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EVALUATION QUESTION 4 By Rhys Funnell. Research ■YouTube ■YouTube was used frequently to view the trailers of British Crime films. I used it mainly to.

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2 Research ■YouTube ■YouTube was used frequently to view the trailers of British Crime films. I used it mainly to view the two main inspirations of our trailer which were Guy Ritchie films ‘Snatch’ and ‘Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ as well as viewing a few other ones to get more ideas and inspiration. ■IMDB ■IMDB was used often to help us gain an understanding of the films and also the kind of characters that featured in the film. Having well known actors to view as well also gave us a good idea of the kind of personalities the characters possessed. ■Varndean Moodle ■Varndean Moodle was used to help us gain access to extra information about British Crime films and also helped us understand the genre and what is stereotypical about them as well so we could understand conventions of the genre and also give us a better understanding of the characterisation. ■BBFC ■BBFC was used to help me understand what film rating our film should be and also helped me to understand what content and features make a film a particular age certification rating. ■DaFont ■DaFont Was used to help us research into fonts that match the crime genre and would be suitable for our trailer the website is helpful as there are so many different fonts and variations that you can choose from which offered a lot of choice to what we wanted. ■Google ■Google was used a lot of times as it was my main search engine to gain access to both images and other websites that offered more information about postmodernism, British crime genre and also the expectations of the genre i.e. the conventions of the genre.

3 Planning documents on google Adobe Premier Pro YouTube ■During the planning process of our film part of the stuff we needed to do was pitch our idea of our trailer to the class. To do this we decided to do a voiceover of us each speaking our own sections of it. We used documents on google to put our pitch together working as a group on the same slide but on different computers and working on our own sections but that we could all see. We recorded our voiceovers using a recorder in the edit suite and once we had done we uploaded all od the voice clips onto Adobe Premier Pro to put all of our clips in and edit together to make it fluent with images from our trailer. After we had completed the editing and we were recorded whilst giving our pitch we then uploaded it to YouTube which was good because this meant it was securely uploaded and we wasn’t going to lose any of our work. ■Google Maps ■Google Maps Was used a lot during our planning process as we used it to find good locations that matched a rural/crime looking environment i.e. spray painted places etc. we used it to view all of our locations and to help us research into the particular locations. ■Google Drive ■Google Drive was used a lot throughout the planning stage so we would all be constantly sharing our work together so we all kept a very good understanding of what was going on so it kept us all up to date and on track with each other.

4 Filming Canon EOS 600D Canon EOS550. ■During our filming stage we used a Canon EOS 600D camera and we also used a Canon EOS550. These cameras were great to shoot with as they shot in HD and also have a good frame rate. They were very easy to keep hold of as well and didn’t create to much of a bother as they are very light therefore meaning we could move them around and from location to location with ease. wheelchairshoulder rig tripod RODEVideomic ■During our filming we used a wheelchair to keep steady tracking shots, a shoulder rig to help stabilise tracking shots where we could follow the action, a jib to capture shots from a high angle or a eagle view, a tripod for stationary shots where we could keep the camera in the same place whenever we needed to and also RODEVideomic to record sounds.

5 Construction - trailer Adobe Premiere Pro. ■After we had done all of our filming and had all of the footage that we needed we uploaded it to the computers in the edit suite and loaded it into Adobe Premiere Pro. This was some very convenient software to use as we were able to put all of our footage onto a timeline and view it all and it is also possible to add in sound clips as well as footage therefore making the editing very good and gave us many more options of things to do. IncompetechBensound ■Whilst editing we needed to find both a soundtrack and a few sound effects to fit our trailer as well as possible some clips included a gun shot for example that we needed to find. However all had to be royalty free which we found by using such websites as Incompetech and Bensound. These offered a lot of variety and many different options to choose from and their searches were very good as it was all categorized therefore making it much easier to find what we wanted and also helped speed up the process. Freesound ■We also used a website called Freesound to help us find some good and helpful sounds which were suitable for our trailer. DaFont ■We also used DaFont to look for fonts that matched our genre of trailer and also fitted well with the trailer. We decided to go with Tequila Sunrise and also Tequila Sunset as we thought as a group it really suited our British crime genre and it looked good with the trailer as well.

6 Construction – ancillary Adobe Photoshop ■In order to create our ancillary products we used Adobe Photoshop. This was very useful to help us edit our shots and make our ancillary products look very good and helped us to make it look good to make it relate back to our trailer. Canon EOS 600D Photoshop ■During the photoshoot we used a Canon EOS 600D camera to take our photos for our posters/magazine covers. The camera was very good and the end result gave us some very good high quality photos to use for our ancillary products. We then uploaded these photos into Photoshop to edit the photos to our liking. GmailQuack ■We used Gmail to send our ancillary products to each other and we also used Quack to upload it to a system where it could be marked by our teacher to get feedback on our products. Twitter ■We used Twitter to make a page dedicated to our film so people could view it over social network and it actually gained a few followers within a few days of it being created as well.

7 Evaluation Zoom H4n Recorder Adobe Premiere Pro ■For question 1 we each used a Zoom H4n Recorder. After recording we were then able to upload it to Adobe Premiere Pro to start editing it together which we used to put our voiceovers over the correct images and matching the slides with what was being spoken about. Microsoft PowerPoint Quack ■For question 2, 3 and 4 I used Microsoft PowerPoint to put all of my work into as an end result. After completing all of these questions I then used Quack to upload my work onto my blog so my teacher could look at my work through that and give me feedback on my evaluation questions and what was good but what could also be improved on.

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