electron Law of Conservation of Mass proton physical vs chemical change physical vs chemical property coefficient neutron atomic number reactant subscript electron product reactivity electron cloud: shell, orbital, energy level atom nucleus valence electron Law of Conservation of Mass proton physical vs chemical change physical vs chemical property coefficient neutron atomic number reactant subscript electron product reactivity electron cloud: shell, orbital, energy level and illustrated by by recognizing through investigations IMPORTANT TERMS: which are described by Demonstrating Investigating Describing Interpreting Recognizing Force & Motion Characteristics of the Universe made up of which combine chemically Recognizing patterns help predict what will happen next and what can change overtime. Energy can change forms and transfer from one object to another  What isn’t chemistry?  Why should I care about physical and chemical changes in my everyday life?  Where does matter come from and where does it go to if it can’t be created or destroyed?  How would scientists predict the properties of a new element & where would it fit on the Periodic Table?  What do I have in common with pencil graphite and diamonds?  What would the biosphere be like without the 8 common elements in contains? u nderstanding that all matter in the universe is made up of elements

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