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2015-2016 DISCIPLINE REPORTING – TABLE 5 Fred Edora Education Associate IDEA Part B Data Manager Office of Special Education Services Division of College.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016 DISCIPLINE REPORTING – TABLE 5 Fred Edora Education Associate IDEA Part B Data Manager Office of Special Education Services Division of College."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016 DISCIPLINE REPORTING – TABLE 5 Fred Edora Education Associate IDEA Part B Data Manager Office of Special Education Services Division of College and Career Readiness South Carolina Department of Education, Columbia, SC Webinar Date: May 26, 2016 Report Due: June 27 – July 11, 2016

2 Agenda – May 25, 2016 Webinar Schedule and Reporting Calendar Data Resources and PII Security Reminder Announcements Table 5 Discipline Report Definitions and Data Elements Filling out the Discipline Worksheet Table 5 Demonstration Resources Questions? 2 Courtesy Reminder: If you are using your phone to listen to the webinar, please mute your phone. Thank you!

3 SCDE/OSES/FDM Mission and Vision 3

4 2015-2016 OSES Fiscal and Data Management Webinar Schedule SC Special Education Child Count Reporting – Tables 1 & 3 October 2015 Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Reporting Webinar December 2015 FY 2016 Grant Applications Webinar December 2015 Personnel Reporting – Table 2 January 2016 Outcomes Reporting and the Parent Survey – Table 4, Indicators 8 and 14 February 11, 2016 Disproportionality – Indicators 4, 9, and 10 March 2016 Early Childhood and Timeline Reporting – Indicators 7, 11, and 12 April 2016 Extended School Year (ESY) Reporting Webinar April 2016 Discipline Reporting – Table 5 May 2016 CEIS Reporting – Table 8 September 2016 Note: These are webinar dates, not due dates! All webinars will be held in Blackboard Collaborate. All webinars are recorded and will be available 3-5 business days after the end of the webinar. 4

5 SCDE OSES Reporting Calendar schools/special-education- services/fiscal-and-data- management-fdm/data-collection- and-reporting/2015-2016-south- carolina-idea-data-reporting- calendar/ 5

6 PII and Security Reminder Please do your best to protect student information. Please do not send unencrypted Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of students via email. If you must inquire about a student about an issue, please use State ID only. Never use the student’s name, SSN, or other identifying information in any unencrypted communications. If an issue must be resolved by sending other PII data, always encrypt the data using AxCrypt prior to emailing the data. Never send report submissions with unencrypted PII. Axcrypt: 6

7 Announcements – Research to Practice 2016-2017 OSES Data and Reporting Training Monday, July 11, 2016 Two half-day sessions Morning (8:30AM – 12:00PM) – 8 spots left Afternoon (1:00PM – 4:00PM) – 22 spots left Overview of all indicators and tables required for OSES reporting Priority audience is for Data Managers, Special Education Directors, and support staff who have reported OSES data for two years or less Fiscal and Data Management Team Update Session Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Full-day session (8:30AM – 4:00PM) – 12 spots left This session will cover OSES fiscal and data requirements, the IDEA application, excess cost/MOE, fiscal monitoring, and related fiscal topics Registration is OPEN! Register here: schools/special-education-services/programs-and-initiatives-p- i/research-to-practice-institute/ schools/special-education-services/programs-and-initiatives-p- i/research-to-practice-institute/ 7 Registration closes June 10, 2016

8 Announcements – Indicator 8 2015-2016 Indicator 8 Districts for Parent Survey Barnwell 19 Chester Chesterfield Clarendon 1 Darlington Florence 2 Florence 3 Greenville Greenwood 51 Hampton 1 Kershaw Marlboro Spartanburg 2 Spartanburg 3 8 Webinar: Available on SCDE website (, Special Education Services, Data Collection and Reporting, Indicator 8) Indicator 8 Report Due: June 6-20, 2016

9 Announcements – Training Survey Evaluation of the OSES FDM Training Webinar series Thank you for your feedback! 9

10 TABLE 5 REPORTING OVERVIEW Report Due June 27 – July 11, 2016 Table 5 information in this webinar has been updated using 2015-2016 EdFacts file specifications 10

11 Table 5 – Discipline Report Purpose: Report of children with disabilities subject to disciplinary removal Reporting Formatted spreadsheet submission LEA collection/calculation LEA Data Resources District Student PowerSchool Extract Enrich Who Submits: All districts Submission: Use Table 5 Excel Spreadsheet 11

