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Rein Mullerson Biography. His career Work and Function: Rector of the Academy Nord, director of Academy Nord laws and management of International Law.

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Presentation on theme: "Rein Mullerson Biography. His career Work and Function: Rector of the Academy Nord, director of Academy Nord laws and management of International Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rein Mullerson Biography

2 His career Work and Function: Rector of the Academy Nord, director of Academy Nord laws and management of International Law and Policy Institute, professor of Education 1977 of the Hague Academy of International Law, Moscow State University 1976-1978 Graduate, Postgraduate Diploma in 1976, Moscow State University, Faculty of Law Degree PhD 1985 LLD 1979 Career 2009 -... Rector of the Academy Nord, Management laws and international law and policy institute director, professor, University Nord, 2003-2009, Faculty of Law, Public Law Institute's director, director of the Institute of International and Comparative Law, International Law and International Relations Chair Professor in 1995 -... Geneva International Law Institute (Institute de Droid International)

3 Professor in 1995 -... Geneva International Law Institute (Institute de Droid International) 1994-2000 Member of the International Law Association 1994-2009 Reporter University of London, King's College, International Law Chair, 1992-1994 Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science (London School of Economic and Political ), 1991-1992 Visiting Estonian Deputy Foreign Minister in 1990 -... European Journal of International Law, an advisory panel member in 1990 at Columbia University, 1989-1992 Visiting Professor at the United Nations Human Rights Committee 1989-1990 Member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, the President (M. Gorbachev), an international law adviser, the various legislative acts (eg, the Soviet Union's draft constitution, the Citizenship Act The draft, etc.) or the head of the preparatory working groups of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1987-1991 Member of the State and Law Institute, International Law Department, Moscow State University 1978-1987, Lecturer

4 His works.(Books) 1."International law, rights and politics : development in Eastern Europe and the CIS", Routledge, 1994 His book is concerned with the interplay of international law and politics in the changing international system. He analyses events in Eastern Europe and the former USSR to throw light on broad and controversial issues including non-use of force, non-interference in internal affairs, self- determination of peoples, minorities and nationalism in inter-ethnic conflicts and human rights in post-totalitarian societies. Controversial questions of continuity and succession of states and their recognition are also set in this context. One purpose of the book is to show how recent developments influence the international system as a whole and how international law has to change in order to respond to new challenges.

5 2. "Human Rights Diplomacy", Routledge, 1997 In this insightful analysis of human rights diplomacy Rein Mullerson examines the way foreign policy instruments are used to promote human rights abroad as well as how human rights issues are used for the sake of other foreign policy aims. The book explores the relationship between human rights and international stability, the role of non-governmental organisations, the business community and mass media in formulating human rights agendas for governments and inter-governmental organisations. Also addressed are issues such as the universality of human rights in a multi- cultural world and the impact of religious and nationalistic extremism. Rein Mullerson concludes by looking at the role of the UN and other international bodies engaged in the promotion of human rights and how military force can be an option in settling violations The author argues that it tends to be regimes that are hostile to human rights which in turn cause instability in the international community. Throughout the work it is demonstrated that a concern for human rights is legitimate because of the impact they have on international relations and because of the common bonds that link all people.

6 3. "Constitutional Reform and International Law in Central and Eastern Europe", Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1998 Developments of the late-20th century in Central and Eastern Europe have changed the political landscape of that region and the world at large. The dissolution of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, the collapse of Communism in Europe, market reforms, and the processes of democratization are all seminal events affecting not only the countries in transition but other states as well. These changes presuppose legal reforms also. In this process most of the countries in transition have adopted new constitutions where issues of participation in the international political order and questions of international law enjoy a prominent place. This volume is the outcome of a number of research activities concerning transitions in central and eastern Europe at the Centre of European Law, King's College, London. It contains essays about constitutional reforms and international law by international judges and academics.

7 4."Ordering anarchy : international law in international society", Springer 2000 The end of the Cold War has released some hitherto suppressed trends in international society that are reshaping international order, such as globalisation and its nemesis -- fragmentation. This volume analyses the current transformation of the character of the state as the principal actor of international society and related changes in the structure of international society. International law, especially its fundamental principles, such as sovereign equality of states, non-use of force, non-interference, respect for human rights, and self-determination of peoples, reflect some basic characteristics of the state and the structure of international society. Because of significant changes going on in the latter, many crucial principles of international law have ceased to reflect the reality. Moreover, fundamental principles often come into conflict with each other since they reflect main characteristics of different international societies -- Westphalian and post-Westphalian.

8 5.Central Asia: A Chessboard and Player in the New Great Game", Columbia University Press, 2007 This book gives great overview and knowledge about the political and economics relations in Central Asia and help understand how far/close the religion is to governments decisions. Book introduced history of the area and legacies of several different political structures. I learnt that author approach is eclectic, functional and accuracy is noteworthy. It is a good reading for people who interesting in economic, politic, terrorism, human rights and even philosophy.

9 6."Democracy – a Destiny of Humankind? a Qualified, Contingent and Contextual Case for Democracy Promotion", Nova Science Publishers, 2009 This book is the result of several years of practical involvement as UN Regional Advisor for Central Asia, where issues of democracy promotion were paramount, as well as academic research and teaching at King's College, London. The main purpose of the book is to give a balanced, contextual and realistic picture of prospects of democracy in the non-Western world with special emphasis on Central Asia and Russia, while the experience of other countries (eg: China and India) and regions serve mainly for the purposes of comparison or corroboration.

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