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AUDIOLOGY 101 Jennifer Abbink District 20 Audiologist.

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Presentation on theme: "AUDIOLOGY 101 Jennifer Abbink District 20 Audiologist."— Presentation transcript:


2 AUDIOLOGY 101 Jennifer Abbink District 20 Audiologist

3 Ear video

4 How the Ear Works Pinna Auditory Nerve Brain Cochlea Ear Canal Eustachian Tube Malleus, Incus, Stapes Bones Eardrum Balance system

5 Parts of the Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Outer Ear

6 Conductive Hearing Loss – outer or middle ear dysfunction, usually correctible by medication or surgery Middle Ear Outer Ear

7 Sensorineural Hearing Loss – inner ear dysfunction, permanent hearing loss Inner Ear

8 Mixed Hearing Loss – a combination of outer or middle ear + inner ear dysfunction Middle Ear Inner Ear Outer Ear

9 Volume Pitchlow high quiet loud 0 dB = the average “softest” sound an adult can hear

10 Normal Hearing Mild Loss Moderate Loss Moderately Severe Loss Severe Loss Profound Loss Severity of Hearing Loss


12 X X X XXX

13 Count-the-Dot Audiogram

14 Count-the-Dot Audiogram Example X X XX X This person misses 38% of a typical conversation.

15 Unfair Hearing Test ABC Mild hearing loss Normal hearing Hearing aid

16 Hearing Loss Simulations

17 Behind-The-Ear Hearing Aids (BTEs) Pick your favorite colors!

18 In-the-ear hearing aids Remote controls Completely -in-the-canal In-the-ear In-the-canal

19 Hearing aids for dogs?

20 BAHA & Bone conduction aids

21 Cochlear implants


23 Cochlear Implants

24 Classroom Soundfield Systems FM system Infrared System

25 Personal FM Systems

26 Causes of Hearing Loss due to Outer Ear Abnormality  Ear Canal Blocked  Outer Ear Infections  i.e. swimmer’s ear  Birth defects  atresia/microtia  Pits/tags – may indicate an INNER ear abnormality

27 Microtia/Atresia

28 Pits and skin tags

29 Causes of Hearing Loss due to Middle Ear Abnormality  Middle ear infections  Ossicular Chain Disruption  head injury  Otosclerosis  Syndromes: Down’s, Treacher Collins

30 Down’s Syndrome

31 Treacher Collins Syndrome

32 Other Causes of Hearing Loss due to Inner Ear Abnormality  Noise Exposure  Ototoxic medications  Meniere’s Disease & Fistula  Illnesses involving high fever - Meningitis, Mumps, Scarlet Fever, Smallpox, Rubella  Heredity  Aging  Syndromes – Michel’s & Mondini’s, Usher’s, Waardenburg’s,

33 Haircell Damage

34 Waardenburg’s Syndrome

35 Newborn Hearing Screening (ABR)

36 Puretone Testing

37 Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE)

38 Play Audiometry

39 Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA)

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