12 Table 5 – PowerSchool Discipline Data Table 5 data comes from PowerSchool Due to the PowerSchool test servers handling real data, we are not able to hold a live demonstration of pulling the discipline report at this time PowerSchool instructions are located here and-data-management-fdm/data-collection-and-reporting/data- collection-instructions/table-5-discipline/powerschool-table-5- instructions-2014-2015/ and-data-management-fdm/data-collection-and-reporting/data- collection-instructions/table-5-discipline/powerschool-table-5- instructions-2014-2015/ For PowerSchool support, please contact PowerSchool eServices via: Email: Phone: 803-734-0065 12

13 Table 5 – Discipline Report Multiple Disciplinary Categories 1. Unilateral Removals to IAES by School Personnel 2. IAES Removals by a Hearing Officer 3. Out of School Suspensions 4. In School Suspensions 5. Total Disciplinary Removals 6. Expulsions Sections required for each category By Disability By Race/Ethnicity By Gender By Limited English Proficiency (LEP) 13

14 TABLE 5 REPORTING Definitions and Reporting Elements 14

15 Table 5 – Unilateral Removals (School Personnel [1A] or Hearing Officer [2]) Include Children with disabilities ages 3-21 as of the child count date, AND Unilateral removal by school personnel (1A) Instances in which school personnel (not the IEP team) order the removal of children with disabilities (IDEA) from their current educational placement to an appropriate interim alternative educational setting for not more than 45 school days. The IEP team is responsible for determining the interim alternative educational setting. Unilateral removals do not include decisions by the IEP team to change a student’s placement. Removal based on a hearing officer’s determinations (2) Instances in which an impartial hearing officer orders the removal of children with disabilities (IDEA) from their current educational placement to an appropriate alternative educational setting for not more than 45 school days based on the hearing officer’s determination that maintaining the child’s current placement is substantially likely to result in injury to the child or others. The IEP team is responsible for determining the interim alternative educational setting. Exclude Students who were moved from their current educational placement as a result of a decision by the IEP team to change a students’ placement 15

16 Table 5 – Reasons for Unilateral Removals (1B, 1C, and 1D) Include Children with disabilities ages 3-21 as of the child count date, AND Were subject to Unilateral removal by school personnel for drug (1B) or weapon offenses (1C) or serious bodily injury (1D) Instances in which school personnel (not the IEP team) order the removal of children with disabilities from their current educational placement to an appropriate interim alternative educational setting for not more than 45 school days Exclude Students who were moved from their current educational placement as a result of a decision by the IEP team to change a student’s placement 16

17 Table 5 – Unilateral Removal Reason Definitions Dangerous weapon A weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, that is used for, or is readily capable of causing death or serious bodily injury; such a term does not include a pocket knife with a blade of less than 2 ½ inches in length. (18 USC Section 930(g)(2)) Drug offenses The use, possession, sale, or solicitation of drugs as identified in 21 U.S.C. Section 812(c). These offenses do not include the use, possession, sale, or solicitation of alcohol or tobacco. Serious bodily injury A serious bodily injury involves a substantial risk of death; extreme physical pain; protracted and obvious disfigurement; or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ or faculty. (18 USC Section 1365(h)(3)) 17

18 Table 5 – Out-of-School and In-School Suspensions Include Children with disabilities who were ages 3-21 as of the child count, AND Were subject to either out-of-school suspensions or expulsions (3) or in-school suspensions (4) Notes Students who were removed by school personnel for drugs, weapons, or serious bodily injury and were not sent to an interim alternative educational setting should be reported as having been suspended. Include students who are suspended pending an IEP team meeting in which the students’ IEP placements are changed. Exclude Students who were moved from their current educational placement as a result of a decision by the IEP team to change a student’s placement Students who have cumulatively been suspended for less than half a school day Parentally placed private school students 18

19 Table 5 – Out-of-School and In-School Suspensions In-School Suspensions Instances in which a child is temporarily removed from his/her regular classroom(s) for disciplinary purposes but remains under the direct supervision of school personnel. Direct supervision means school personnel are physically in the same location as students under their supervision. Out-of-School Suspensions Instances in which a child is temporarily removed from his/her regular school for disciplinary purposes to another setting (e.g., home, behavior center). This includes both removals in which no IEP services are provided because the removal is 10 days or less as well as removals in which the child continues to receive services according to his/her IEP. Expulsion An action taken by the LEA removing a child from his/her regular school for disciplinary purposes for the remainder of the school year or longer in accordance with local educational agency policy. Include removals resulting from violations of the Gun-Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days. 19

