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AP Psychology Unit 4 Module 20

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1 AP Psychology Unit 4 Module 20
Hearing AP Psychology Unit 4 Module 20

2 HEARING SOUND WAVES are bands of compressed air that are changed into neural impulses in the ear and sent to the brain for decoding. Detect air pressure changes. Amplitude-> loudness Frequency/Length-> pitch OUR NORMAL HEARING :

3 PARTS OF THE EAR Outer Ear: visible portion, channels waves into auditory canal Middle Ear: Inner Ear – Semicircular Canals where sound is amplified here Cochlea:

4 PARTS OF EAR CONTINUED Basilar Membrane: sends motion from cochlea to adjacent nerve cells-> bending of hair cells And then on to the ..... Eustachian tube: links the pharynx to the middle ear

5 FACTS ON HEARING LOSS HEARING LOSS Usually is nerve related; results from accidents, age-related disorders, prolonged loud noises, or being born deaf SENSORINEURAL HEARING LOSS CONDUCTION HEARING LOSS

6 COCHLEAR IMPLANTS Electrical impulses are sent to the brain-> Sounds are converted to electrical signals PROS CONS Most effective in young children Opposed by deaf culture advocates; do not see deafness as a problem; learn sign language and other senses - Get your Kleenex ready: GA9gEh1fLs

FACTS ON HEARING PLACE THEORY vs. FREQUENCY THEORY on pitch: Place theory-> Frequency Theory-> Brain reads pitch by monitoring frequency of neural impulses traveling up auditory nerve. Sound waves strike one ear before the other then the brain parallel processes and computes the source. VESTIBULAR SENSE relies on the semicircular canals in the inner ear to maintain the body balance (vertigo)

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