20 Table 5 – Out-of-School and In-School Suspensions How to count cumulative days (3A, 3B, 4A, 4B) Include students who have been suspended for half a day in length or longer Number of children, not incidents 20

21 Table 5 – Disciplinary Removals What is a disciplinary removal? Any instance in which a child with a disability is removed from his/her educational placement for disciplinary purposes, including in–school suspension, out–of–school suspension, expulsion, removal by school personnel to an interim alternative educational setting for drug or weapon offenses or serious bodily injury, and removal by hearing officer for likely injury to the child or others. Key data quality point: 5A – Total removals (Number of incidents, not children) 5B, 5C, and 5D – Number of children, not incidents 21

22 Table 5 – Disciplinary Removals Include Children with disabilities who were age 3-21 as of the child count date, AND Were subject to a disciplinary removal (5A) Exclude Students who have been suspended for less than half a day Parentally placed private school students 22

23 Table 5 – Disciplinary Removals How should counts be reported? (remember, for 5B, 5C, and 5D, report number of children, not incidents) 23 Removal lengthHow to report <0.5 cumulative daysDo not report ≥0.5 cumulative days to <1.5 cumulative days Totaling 1 day (5B) ≥1.5 cumulative days to ≤10.0 cumulative days Totaling 2-10 days (5C) >10 cumulative daysTotaling >10 days (5D)

24 Table 5 – Educational Services during Expulsions Include Those students who were expelled from their regular school for disciplinary purposes, who are: Students in grades K through 12 without disabilities Children with disabilities age 3-21 as of the child count Exclude Parentally-placed private school students 24

25 TABLE 5 REPORTING Completing the Table 5 Discipline Worksheet 25

26 Table 5 – Discipline Worksheet Excel worksheet has 16 tabs Table 5 Directions are on the first tab Similar data cohorts have similar colors Blue – Unilateral removals (pages 1, 5, 9, and 12) Pink – Out-of-school suspensions and In-school suspensions (pages 3, 7, 10, and 13) Orange – Disciplinary Removal (pages 4, 8, 11, and 14) Purple – Expulsion (page 15) Pages 2 and 6 are automatically calculated based on information entered in other fields in the worksheet (DO NOT ENTER data on pages 2 and 6) 26

27 Table 5 – Discipline Worksheet Enter the appropriate data in the yellow shaded areas on each page of the form Please be sure to read the section heading so the data are entered in the correct section Red cells indicate a computational error or an error in reporting race/ethnicity Please make sure there are NO RED CELLS before saving and submitting data Keep an electronic copy for your records Email your workbook as an attachment to (does not need to be encrypted) 27

28 Table 5 – Reporting by Cohort Unilateral removals to an IAES by school personnel Number of Children Number of Removals for Drugs Number of Removals for Weapons Number of Removals for Serious Bodily Injury IAES Removals based on hearing officer determination Number of Children Out of School Suspensions Number of children (10 days or less) Number of children (>10 days) In School Suspensions Number of children (10 days or less) Number of children (> 10 days) Disciplinary Removals Total incidents (NOT total children) Number of children (removals totaling 1 day) Number of children (removals totaling 2-10 days) Number of children (removals totaling > 10 days) Expulsions Received services during expulsion Did not receive services during expulsion 28 Each box above needs to be broken down by disability, race, gender, and ESL (except Page 15, Expulsions)

29 Table 5 – Cohort Example Unilateral removals to an IAES by school personnel Number of Children Number of Removals for Drugs Number of Removals for Weapons Number of Removals for Serious Bodily Injury IAES Removals based on hearing officer determination Number of Children Out of School Suspensions Number of children (10 days or less) Number of children (>10 days) In School Suspensions Number of children (10 days or less) Number of children (> 10 days) Disciplinary Removals Total incidents (NOT total children) Number of children (removals totaling 1 day) Number of children (removals totaling 2-10 days) Number of children (removals totaling > 10 days) 29 25 Of the 25 students in this box, how many were in each? Disability Race Gender ESL

30 Table 5 – Cohort Example Unilateral removals to an IAES by school personnel Number of Children Number of Removals for Drugs Number of Removals for Weapons Number of Removals for Serious Bodily Injury IAES Removals based on hearing officer determination Number of Children Out of School Suspensions Number of children (10 days or less) Number of children (>10 days) In School Suspensions Number of children (10 days or less) Number of children (> 10 days) Disciplinary Removals Total incidents (NOT total children) Number of children (removals totaling 1 day) Number of children (removals totaling 2-10 days) Number of children (removals totaling > 10 days) 30 25 Of the 25 students in this box, how many were in each? Disability Race Gender ESL SLD 12, ID 7, Autism 6; (12+7+6) = 25 African American 10, White 10, Hispanic 5 (10+10+5) = 25 Male 15, Female 10; (15+10) = 25 ESL Yes 4, ESL No 21 (4+21) = 25

31 Table 5 – Cohort Example 31 Disability (Page 3)Race/Ethnicity (Page 7) Gender (Page 10) ESL (Page 13) 25 students match across all pages in the computed totals, and each tables add up to 25 students

32 Table 5 – Cohort Example 32 Disability (Page 3)Race/Ethnicity (Page 7) Gender (Page 10) ESL (Page 13) If a number does not match, then the computed total turns red. This means there is an inconsistency and needs to be corrected. The comparison is made with Section A.

33 Table 5 – Disciplinary Removal Formula Sum of all the number of children with disciplinary removals (5B+5C+5D) should be less than or equal to the sum of (1A+2+3A+3B+4A+4B) 1A = Number of children with unilateral removals to an IAES by school personnel 2 = Number of children with removals to an IAES based on a hearing officer determination 3A = Out of school suspensions (10 days or less) 3B = Out of school suspensions (>10 days) 4A = In school suspensions (10 days or less) 4B = Out of school suspensions (>10 days) 33 (5A + 5B + 5C) <= (1A + 2 + 3A + 3B + 4A + 4B)

34 Table 5 – Disciplinary Removal Formula Unilateral removals to an IAES by school personnel Number of Children Number of Removals for Drugs Number of Removals for Weapons Number of Removals for Serious Bodily Injury IAES Removals based on hearing officer determination Number of Children Out of School Suspensions Number of children (10 days or less) Number of children (>10 days) In School Suspensions Number of children (10 days or less) Number of children (> 10 days) Disciplinary Removals Total incidents (NOT total children) Number of children (removals totaling 1 day) Number of children (removals totaling 2-10 days) Number of children (removals totaling > 10 days) 34 (5A + 5B + 5C) <= (1A + 2 + 3A + 3B + 4A + 4B) 1A 2 3A 3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 5C

35 Table 5 – Reporting by Cohort (Section 6, Page 15) Expulsions (Children with disabilities) Received services during expulsion Did not receive services during expulsion Expulsions (Children without disabilities) Received services during expulsion Did not receive services during expulsion 35

36 Table 5 – Data Entry Considerations If you’ve never done this report before, or have had difficulty in the past: 1. Use slide 15 (reporting cohorts) as a guide to determine the total number of students or incidents that need to go in each box 2. Ensure your total numbers meet the disciplinary removal formula (slides 21 and 22) 3. Once you know the total numbers for each category, break down each number by disability, race/ethnicity, gender, and ESL 4. Fill in the Table 5 spreadsheet 36

37 Table 5 – Data Entry Considerations Check the following The LEA name and date of submission are entered on Section A – Page 1 No missing or invalid values All “-9” values are replaced with the appropriate count or 0 (there should be no “-9” values in the submitted report) No red cells No computation discrepancies Provide any supporting information or clarifications in the “Comments” section if necessary 37

38 Table 5 Demonstration 38

39 Table 5 – Resources Website Resources Website path: > Districts & Schools > Special Education Services > Data Collection and Reporting > Data Collection Instructions > Table 5 – Discipline 15 Table District 5 (File Template for Submission) Other collection forms (DO NOT SUBMIT these to state level) – not required to use these, but may be helpful Template Student Collection form Template District Collection form Table 5 Directions from OSEP (includes definitions of terms used within the report) PowerSchool Table 5 instructions Table 5 – Discipline Q&A OSES Webinar, May 2016 (recording and presentation will be on OSES website) 39

40 Questions? Fred Edora IDEA Part B Data Manager, South Carolina Email: Phone: 803-734-0388 Thank you for joining us today! Don’t forget to fill out the training survey 40

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